Learning Cycle Two: Motivating and Engaging Students

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Learning Cycle Two

Motivating and Engaging Students

My notes:
Recitation of the
Holy Quran
My notes:
Discuss the role of Reflect on
motivation in engaging ways/strategies to
the learners and motivate and actively
facilitators in the engage the learner in
classroom the classroom.

In this Learning
Cycle, you will..
Distinguish the types of Prepare the presentation
motivation (intrinsic on motivational strategies
and extrinsic) and their according to the age/grade
contribution to level.
engaging the learners.
My notes:
Rules to Remember
My notes:
Today’s Plan

Welcome/ Warm-up


My notes:
Let’s Introduce Ourselves 10 minutes

• Write your name on a piece of paper along with one of the adjectives
that represent you and begin from the first alphabet of your name.
• On your turn, call out your name and the adjective before putting it in
the penholder
My notes:
Introduction K-W-L 10 minutes

On your sheet, individually note down,

• What do you know (K) about the topic ‘motivating and engaging students’.
• What you want/wish (W) to know about the topic ‘motivating and engaging
• The last part of the chart, what you learnt (L) will be filled at the end of the
This activity can be done in the classrooms
to help the learners self-assess their learning
and define the learning objectives and
targets for themselves in the beginning. The
sheet could be used to evaluate the overall
Introduction K-W-L Sheet

K (What I know about the topic) W (What I want to know about the L (What I learned about the topic)

- - -
- - -
- - -
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My notes:
Practice Carousel 40 minutes

• Get together in groups of 4.
• Look at the charts placed on different corners of the room.
• Take a group walk to each chart.
• Read the written question (provided in the following slide), discuss it, and write your group’s
answer on it.
• Once done, move on to the other chart.
• Continue until you are done
discussing and writing the answers
on all the charts.
Practice Carousel
 What do you understand from the term ‘motivation’?

 How would you describe the concepts of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation?

 What is the role of motivation in learning in the classroom?

 How can motivating the students contribute to their active engagement in the classroom?

 What could be some ways to motivate and engage students in the classroom?
My notes:
Practice Group Debate (optional) 20 minutes

• Regroup ourselves in two big groups.
• Discuss the given topic/statement in your group
• Group A will prepare the arguments on the following statement:
Intrinsic motivation (motivation that comes from within an individual) is more
important than extrinsic motivation (motivation that comes from outside factors)
to engage students and teachers in the classroom.
• Group B will prepare the argument on the following statement
Extrinsic motivation (motivation that comes from outside factors) is more
important than intrinsic motivation (motivation that comes from within the
individual) to engage students and teachers in the classroom.

Group Discussion Time Starts Now…

My notes:
20 minutes
Are you ready for the debate?
• Give each group member a number like 1, 2,
3, 4…
• To present the argument, wait for the trainer to
call out the number.
• The participant having the similar number
from each group will present their argument
and counter argument.


Numbered Heads Together is a listening and speaking strategy that involves students working
collaboratively in groups to answer a question posed by the teacher.
My notes:
Time for a Break!!! 10 minutes
10 minutes
My notes:
• While extrinsic motivation is helpful in certain situations, it may eventually lead to
burnout or lose its effectiveness over time. Intrinsic motivation is typically more
effective and long term for completing tasks and achieving goals in a way that
makes one feel fulfilled. 
• Thus, the goal of a teacher should be to extrinsically motivate the students and
encourage them so that they could motivate themselves intrinsically and become
life-long learners.

Extrinsic Motivation
Intrinsic Motivation
Behaviour is driven by external
rewards Engage in a behaviour because it is
Such as grades, praise, fame, personally rewarding, not because
money etc. of external rewards.
My notes:

• Fostering student motivation is a difficult but necessary aspect of teaching that

instructors must consider.
• Many may have led classes where students are engaged, motivated, and excited to learn,
but have also led classes where students are distracted, disinterested, and reluctant to
engage—and, probably, have led classes that are a mix.
• What factors influence students’ motivation? How can instructors promote students’
engagement and motivation to learn?
My notes:
My notes:
Ways to Engage and Motivate Learners

Develop respectful teacher-

Set clear learning goals
students relationship

Get creative with course Reward learners for good

content performance/engagement
My notes:
• Motivational factors vary from individual to individual.
• Also, it constantly changes as the child grows up. Factors motivating the young ones
might not motivate the older students.
• Thus, the motivational strategies planned for the classroom should be well thought out
and should be age-appropriate.
My notes:
Poster Preparation 20 minutes

• Let’s form grade/level specific groups of 5.

• Participants with pre-primary teaching-learning experience sit together in
one group, similarly primary and secondary teachers/trainers to form their
• Discuss and prepare a poster presentation of the motivational
strategies/ideas/tips that could be used in the classroom of your specific
grade level for the teachers to keep the students motivated and increase their
level of engagement.
• The ideas should be age/level appropriate and practically applicable/doable.
My notes:
Poster Presentation and 15 minutes
Gallery Walk
• Present your poster to the participants.
• After the presentations, have a gallery walk in
groups and write your feedback on 2 stars 1 wish
chart placed beside each poster.

2 star and a wish is a feedback technique that involves writing two observations each noting a
positive quality of the work (the two stars) and one suggestion for improvement (the wish).
My notes:
Conclusion 10 minutes

Let’s Conclude…
• Fill the last part of the KWL worksheet
provided to you in the beginning.
• Share your learning with the fellow
My notes:
Your Work Assignment 05 minutes

During the next two weeks:

• Reflect and write which strategies worked well and which did not work
• Think of at least 2 more strategies and apply them in the classroom.
My notes:
My notes:

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