Poultr Y Raising
Poultr Y Raising
Poultr Y Raising
N: Poultry farming is the form
of animal husbandry which
raises domesticated birds
such as chickens, ducks,
turkeys and geese to produce
meat or eggs for food.
Poultry – mostly chickens –
are farmed in great numbers.
Chickens raised
for eggs are
known as layers,
while chickens
raised for meat are
called broilers.
They are heavy breeds
2. ASIATIC that are feather legged
and lay brown eggs,
They are friendly and
docile. They are
wonderful pet type
chickens if you are
looking for a chicken
that will like to come
up and enjoy some
3. These breeds
CONTINENTAL originated in Belgium,
France, Germany, and
the Netherlands. They
are known to often be
full of energy. The
Salmon Faveoli is one
exception, as it is a
little more laid back.
They are unlikely to
This class contains
4. ENGLISH different breeds that
originate from
Australia and the
United Kingdom. The
Orpington’s are a
great breed to pick if
you are looking to
find a hen that goes
broody and has great
5. Originated in Italy
MEDITERRANEA and Spain, these
N breeds are very
productive layers
of white eggs. They
can be flighty and
will not likely want
to sit in your lap
These breeds
S are still
wonderful but
do not
otherwise fit
1. 2. 3.
Exotic Pullorum-
influenz Newcastle Typhoid
a (AI) Disease (PT)
is a respiratory disease of
1. Avian birds. AI viruses can infect
influenza (AI) chickens, turkeys,
pheasants, quail, ducks,
geese, and guinea.
AI viruses can be
classified into low
pathogenic and highly
pathogenic based on the
severity of the illness they
a. Low Most AI strains are
Pathogenic classified as LPAI and
Avian Influenza cause few clinical signs
(LPAI): in infected birds. Birds
with LPAI may appear
healthy and without
signs of sickness.
b. Highly
Pathogenic This is a very
Avian Influenza infectious and
(HPAI)AI): fatal form of the
disease that, once
established, can
spread rapidly
from bird to bird.
AI viruses spread
How AI primarily by direct
Is contact between
Spread: healthy and infected
birds through
respiratory secretions
and faces. The disease
can spread through:
-Contaminated poultry
equipment (such as cages
and vehicles, and people
whose clothing or shoes
have come into contact
with the virus.
-Direct bird-to-bird
HPAI viruses can remain
Survival viable at moderate
Period of the temperatures for several
AI Virus weeks in the environment
and can survive
indefinitely in frozen
material. The virus can be
killed by dehydration or
-Decreased egg production
and/or soft-shelled
Clinical signs - Lack of energy and appetite
of HPAI: -Purple discoloration of the
wattles, combs, and legs
-Nasal discharge, coughing,
and sneezing
Is a contagious and fatal
viral disease that affects
2. Exotic all bird species. It is one
Newcastle of the most infectious
Disease poultry diseases in the
(END) : world. END is so deadly
that many birds die
without showing any
signs of disease.
The virus that causes END
Survival can survive in a warm and
Period of the humid environment for
several weeks. This
END Virus: environment could be birds’
feathers, manure, and other
materials. Frozen, the virus
can survive for extremely
long periods. However, it is
destroyed quickly by
dehydration or sunlight.
Clinical -Sneezing, gasping for air, nasal
Signs of discharge, coughing
ENDf the -Greenish, watery diarrhea
-Drooping wings, twisting of head
END Virus: and neck Decreased egg production
and/or soft-shelled
Lack of energy and appetite
-Purple discoloration of the wattles,
combs, and legs
Bacteria are host-adapted, with
all types of fowl being
3. Pullorum- vulnerable to infection.
Typhoid Chickens are especially
(PT) susceptible to pullorum-typhoid
disease. Both hens and roosters
can carry the bacteria,
oftentimes doing so without
showing any outward sign of
-Primarily transmitted
How PT from hen to young
Spreads: hatchlings directly
through the egg.
-Can also be transmitted
through the digestive and
respiratory secretions of
infected birds
Pullorum-typhoid bacteria can
Survival live in birds or eggs for more
Period of than a few weeks in the
PT: appropriate temperatures. The
bacteria can be inactivated in
extreme freezing temperatures
and killed in extreme heat.
Broiler Starter
It is the initial feed for
(0-10 days) broiler chickens and it is
given to broiler chicks
from age 0 day to 10 days
The diet must contain
maximum quality proteins
and energy sources.
Broiler Starter In starter feed, the
(0-10 days)
crude protein level is
high (21-22% CP)
and the metabolize
energy level is low
(3000 Kcal/kg ME).
Broiler Starter
(0-10 days) Crude fibber content is low
(4-5% CF) because chicks
can’t digest fibber very
well. The starter feed must
contain supplements and
essential minerals and
Broiler Grower
(11-25 days) The broiler grower feed
is given to broiler
chickens at an early
phase of the growth
period i.e. 11-25 days of
age. In this phase of
Broiler Grower
(11-25 days) the diet must contain
balanced crude protein
(19-20% CP) and
metabolize energy (3050
Kcal/kg ME) with fairly
low fibber content (7-8%
From the -A broiler will consume
above chart, approximately 1.2 kg of
it could be feed (broiler starter +
deduced grower) from week 1 to
week 3.
that: -A broiler will weigh about
1.52 kg at the end of week
From the -A broiler chicken will eat
about 8.6 kg of feed
above chart, (broiler finisher) from
it could be week 4 to week 9.
deduced that: -A broiler will have an
average body weight of
4.65 kg at the end of week
Assess your personal Evaluation
knowledge of the
different classes of
broilers by giving a
simple definition or
function using the table
below. Put your answers
on the space provided.
Thank You!
“To be yourself in a world
that is constantly trying to
make you something else is
the greatest accomplishment.”
–Ralph Waldo Emerson