Pine Design

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Topic one
Topic two
Agenda Topic three
Topic four
Topic five

S A M P L E T E X T 2
With PowerPoint, you can create presentations and share your work with
others, wherever they are. Type the text you want here to get started. You
can also add images, art, and videos on this template. Save to OneDrive
and access your presentations from your computer, tablet, or phone.

S A M P L E T E X T 3
Topic one Subtitle

Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4

Item 1 4.5 2.3 1.7 5.0

Item 2 3.2 5.1 4.4 3.0

Item 3 2.1 1.7 2.5 2.8

Item 4 4.5 2.2 1.7 7.0

S A M P L E T E X T 5
The way to get started is to quit talking and begin
Walt Disney

S A M P L E T E X T 6

Name Name Name Name

Title Title Title Title

S A M P L E T E X T 7
If you don’t see the Notes pane or
During your presentation, the it is completely minimized, click
To start a presentation, go to the speaker notes are visible on your Notes on the task bar across the
Slide Show tab, and select From monitor, but aren't visible to the bottom of the PowerPoint
Beginning. audience.  window. 

Title Title

Title Title Title

To display Presenter view, in The Notes pane is a box that
Slide Show view, on the control appears below each slide. Tap it
bar at the bottom left select the to add notes. 
three dots, and then Show
Presenter View.

S A M P L E T E X T 8


• Add text, images, art, and videos. • Open the Design Ideas pane for
• Add transitions, animations, and instant slide makeovers.
motion. • When we have design ideas, we’ll
• Save to OneDrive, to get to your show them to you right there.
presentations from your computer,
tablet, or phone.

S A M P L E T E X T 9
Additional content


• Add text, images, art, • Open the Design Ideas • This PowerPoint theme
and videos. pane for instant slide uses its own unique set
makeovers. of colors, fonts, and
• Add transitions,
effects to create the
animations, and motion. • When we have design
overall look and feel of
ideas, we’ll show them
• Save to OneDrive, to these slides.
to you right there.
get to your • PowerPoint has tons of
presentations from your themes to give your
computer, tablet, or presentation just the
phone. right personality.

S A M P L E T E X T 10
With PowerPoint, you can create
presentations and share your work with
others, wherever they are. Type the text
you want here to get started. You can
also add images, art, and videos on this
template. Save to OneDrive and access
your presentations from your computer,
tablet, or phone.

S A M P L E T E X T 11
Thank you

Presenter name
Email address

S A M P L E T E X T 12

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