Learning - Pre Assignment
Learning - Pre Assignment
Learning - Pre Assignment
Learning tips help students to perform (4) Determine the focus you want to boost with it
(vocabulary, grammar, etc).
activities more easily. You can find tips
(or strategies) to approach listening, (5) Provide students with tips that do facilitate the
grammar, reading, writing or vocabulary process you want to focus on.
activities. (6) Do not make the presentation and use of the
tip unnecessarily complex.
Remember that the learning tip you use in
successfully. It is not just an isolated class (8) Model the tip and involve students in this
activity! presentation.
Global Skills in use
(1) Explore the attached resources and identify which
Global Skills you can add to your class.
(2) Consider the lesson, its content, and the
for example, can communicate and (5) Provide the necessary tools to enhance the Global
Skill you want to approach.
collaborate when it comes to a game. Later on,
as adults, they can communicate and (6) Model the skill and remember to involve students in
collaborate with other colleagues and complete, the process.
say, a task at work. (7) Plan involving the Global Skill by means of a
communicative activity linked to the core topic of the
Global skills are those abilities we learn and class.
help us continue learning through our life-time.
(8) Recycle these skills on a constant basis so they are
They go beyond the classroom, and so they can
properly internalized.
impact our students meaningfully, as well.
Flipped learning
(1) Create the habit of assigning, checking and
using flipped activities in class.
While most of our learning / teaching experience has (3) Analyze and anticipate those areas that can be
depended on teacher-led instruction, Flipped Learning
has steadily become a new approach involving students flipped, in order to optimize your session.
in the instruction time itself.
(4) Be mindful of class time when planning an in-
Adapting Flipped Learning in our classes derives into a class flipped activity, and your students' time
flexible environment in which the learning culture drifts
when assigning a flipped activity for home.
away from teacher-centered instruction.
Also, focus on intentional content is evident, as teachers (5) Make sure there is understanding of the
can develop specific topics in class and have students difference between homework and flipped
explore others on their own. This gives the teacher the activities.
role of a professional educator in charge of observation,
feedback and assessment on their students' performance.
Time to Test Observe the following scenarios.
Yourself What TGF category do they belong to?
Tips Students are assigned a set of expressions to politely discuss a social problem in class
and come up with a possible solution.
The teacher prepares a grammar activity to take place in class using different stations.
In it, students rotate and have access to controlled, semi controlled and free practice
Global activities for 8 minutes each.
The teacher identifies a mispronounced word in class and takes some minutes to
Skills provide students with a tool to remember the correct pronunciation and apply it in
the future.
Students are taken to one of the Black History Month art mediations. As an outcome,
Flipped they debate the importance of race awareness and racism.
Learning In class, the teacher plans and explains a set of steps to make a reading activity more