Spell Check and Soundex

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SPELL Checking

SPELL Checking

• A Spell checker is one of the basic tools required for language processing.

• Spell checking involves

– identifying words and non words

– also suggesting the possible alternatives for its correction.

• used in

– Word processing

– Character or text recognition

– Speech recognition and generation.

SPELL Checking
• Most available spell checkers focus on processing
isolated words and do not take into account the
– “Henry sar on the box”
– “Henry at on the box”
Spelling Errors

Three cause of error are:

• Insertion: Insertion of extra letter while typing. E.g.
maximum typed as maxiimum.
• Deletion: A case of a letter missing or not typed in
a word. E.g. netwrk instead of network.
• Substitution: Typing of a letter in place of the
correct one. E.g. intellugence.
Spelling errors may be classified into following types:
• Typographic errors:
– Cause due to mistakes committed while typing.
– E.g. netwrk in place of network.
• Orthographic errors:
– Result due to a lack of comprehension of the concerned language on part of user.
– E.g. arithmatic, wellcome, accomodation.
• Phonetic errors:
– result due to poor cognition on part of listener.
– E.g. the word rough could be spelt as ruff.
– Listen as lisen, piece as peace or peas, reed as read.
Spell checking techniques

Spell checking techniques can be broadly classified into

three categories-
(a)Non-Word error detection:
(b)Isolated-word error correction:
(c)Context dependent error detection and correction:
Spell checking techniques

(a) Non-Word error detection: This process involves the

detection of misspelled words or non-words.
– E.g. the word sopar is a non-word ; its correct form is
super or sober.
– The most commonly used techniques to detect such
errors are the
• N-gram analysis
• Dictionary look-up.
Spell checking techniques
N-Gram Analysis:
•Make use of probabilities of occurrence of N-grams
in a large corpus of text to decide on the error in the
•N-gram to be sequence of letters rather than words.
•Try to predict next letter rather than next words.
•Used in text (handwritten or printed) recognition.
Spell checking techniques
Dictionary look-up
involves the use of an efficient dictionary lookup
coupled with pattern-matching algorithm (such as
hashing technique, Finite state automata), dictionary
portioning schemes and morphological processing
Spell checking techniques
(b) Isolated-word error correction:
– Focus on the correction of an isolated non-words by finding
its nearest and meaningful word and make an attempt to
rectify the error.
– It thus transform the word “soper” into super.
– Isolated word correction may be looked upon as a
combination of three sub-problems
Error detection,
candidate (correct word) generation,
ranking of correct candidates.
Minimum Edit distance technique:
– Wanger[1974] define the minimum edit distance between the
misspelled word and the possible correct candidate
– minimum number of edit operations needed to transform the
misspelled word to the correct candidate.
– Edit operation-insertion, deletion, and substitution of a single
– The minimum number of such operations required to affect the
transformation is commonly known as Levenshtein distance.
(c) Context dependent error detection and
– In addition to detect errors, try to find whether the
corrected word fits in to context of the sentence.
– More complex to implement.
– “Peace comes from within”, “Piece comes from within” ;
first word in both sentence is a correct word.
– This involves correction of real-word errors or those that
result in another valid error.
Sec. 3.4


• Soundex is a phonetic algorithm for indexing names

by sound, as pronounced in English.
• The goal is for homophones to be encoded to the
same representation so that they can be matched
despite minor differences in spelling.

Sec. 3.4

Soundex – typical algorithm

• Turn every token to be indexed into a 4-character

reduced form
• Do the same with query terms
• Build and search an index on the reduced forms
– (when the query calls for a soundex match)

Sec. 3.4

Soundex – typical algorithm

1. Retain the first letter of the word.
2. Change all occurrences of the following letters to '0' (zero):
  'A', E', 'I', 'O', 'U', 'H', 'W', 'Y'.
3. Change letters to digits as follows:
• B, F, P, V  1
• C, G, J, K, Q, S, X, Z  2
• D,T  3
• L4
• M, N  5
• R6

Sec. 3.4

Soundex continued
4. Remove all pairs of consecutive digits.
5. Remove all zeros from the resulting string.
6. Pad the resulting string with trailing zeros and
return the first four positions, which will be of the
form <uppercase letter> <digit> <digit> <digit>.

E.g., Herman becomes H655.

Will hermann generate the same code? 17

Word Soundex code

Grate, Great

Network, network

Henry, Henary



• Soundex code for some words:
Word Soundex code
Grate, Great G630
Network, network N362
Henry, Henary H560
Torn T650
Worn W650
Horn H650

• Used to measure similarity of two words.

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