Lesson 3

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A principle is a proposition or
value that is a guide for

What is
behavior or evaluation.
In law, it is a rule that has to be

or usually is to be followed, or
can be desirably followed, or is
an inevitable consequence of
something, such as the laws
observed in nature or the way
that a system is constructed .
• It serves as the foundation for a system of
belief or behavior or for a chain of
• It is morally correct behavior and attitudes.
• In counseling, its practitioners are guided
by the Basic Principles of Counseling
• that serve as their reference and basis of
their actions, behavior and in decision
Basic Principles of

Principles of Learning
the presence of the learning
elements in the entire process
are accepted and recognized.
Principles of Acceptance
the counselors show positive Principles of
regards and accepts the Permissiveness
client irrespective of who developing optimism
she/he is.
through professional
The client should be given
due regards to relationship allows
his./her rights. freedom of choice and
Principle of Respect for the
Individual Principle of
This is an attitude, which portrays Thinking with the
the belief
that every person is a worthy being
It is the role of the
that is competent to decide what he
or she really counselor to put
wants, has the potential for growth, him/herself in the
and has the abilities to achieve what shoes of the counselee
he or she in order to analyze
really wants from life. his/her thoughts,
roles and
functions of
Seeks to identify the Considers as the core activity
characteristics and through which other activities
potential of every client; become meaningful. It is a
client–centered process that
promotes the client’s self-
demand confidentiality.
understanding and assisting Relationship is established
counselors to understand between counselor and client.
the client better.
Groups are means of providing
organized and planned
Counselors are called
assistance to individuals for an on to provide career
array of needs. Counselor planning and
provides assistance through
adjustment assistance
group counseling and group
guidance to clients.
FOLLOW-UP It is the practice of
A service of school helping the clients find
counseling programs
needed expert
with emphasis one
assistance that the
educational placements
in course and programs referring counselor
cannot provide
It is necessary to advance
It is the process of
the profession of
helping a client through counseling; it can provide
a third party or helping empirically based data
system improve its relevant to the ultimate goal
of implementing effective
service to its client.
ACCOUNTABILITY This includes promotion
Evaluation is a means of
assessing the effectiveness of of mental health through
counselor’s activities. primary prevention using
Accountability is an outgrowth a social – psychological
of demand that schools and perspective.
other tax-supported institutions
be held accountable for their
QUIZ: 1 whole yellow pad
Direction: Identify the roles and
functions of counselors in each
situation. Write the correct
answer on the space provided.

1. The counselor keeps and updates a Student’s Individual Inventory for reference purposes  

2. It happens when the counselor’s clients is a friend or relative or when he/she redirects the client to an  
appropriate person or agency

3. The counselor is involved in helping an individual to find ways to work through and understand their  
4. When the client is not able to understand himself and the world of work in order to make career,  
educational, and life decisions, the counselor can act as career coach and employ a solution-based
5. Collaboration with others like parents, teachers, school administrators in the implementation and  
strengthening of guidance programs and services

6. The counselor gives an annual evaluation form to  

assess the strengths and weakness of his
programs and services

7. The counselor ascertains the changes in occupational interests of students and assists them in making  
8. The main focus of counselors is the on the anticipation and avoidance of conflicts or problems for those  
facing stress in the future, e.g. test anxiety

9. Meeting with a group of individuals whom all face similar concerns  

10. Counselors utilizes evidence-based approach to counseling

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