Chapter 2 - PPT
Chapter 2 - PPT
Chapter 2 - PPT
Alternative Approaches to
What is Meant by a Scientific
• Scientific research focuses on an organized,
systematic, data-based, critical, objective
inquiry into a specific problem that needs a
• It follows a step by step process.
• The findings are given with accuracy and
• Scientific Approach applies to both applied and
basic research.
• Sometimes, following scientific approach
becomes challenging so researchers/managers
use hunches/guess to solve problems.
The Hallmarks of Scientific Research
• The Hallmarks or main distinguishing
characteristics of scientific research may be listed as
1. Purposiveness 5. Precision
2. Rigor 6. Objectivity
3. Testability 7. Generalizability
4. Replicability 8. Parsimony
The Hallmarks of Scientific Research
We will explain each of these characteristics in
the context of
the following example:
- Quantitatative data
- Qualitative data
Data Analysis
• In this step, the data gathered are statistically
analyzed to see if the hypotheses that were
generated have been supported.