Eee225 02

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Measurement and

Types of Instruments
• The action of all ammeters and voltmeters, except those of the electrostatic variety, depends upon a deflecting torque
produced by an electric current.

• In an ammeter this torque is produced by the current to be measured, or by a definite fraction of it. In a voltmeter it is
produced by a current that is proportional to the voltage to be measured. Hence both voltmeters and ammeters are essentially
current measuring devices.

• The essential requirements of a measuring instrument are (a) that its introduction into the circuit where measurements are to
be made, should not alter the circuit conditions, and (b) the power consumed by it be small.

• The following types of instrument are mainly used as ammeters and voltmeters.
1. PMMC Of these, PMMC type can be used for dc measurements only,
2. Moving Iron induction type for ac measurements only.
3. Electrodynamometer The other types can be used for both dc and ac measurements.
4. Hot wire The moving coil and moving iron types depend upon the magnitude effect of
5. Thermocouple current. The latter is the most commonly used form of indicating instrument, as
6. Induction type well as the cheapest. It can be used for both ac and dc measurements and is very
7. Electrostatic accurate, if properly designed.
8. Rectifier
The PMMC instrument is the most accurate type for dc measurement. Instrument of this type are
frequently constructed to have substandard accuracy.
• The calibration of the electrodynamometer type of instrument is the same for ac and dc. The same situation prevails for
thermal instruments. These are particularly suitable for ac measurements, since their deflection depends directly upon the
heating effect of the ac, i.e. upon the rms value of the current. Their readings are therefore independent of the frequency.

• Electrostatic instruments used as voltmeters have the advantage that their power consumption is exceedingly small. They can
be made to cover a large range of voltage and can be constructed to have sub-standard accuracy.

• The induction principle is most generally used for Watt-hour meters. This principle is not preferred for use in ammeters and
voltmeters because of the comparatively high cost and inaccuracy of the instrument.

Basic Meter Movement/D’Arsonval galvanometer

• The action of the most commonly dc meter is based on the fundamental principle
of the motor. The motor action is produced by the flow of a small current through a
moving coil, which is positioned in the field of a permanent magnet. This basic
moving coil system is often called the
D’Arsonval galvanometer

• The arrangement consists of a coil which is wound over an iron core (spindle).
• This spindle is place between the two poles of a horse shoe magnet
• A pointer is attached to the spindle that can sweep over the calibrated scale

D’Arsonval principle
Operation of D’Arsonval Movement
When current passes through the spindle, the magnetic field produced by a current passing through the coil reacts with the
magnetic field of the permanent magnet, producing a torque, or twisting force that causes the spindle to rotate. When the
spindle rotates, it moves a pointer making it sweep over the calibrated scale. The spring produce a restoring torque. When this
restoring torque becomes equal to the excitation torque, the pointer comes to rest.
The rotational movement of the spindle is proportional to the supply (D.C) Current.

Permanent Magnetic Moving Coil Movement

In this instrument, we have a coil suspended in the magnetic field of a permanent magnet in the shape of a horse-shoe. The coil
is suspended so that it can rotate freely in the magnetic field. When current flows in the coil, the developed (electromagnetic)
torque causes the coil to rotate. The electromagnetic (EM) torque is counterbalanced by a mechanical torque of control springs
attached to the movable coil. The balance of torques, and therefore the angular position of the movable coil is indicated by a
pointer against a fixed reference called a scale.

The equation for the developed torque, derived from the basic law for electromagnetic torque is = B x A x I x N
where t = torque, Newton-meter
• The equation shows that the developed torque is proportional to the flux
B = flux density in the air gap, Wb/m2
density of the field in which the coil rotates, the current coil constants (area and
A = effective coil area (m2)
number of turns). Since both flux density and coil constants are fixed for a given
N = number of turns of wire of the coil
instrument, the developed torque is a direct indication of the current in the coil.
I = current in the movable coil (amperes)
The pointer deflection can therefore be used to measure current
A moving coil instrument has the following data. A moving coil instrument has the following data
Number of turns = 100 No. of turns = 100
Width of the coil = 20 mm Width of the coil = 20 mm
Depth of the coil = 30 mm Depth of the coil = 30 mm
Flux density in the gap = 0.1 Wb/m2 Flux density in the gap = 0.1 Wb/m2
Calculate the deflecting torque when carrying a current of 10 mA. Also The deflection torque = 30 x 10–6 Nm
calculate the deflection, if the control spring constant is 2 x 10–6 Nm/degree Calculate the current through the moving coil.
1. They can be modified with the help of shunts and resistance to cover a wide range of currents
and voltages.
2. They display no hystersis.
3. Since operating fields of such instruments are very strong, they are not significantly affected
by stray magnetic fields.

1. Some errors may set in due to ageing of control springs and the permanent magnet.
2. Friction due to jewel-pivot suspension.
Measurement of current by DC ammeter
The PMMC galvanometer constitutes the basic movement of a dc ammeter. Since the coil winding of a basic movement is small
and light, it can carry only very small currents. When large currents are to be measured, it is necessary to bypass a major part of
the current through a resistance called a shunt, as shown in the Figure. The resistance of shunt can be calculated using
conventional circuit analysis.

Referring to Figure,
Rm = internal resistance of the movement.
Ish = shunt current
Im = full scale deflection current of the movement
I = full scale current of the ammeter + shunt (i.e. total current)

Basic dc Ammeter
A 1 mA meter movement with an internal resistance of 100 Ώ is to be converted into a 0 – 100 mA. Calculate the value of shunt
resistance required.

A 100 μA meter movement with an internal resistance of 500 Ώ is to be used in a 0 – 100 mA Ammeter. Find the value of the
required shunt.
• The shunt resistance used with a basic movement may consist of a length of constant
temperature resistance wire within the case of the instrument. Alternatively, there may be an
external (manganin or constantan) shunt having very low resistance.
The general requirements of a shunt are as follows.
1. The temperature coefficients of the shunt and instrument should be low and nearly identical.
2. The resistance of the shunt should not vary with time.
3. It should carry the current without excessive temperature rise.
4. It should have a low thermal emf.
Manganin is usually used as a shunt for dc instruments, since it gives a low value of thermal emf
with copper.

Constantan is a useful material for ac circuits, since it’s comparatively high thermal emf, being
unidirectional, is ineffective on the these circuits.

Shunt for low current are enclosed in the meter casing, while for currents above 200 A, they are
mounted separately
Multi range Ammeters
The current range of the dc ammeter may be further extended by a number of shunts, selected by a range switch. Such a meter
is called a multi range ammeter, shown in Figure. The circuit has four shunts R1, R2, R3 and R4, which can be placed in parallel
with the movement to give four different current ranges.

Switch S is a multi position switch, (having low contact resistance and high current carrying capacity, since its contacts are in
series with low resistance shunts). Make before break type switch is used for range changing. This switch protects the meter
movement from being damaged without a shunt during range changing.

If we use an ordinary switch for range changing, the meter does not have any shunt in parallel while the range is being changed,
and hence full current passes through the meter movement, damaging the movement. Hence a make before break type switch is
used. The switch is so designed that when the switch position is changed, it makes contact with the next terminal (range) before
breaking contact with the previous terminal. Therefore the meter movement is never left unprotected. Multi-range ammeters are
used for ranges up to 50A. When using a multi-range ammeter, first use the highest current range, then decrease the range
until good upscale reading is obtained. The resistance used for the various ranges are of very high precision values, hence the
cost of the meter increases.
A 1 mA meter movement having an internal resistance of 100 ohms is used to convert into a multi-range ammeter having the
range 0–10 mA, 0–20 mA and 0–50 mA. Determine the value of the shunt resistance required.
Design a multi-range ammeter with range of 0–1 A, 5 A and 10 A employing individual shunt in each A D’Arsonval movement with
an internal resistance of 500 ohms and a full scale deflection of 10 mA is available;
The Aryton Shunt or Universal Shunt
The Aryton shunt eliminates the possibility of having the meter in the circuit without a shunt. This advantage is gained at the
price of slightly higher overall resistance. Figure shows a circuit of an Aryton shunt ammeter. In this circuit,

when the switch is in position “1”, resistance Ra is in parallel with the series combination of Rb, Rc and the meter movement.
Hence the current through the shunt is more than the current through the meter movement, thereby protecting the meter
movement and reducing its sensitivity.

If the switch is connected to position “2”, resistance Ra and Rb are together in parallel with the series combination of Rc and
the meter movement. Now the current through the meter is more than the current through the shunt resistance.

If the switch is connected to position “3” Ra, Rb and Rc are together in parallel with the meter. Hence maximum current flows
through the meter movement and very little through the shunt. This increases the sensitivity.
Requirements of a Shunt
The type of material that should be used to join the shunts should have two main properties.
1. Minimum Thermo Dielectric Voltage Drop : Soldering of joint should not cause a voltage drop.

2. Solderability : Resistance of different sizes and values must be soldered with minimum change in value.

The following precautions should be observed when using an ammeter for

1. Never connect an ammeter across a source of emf. Because of its low resistance it would draw a high current and
destroy the movement. Always connect an ammeter in series with a load capable of limiting the current.

2. Observe the correct polarity. Reverse polarity causes the meter to deflect against the mechanical stopper, which
may damage the pointer.

3. When using a multirange meter, first use the highest current range, then decrease the current range until
substantial deflection is obtained. To increase the accuracy use the range that will give a reading as near full scale as
The range of an ammeter can be extended to measure high current values by using external shunts connected to the basic meter
movement (usually the lowest current range), as given in Figure.

Note that the range of the basic meter movement cannot be lowered. (For example,

if a 100 mA movement with 100 scale division is used to measure 1 mA,

the meter will deflect by only one division. Hence ranges lower than the basic
range are not practically possible.)
• Thermocouples consists of a junction of two dissimilar wires or metals, so chosen that a
voltage is generated by heating the junction. The output of a thermocouple is delivered to a
sensitive dc micro ammeter. (Calibration is made with dc or with a low frequency, such as 50
cycles, and applies for all frequencies for which the skin effect in the heater is not appreciable.
Thermocouple instruments are the standard means for measuring current at radio
frequencies.) The generation of dc voltage by heating the junction is called thermoelectric
action and the device is called a thermocouple.
• It’s a kind of temperature sensor that is used to measure temperature at one specific point in
the form of EMF or Electric current.

Temperature measurement by thermocouples are associated with three major effects.

• The Seebeck Effect: This states that a very small current will flow in a closed circuit composed
of two dissimilar metallic conductors when their junctions are kept at different temperatures.

• The Peltier Effect: This states that when an electric current flow through a junction of two
dissimilar metals, heat is liberated or absorbed depending on the direction of the current flow.

• The Thomson Effect: This states that if an electric current flows along a single conductor while
a temperature gradient exists in the conductor, an energy interaction takes place in which
power is either absorbed or dissipated, depending on the relative direction of the current and
the gradient.

• When two dissimilar metals are connected to form two junctions and are subjected to
different temperatures, an electric current flows through it. This combination of two dissimilar
metals is known as a thermocouple.
A OPERATION When one end of the rod is heated, the atoms at
the hot end will be excited and allow it electrons
to be transferred easily to the cold end (heat
transfer) as a result of temperature gradient. The
cold end has more electrons than the hot end.
Since electrons are negatively charged, there will
be a slightly negative and positive charged ends
and thus a voltage potential can be measured.
If a thermocouple is constructed from two wires of
the same material and heat is applied at the hot B
end, there will be electron buildup at the cold ends
but in equal amount in each wire. Both wires will
conduct heat equally and the temperature gradient
will be the same (zero) and thus the voltmeter
reading is zero(will not measure any difference) as
shown in fig C

When two wires of different materials are connected to form the
thermocouple instrument, they will conduct heat differently resulting in
different temperature gradient. the electron buildup at the cold end will
be different and therefore a voltmeter can measure the difference in
potential as shown in fig B . The instrument is calibrated such that any
voltage measured maps to an equivalent temperature.
• Thermocouple heaters operate so close to the burnout point under normal conditions, that they can withstand only small
overloads without damage, commonly up to 50%. This is one of the limitations of the thermocouple instrument.

• (Commonly used metal combinations are copper-constantan, iron-constantan,chromel-constantan, chromel-alumel, and

platinum-rhodium. Tables are available that show the voltages produced by each of the various metal combination at specific
Limitations of Thermocouple
1. Heaters can stand only small overload.

2. A rise in temperature (higher operating temperatures) causes a change in the resistance of the

3. Presence of harmonics changes meter reading, because the heating effect is proportional to
the square of current

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