Project and Finance Management - 1MEHS409: Dr. L. Y. Waghmode
Project and Finance Management - 1MEHS409: Dr. L. Y. Waghmode
Project and Finance Management - 1MEHS409: Dr. L. Y. Waghmode
Dr. L. Y. Waghmode
Therefore, Planning is necessary for effective and efficient functioning of every organization
irrespective of its size, type and objectives.
Steps in Planning Process
1. Objectives :
Objectives may be defined as the goals which an organization tries to achieve.
Objectives are the ends towards which the activities of the enterprise are aimed.
Objectives provide direction to various activities and serve as benchmark of measuring
the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization.
2. Strategies :
A strategy is a special kind of plan formulated to meet the challenge of the policies of
the competitors.
Strategy can be shaped by the general forces operating in an industry and the
The strategy must be consistent with external environment
3. Policies :
Policies may be described as plans which are meant to serve as broad guidelines to
decision making in a firm.
Policies exist at various levels of the enterprise.
Types of Plans
3. Policies :
A policy should be definite, positive and clear.
A policy is a standing plan which assist decision making and should be referred as a
general statement of the established rule.
For example – A firm has a policy of promotion from within the organization. If a
vacancy arises; the first preference is given to existing employees.
4. Procedure :
Procedure lays down the manner or method by which work is to be performed in a
standard and uniform way.
Procedure is a standing plan acting as a means of implementing a policy.
For Example –Sales department lays down a policy to execute all orders within 48 hours.
So a procedure has to be followed in a chronological and systematic order to fulfill the
Types of Plans
5. Programmes :
Programmes are precise plans which need to be made to discharge a non –repetitive task.
The essential ingredient of every programme are time phasing and budgeting.
Specific dates should be laid down for the completion of each successive stage of a
For Example :
An enterprise has a programme of opening 5 branches in different parts of a country so they
have to allocate funds and time period for :
a)Securing the necessary accommodation
b) Recruiting personnel to manage business
c) Arrange the supply of goods that are to be sold through the branches.
Often a single step in a programme is set up as a project.
Types of Plans
6. Rules :
Rules are an explicit statement that tells the members of the organization what they can or
cannot do.
Rules do not allow any room for interpretation because it clearly specifies the action
needed to be done in a particular situation.
Rules enforce discipline. For e.g. - Use of Mobile Phone at workplace during office hours is
7. Budgets :
Budgets are plans for future period of time containing statements of expected results in
numerical terms. Budgets are very useful for an enterprise.
Being expressed in numerical terms, they facilitate comparison of actual results with
planned ones and serve as a control devise.
The important budgets are sales budget, production budget, cash budget, Revenue –
Expense Budget.
After planning the next function of management is organizing.
Organizing involves division of work among people whose efforts must be coordinated to
achieve specific objectives and to implement pre-determined strategies.
It is the backbone of management.
After the objectives of an enterprise are determined and the plan is prepared, the next step in
the management process is to organize the activities of the enterprise.
According to Louis Allen "Organizing is the process of identifying and grouping the work to be
performed defining and delegating responsibility and authority, and establishing relationships for
the purpose of enabling people to work most effectively together in accomplishing objectives."
According to the Haiimann "Organizing is the process of defining and growing the activities of the
enterprise and establishing authority relationships among them.
• Functional structure
• Divisional Structure
Organization Structure
Functional structure
Organization Structure
Functional structure
This type of organization structure is formed by grouping together all activities into
functional department and putting each department under one head.
Functional structure leads to specialization.
It promotes efficiency and results in increased profits.
Its suitable to organization where operations require high degree of specialization .
A steel manufacturing Company has divided its structure into Manufacturing, Finance,
Marketing Personnel, Research and Development, as it has diversified activities and its
operation require a high degree of specialization.
Organization Structure
Divisional structure
Organization Structure
Divisional structure
Large Companies often find it to operate as one large unit under a functional organizational
The size of the company makes it difficult for managers to oversee operations and screen
To overcome this problem, most large companies are now structured as divisional
Each division functions relatively autonomously because it contains most of the functional
expertise under each unit.
Division can be formed according to product, customers, processes or geographical division.
Example: Samsung has multiproduct based division Each Product division has its own
Manufacturing, Research and Development, Marketing, Finance departments.
Types of Organization
1. Formal organization
• Formal organization refers to a structure which is consciously designed to enable people of the
organization to the work together in accomplishing the common objectives.
• It is predetermined by top management to facilitate smooth functioning of the organization.
• The authority responsibility relationship created by the organization structure are to be
followed by all the employees in the organization.
• It is created as result of Company’s rules and policies.
2. Informal Organisation
• Informal Organisation refers to the relationship between the people in the organization based
on personal likes, dislikes, emotions, attitude etc.
• These relationship are not in terms of procedure and regulation laid down in the formal
• These groups are not preplanned, they develop automatically within the organization.
• The membership in informal organization is voluntary. It originates as a result of social
• A manager alone cannot perform all the tasks assigned to him. In order to meet the targets, the
manager should delegate authority.
• Delegation of Authority means division of authority and powers downwards to the subordinate.
• Delegation is about entrusting someone else to do parts of your job.
• Delegation of authority can be defined as subdivision and sub-allocation of powers to the
subordinates in order to achieve effective results.
• In management, delegation is the act of assigning tasks to team members in a department or
project team.
• Often, these are tasks that the manager might have performed when the team was smaller or had
fewer obligations.
• As teams grow and assume greater responsibilities, effective managers assign some of their tasks
to members of their team, which allows them to focus on management responsibilities, like
training and performance reviews.
Through delegation, a manager is able to divide the work and allocate it to the subordinates.
This helps in reducing his work load so that he can work on important areas such as -
planning, business analysis etc.
With the reduction of load on superior, he can concentrate his energy on important and
critical issues of concern. This way he is able to bring effectiveness in his work as well in the
work unit. This effectively helps a manager to prove his ability and skills in the best manner.
Delegation of authority in a way gives enough room and space to the subordinates to flourish
their abilities and skill.
Delegation of authority is not only helpful to the subordinates but it also helps the managers
to develop their talents and skills. Since the manager get enough time through delegation to
concentrate on important issues, their decision-making gets strong and in a way they can
flourish the talents which are required in a manager.
Elements of Delegation
Authority - in context of a business organization, authority can be defined as the power and right
of a person to use and allocate the resources efficiently, to take decisions and to give orders so as
to achieve the organizational objectives.
Authority must be well-defined. All people who have the authority should know what is the scope
of their authority is and they shouldn’t misutilize it. Authority is the right to give commands,
orders and get the things done. The top level management has greatest authority.
Authority always flows from top to bottom.
It explains how a superior gets work done from his subordinate by clearly explaining what is
expected of him and how he should go about it.
Authority should be accompanied with an equal amount of responsibility.
Delegating the authority to someone else doesn’t imply escaping from accountability.
Accountability still rest with the person having the utmost authority.
Elements of Delegation
Responsibility - is the duty of the person to complete the task assigned to him. A person who is
given the responsibility should ensure that he accomplishes the tasks assigned to him. If the tasks
for which he was held responsible are not completed, then he should not give explanations or
excuses. Responsibility without adequate authority leads to discontent and dissatisfaction among
the person.
Responsibility flows from bottom to top.
The middle level and lower level management holds more responsibility.
The person held responsible for a job is answerable for it.
If he performs the tasks assigned as expected, he is bound for praises.
While if he doesn’t accomplish tasks assigned as expected, then also he is answerable for
Delegation of Authority
Elements of Delegation
• Accountability - means giving explanations for any variance in the actual performance from
the expectations set.
• Accountability can not be delegated. For example, if ’A’ is given a task with sufficient
authority, and ’A’ delegates this task to B and asks him to ensure that task is done well,
responsibility rest with ’B’, but accountability still rest with ’A’.
• The top level management is most accountable. Being accountable means being innovative as
the person will think beyond his scope of job. Accountability, in short, means being
answerable for the end result. Accountability can’t be escaped. It arises from responsibility.
For achieving delegation, a manager has to work in a system and has to perform following
steps : -
Assignment of tasks and duties
Granting of authority
Creating responsibility and accountability
Differences between Authority and Responsibility
According to Koontz and O’Donnell, “Staffing involves manning the organization structure
through proper and effective selection appraisal and development of personal to fill the roles
designed into the structure.”
Importance of Staffing
There are various benefits of proper and efficient staffing.
1. Helps in finding efficient worker:
Staffing helps in discovering talented and competent workers and develops them to work more
efficiently for achievement of organizational goals.
2. Helps in increased Productivity:
Staffing ensures greater production by putting right man at the right job.
It helps in improved organizational productivity through proper selection according to
3. Maintains Harmony:
Staffing maintains harmony in the organization.
Through proper staffing, individuals are not just recruited and selected but their performance
is regularly appraised and promotions are done.
This gives everyone an equal opportunity for getting better compensation which finally results
in peace and harmony.
Importance of Staffing
There are various benefits of proper and efficient staffing.
2. Recruitment:
Once the requirement of manpower is known, the process of recruitment starts.
It is the process of identifying the sources for prospective candidates and to stimulate
them to apply for the jobs.
It is a positive process as it attracts suitable candidates to apply for available jobs.
The process of recruitment and the cost involved in it depends on the size of the
undertaking and the type of persons to be recruited.
The sources of recruitment can be
a) Internal sources (recruitment from within the enterprise)
b) External Sources(recruitment from outside)
Steps involved in Staffing Process:
3. Selection:
The process of selection leads to employment of persons who possess the ability and
qualifications to perform the jobs which have fallen vacant in the organization.
Selection is frequently described as a negative process as it eliminates all the candidates
those who do not match up to the requirements of the job offered.
As the employees are placed in the jobs for which they are best suited, they derive
maximum job satisfaction reducing the labor turnover and increasing the overall efficiency
of the organization.
The candidates have to go through the whole selection process of an organization i.e.
interviews, tests, medical examination etc.
Steps involved in Staffing Process:
4. Placement:
The candidate selected for appointment are to be offered specific jobs.
A personnel should be placed on a position where there is full use of his strength and
Proper placement reduces absenteeism and turnover.
5. Induction and Orientation:
Induction is the process of familiarizing a new employee to the new workplace,
surroundings, company’s rule and regulations.
Induction programme is generally informal in case of small organization.
But in large organization the orientation or induction is carried on formally so that the
new employee develops a favorable attitude towards the company
Steps involved in Staffing Process:
6. Training and Development:
Training is an organized activity for increasing the knowledge and skills of people for a
definite purpose.
Its purpose is to achieve a change in the behavior of the employees and to enable them to
do their jobs better.
The initiative for training usually comes from the management. Development emphasizes
on growth of an individual.
It’s a continuous process Development helps in overall growth of the employee.
7. Performance Appraisal:
It refers to all the formal procedures used in an organization to evaluate the employees
and their contributions.
It also reveals as to how efficiently the subordinate is performing his job and to know his
aptitudes and other qualities necessary for performing the job assigned to him.
Steps involved in Staffing Process:
8. Promotion and Transfers:
Promotion refers to being placed at a higher job position with more salary, job satisfaction and
On the basis of feedback report of employees performance they are given promotion and
other opportunities.
Transfer means shifting of an employees from one job to another or one department to other.
Transfer may take place due to change in organization structure or changes in the volume of
9. Compensation:
Compensation of employees for their services is an important responsibility of any
Every organization must offer good wages, pay, salary and other rewards to attract and retain
talented employees.
Compensation to workers will vary depending upon the nature of jobs, skills required, risk
involved, nature of work etc.
Controlling is seeing that actual performance is guided towards expected performance.
All other functions of management cannot be completed effectively without performance of the
control function.
It implies measurement of accomplishment against the standards and correction of deviation, if
any, to ensure achievement of organizational goals.
The efficient system of control helps to predict deviation before they actually occur.
Controlling ensures that there is effective and efficient utilization of organizational resources so as
to achieve the organizational goals.
According to Theo Haiimann "Controlling is the process of checking whether or not proper progress is
being made towards the objectives and goals and acting if necessary, to correct any deviation.”
• A good control system provides timely information to the manager which is very much useful
for taking various decisions.
• The road signals at a road crossing illustrates the significance of control.
• Road signals are necessary to ensure accident free and smooth traffic management.
• Controls are essential in any organization for its smooth functioning.
5. Facilitates motivation:
A control system is most effective when it motivates people to high performance.
Since most people respond to a challenge, successfully meeting a tough standard may
provide a greater sense of accomplishment.
2) Measurement of Performance
• This step involves measuring of actual performance of various individuals, group or units.
• Measurement of tangible standards is easy as it can be expressed in quantitative terms.
• Frequency of measurement depends on the nature of task being controlled Qualitative.
Controlling Process
3) Comparison of Actual and Standard Performance
• Comparison of actual performance with the planned targets is very important.
• Deviations can be defined as the gap between actual performance and the standards laid
• The manager has to find out extent of deviation and cause of deviation.
• The manager has to exercise control by exception.
• He has to target those deviation which are critical and important for business.
4) Taking remedial action
• Once the causes and extent of deviation are known, the manager has to detect those
errors and take remedial measures so that these deviations don’t occur again.
• Remedial or corrective actions can be replanning of standards, classification of duties,
training of workers etc.