Report in Multigrade

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Making Use of

Outside Help -
Outline of the Discussion
The Link between the School and
What is the meaning of community Community: What is the Teachers'
resources in the educational context? Role? Benefits of Community Resources
1 3 5

2 4 6

Things to be mindful about

Why is there a need for community What are the examples of
when having community
resources in Multigrade Classrooms? Community Resources?
What is the meaning
of community
resources in the
educational context?
Community Resources
 The term “community resources ”
covers a wide range of things that can
potentially help the students. It can be
material or non-material form.
 This could be anything as long as it
provides assistance or service to the
school community.
Why is there a need for
community resources in
Multigrade Classrooms?
 According to Brown (2010) “a multi-grade classroom is a
single class that contains two or more grade levels”
 Mathot (2001) identifes inadequate resources as a reason for
resorting to multi-grade classrooms. This includes lack of
physical resources such as adequate number and sizes of
 Based on the preceeding assertion, multi-grade classrooms
are usually formed due to lack of resources. Thus, it needs as
much support and resources it could get to improve the
teaching and learning process and that includes the
community resources.
The Community and
the School System
What is the Teachers Role?
In many situations, multigrade teachers,
because of their training and position,
assume an important position in the local
community. This is the case, not only in the
eyes of the pupils, but also from the
parents' perspective. Thus, the multigrade
teacher is the critical link between the
school and its community.
What are the examples
of community
resources ?
Community Resources can be a textbook flooded with
information and experiences for learning. Teachers can act
as a facilitator and make the most of the resources and
provide students with the opportunity to maximize their
knowledge. By involving the community , it would kindle
an innate curioisity about a topic and broaden the horizons
of students.

The list below are just few examples of how community

resources can assist students in their development.
1. Parent's Support
 The school is part of the community and the school is extablished to
serve the children of the community. Some parents in the community
may not have had much schooling, but they have experiences, and
many have skills that can be relevant to the curriculum.
 Ways to involve the parents includes; organizing parent- teacher
meeting, establish good relationships and be willing to cooperate
with parents and the entire community and ask the community to
identify the parents who are capable and willing to help.
2. Interviewing locals of the community
 Incorporating interviews gives students a chance to learn
first-hand about a local person's experience with topics
such as what they went through during a historic moment
that occured during their lifetime.
 This creates a powerful connection between the
assignment and the community, promoting diverse
perspectives and illustrating the power of listening to
other's stories.
3. Invite a professional to lead a workshop
 Inviting local professionals to share a bit of their knowledge
and experience show students how their lessons have real
world uses. One example includes bringing a farmer to talk
about pesticides and organic produce.
 Students can prepare questions, engage in hands-on activities
with the proffesional, and come away feeling excited about the
experience they've had while still learning all of the required
material. It also shows them there are adults in the community
who are eager to help them and hear their ideas and questions.
4. Community Services
 Community Services may entail programs like clean-up drives
and eco-friendly initiatives.
 It build the skills of the students as they get an opportunity to
interact with a multicultural crowd.
 In this way, the prespectives of the students are widen and a
sense of responsibility is instilled to them. As a community
service, students can plant trees and improve the aesthethics of
the community, hence building a healthier environment.
5. Field Trips
 It can unfold new learning experiences for the students.
Unlike a classroom learning environment, field trip
would unveil a sea of learning opportunities for them.
These trips can spark new interest in students and they
may lay bare different values and traditions before
Benefits of Community Resources
 Help the teachers access assistance and expand their
range of outlets of support to meet the needs of the
 Provide students with real-life opportunities for
 Helps promote social cohesion within communities.
 Community may act as a strong support system
especially for Multigrade classrooms.
Things to Be Mindful about when having
Community Resources
✓ Recognize that parents and other members of the local
community have their own work. Do not always expect
them to be available when you need them.
✓ Plan ahead. Develop a good communication system.
Remind those who promised to help.
✓ Always make arrangements in advance if you need the
community's help.
✓ Show appreciation and encourangement. Always thank
them for their help.
Prepared by:

Ma. Lyka Olavario Rachelle Ann Principe

BEEd 2-1 BEEd 2-1

Special thanks to all the people who made and released these
awesome resources for free:
✓ Brown BA 2010. Multigrade Teaching: A review of
issues, trends and practices. Implications for Teacher
Education in South Africa. Johannesburg, South Africa:
Center for Education Policy Development (CEPD)
✓ Matthot GB 2001. A handbook for teachers of Multi-
grade classes (Vol.1)> Paris, France: UNESCO

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