13-Dependency Grammar-03-09-2024
13-Dependency Grammar-03-09-2024
13-Dependency Grammar-03-09-2024
• For example,
A sentence includes a subject and a predicate where the subject is a noun phrase
and the predicate is a verb phrase. Take a look at the following sentence:
“The dog (noun phrase) went away (verb phrase).”
Syntactic Analysis
• Syntactic analysis is concerned with the construction of sentences.
• Syntactic structure indicates how the words are related to each other.
Syntactic Ambiguity
• Syntactic ambiguity is about confusion in how words are grouped together in a
sentence. The same words can be put together in different ways to mean different
For example, a sentence could be confusing, and you might not know if a word is
describing a noun before it or after it.
Example: The phrase “I saw the man with a telescope,” which could mean that
the observer used a telescope to see the man or that the man had a telescope.
Syntactic Ambiguity
Syntactic Ambiguity
• Syntactic analysis or parsing may be defined as the process of analyzing the strings
of symbols in natural language conforming to the rules of formal grammar.
• The origin of the word ‘parsing’ is from Latin word ‘pars’ which means ‘part’.
Concept of Parser :
• It is used to implement the task of parsing. It may be defined as the software
component designed for taking input data (text) and giving structural
representation of the input after checking for correct syntax as per formal
• It also builds a data structure generally in the form of parse tree or abstract
syntax tree or other hierarchical structure.
Types of Parsing
Top-down Parsing
• In this kind of parsing, the parser starts constructing the parse tree from the start
symbol and then tries to transform the start symbol to the input.
• The most common form of topdown parsing uses recursive procedure to process
the input.
• The main disadvantage of recursive descent parsing is backtracking.
Bottom-up Parsing
• In this kind of parsing, the parser starts with the input symbol and tries to
construct the parser tree up to the start symbol.
Context Free Grammar
• A Context Free Grammar (CFG) consists of set of rules (productions) that groups
and organise the words and lexicons in a language.
• CFG is a type of formal grammar that can represent complex relations and can be
efficiently implemented.
• CFG also called as Phrase-Structure Grammar which follows Backus-Naur Form (BNF).
• Mathematically, CFG is defined as four tuple (T, N, S, R).
An example context-free grammar
Role of CFG in language processing
Application of grammar rewrite rules
Parse tree
CFG and evaluation
Chomsky Normal Form (CNF)
Chomsky Normal Form Conversion
CFN to CNF Conversion: Example
Issues with Context-Free Grammar (CFG)-Based Parsing
• Some limitations that can make parsing complex languages
challenging or inefficient:
1. Ambiguity:
– Multiple parse trees: A CFG can generate multiple parse trees for a
given input string, leading to ambiguity in the interpretation of the
– Semantic disambiguation: Resolving ambiguity often requires
semantic information or context-dependent rules, which are beyond
the scope of CFGs
2. Context Sensitivity:
– Context-dependent rules: Some languages require context-dependent
rules to be parsed correctly, which CFGs cannot directly handle.
– Workarounds: While techniques like left factoring and semantic
actions can be used to address some context-sensitive aspects, they
have limitations.
Issues with Context-Free Grammar (CFG)-Based Parsing
3. Left Recursion:
– Infinite loops: Left-recursive rules can cause infinite loops during
parsing, leading to non-termination.
– Efficiency issues: Even if termination is guaranteed, left recursion can
significantly impact parsing efficiency.
– Transformations: To avoid left recursion, CFGs often need to be
transformed, which can introduce complexity.
4. Efficiency:
– Exponential time: In the worst case, CFG parsing can have exponential
time complexity, making it impractical for large inputs or complex
– Parsing techniques: While techniques like LL(k) and LR(k) parsing can
improve efficiency, they still have limitations.
Issues with Context-Free Grammar (CFG)-Based Parsing
Example: Ambiguity in CFG Parsing
Consider the CFG:
Input string: “the dog chased the cat with the bone”
• This input string can be parsed in two different ways:
This example illustrates the common issue of ambiguity in CFG parsing, where a
single input string can have multiple valid parse trees, leading to different
interpretations. 24
Example: Ambiguity in CFG Parsing
In Parse 1, "with the bone" modifies "dog". In Parse 2, "with the bone" modifies "chased".
Both parses are syntactically correct, but the semantic interpretations are different.
Shallow parsing
• Shallow parsing, also known as syntactic chunking or tokenization, is a
technique in Natural Language Processing (NLP) that involves identifying
the grammatical structure of a sentence at a basic level.
• Unlike deep parsing, which aims to analyze the entire syntactic structure
of a sentence (producing a full parse tree), shallow parsing provides a
more focused, yet less detailed analysis.
• Shallow parsing focuses on identifying phrases (noun phrases, verb
phrases, prepositional phrases, etc.) without delving into the
relationships between them.
Shallow parsing
Sentence: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Top-Down Shallow Parsing Example
Sentence: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Parsing Process:
1.Start with the start symbol: S (sentence).
2.Expand the start symbol: S -> NP VP.
3.Expand the NP (noun phrase): S -> Det N VP.
4.Expand the Det (determiner): S -> the N VP.
5.Expand the N (noun): S -> the quick N VP.
6.Expand the N (noun): S -> the quick brown N VP.
7.Expand the N (noun): S -> the quick brown fox VP.
8.Expand the VP (verb phrase): S -> the quick brown fox V NP.
9.Expand the V (verb): S -> the quick brown fox jumps NP.
10.Expand the NP (noun phrase): S -> the quick brown fox jumps Det N.
11.Expand the Det (determiner): S -> the quick brown fox jumps the N.
12.Expand the N (noun): S -> the quick brown fox jumps the lazy N.
13.Expand the N (noun): S -> the quick brown fox jumps the lazy dog.
Top-Down Shallow Parsing Example
Sentence: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
"The cat chased the mouse."
Applications of Shallow Parsing
Text Summarization
•Extractive summarization: Selecting the most important sentences or phrases from a
•Abstractive summarization: Generating a new summary that captures the main ideas of
the original text.
Question Answering
•Question understanding: Analyzing the syntactic structure of a question to determine
its intent.
•Answer retrieval: Finding relevant information from a knowledge base or document.