Communication Arts (MA) : Admission
Communication Arts (MA) : Admission
Communication Arts (MA) : Admission
• Refine oral, visual and written communication skills and Office of Admission
understand the importance of language, media and the arts Webster University
in the communication process. 470 E. Lockwood Ave.
• Develop sound instructional and assessment strategies as St. Louis, MO 63119
they create curriculum based on understanding of research,
theory and practice in content areas such as language, Completed application files will be reviewed by the Graduate
literature, reading, writing, media literacy and the visual and Department of Education.
performing arts.
• Promote creative thought and expression through leadership Advancement to Candidacy
in schools and communities. Automatic Advancement to Candidacy based on 12 credit hours of
• Develop skills and strategies to respond to diversity in 3.0 GPA graduate level communication arts courses.
schools and communities.
• Students use a variety of technological and information
resources to gather and synthesize information to create and
communicate knowledge.
All communication arts majors, regardless of the emphasis
chosen, take the following required courses:
The 33 credit hours required for the degree must include the 15
credit hours of required courses and 18 credit hours of electives.