Introduction To Industrial Security Concepts
Introduction To Industrial Security Concepts
Introduction To Industrial Security Concepts
- Concerned with the protection and defense of life, assets and processes
against attack, espionage and interference by utilizing various methods
and devices.
- Later, it was renamed “Jimenez Security Agency”, founded by brothers Juan and Pedro Jimenez.
- RA 5487 was passed on 13 June 1969 through the continuous lobbying of the incorporators and
officers of PADPAO, which set the standards and minimum requirements for the operation of
security agencies
- PD 11 was passed on 3 October 1972, widening the coverage of RA 5487 to include security guards
employed in logging concessions, agricultural, mining and pasture lands
- PD 100 was issued on 17 January 1973, broadening the coverage of the security industry to include
employees of the national or local government or any agency who are employed to watch or secure
government buildings and properties.
Types of Security Measures for an Effective Defense Against Crimes:
2. Relative Vulnerability
– The susceptibility of the plant or establishment to damage, loss or
disruption of operation due to various hazards.
Theft and Pilferage
Theft is the taking away of another’s personal property with intent to
gain, and without the consent of the owner.
Psychological Explanations on Thefts
The Psychological need (kleptomania)- is an irresistible urge to steal
items of trivial value , People with this disorder are compelled to steal
things, generally but not limited to, objects of little or no significant
The Criminal Tendency – an individual with such tendency may be
more tempted to steal if security controls are inadequate or non-existent.
Signs or Symptoms Shown by Thieves in the Workplace
2. Systematic Pilferer
– One who steals with perceived plans and takes away any or all types
of items or supplies for economic gain.
Common Methods of Pilferage :
3) Towers – A house-like structures above the perimeter barriers. It gives the psychological
effects to violators.
4) Protection in Depth
– In large open areas or ground where fencing or walling is impratical
and expensive, warning signs should be conspicuously placed. The depth
is protection, reduction of access roads and sufficient notice to warn
intruders should be done. Use of animal guards and intrusion devices can
also be done.
5) Clear Zones
– Un obstructed area maintain on both sides of the perimeter barrier. A
clear zone of 20 feet or more is desirable between the barrier and
extension structures and natural covers which may provide concealment
or assistance to a person seeking unauthorized entry.
6) Signs and Notices
– Control signs should be erected where necessary in the management of
unauthorized ingress and preclude accidental entry. It includes I.D.,
prohibitions and exclusive area signs.
2. Building Exteriors (2nd Line of Defense)
Walls, Doors, Windows- Windows below 18 feet must be grilled, Roof
Openings, Fire Escapes- Maximum of 100 feet
3. Interior Controls (3rd Line of defense)
ID System, Entry/Exit of employees, visitor, suppliers, customers and their vehicles.
Visitor, Property Movement, and Vehicle Control
1) A visitor is any person not regularly employed in a plant or concern. Strict precautions are
taken with visitor against pilferage, sabotage and other crimes. Plant visitors may and they can
be suppliers, promoters, collectors, customers, government inspectors, contractors, job-seekers,
group visitors, guided tours etc.
2) Passes or badge may be issued to visitors indicating area to be visited and escort
requirements. Likewise movement of packages should be controlled, closely inspecting all
incoming and outgoing packages, with inspection to vehicles. Trucks have been found to have
special components, items placed inside the spare tire, tool boxes, and even in fake gasoline
The Pass/Badge System
- Similar to continuous lightning but it turned on manually or by special
devise or other automatic means, when there is a suspicion of entry.
Movable Lightning
- Consist of stationary or portable, manually operated search lights which
may be lighted continuously during hours of darkness or only as needed,
and usually supplementary to either of the stationary luminary and stand
by lightning.
Emergency Lightning
- A stand-by lightning which can be utilized in the vent of electrical
failure, either due to local equipment or commercial power failure.
Protective Alarms
Alarm is an aural or visual signal given by the annunciator to security when
intruder actuates device in protected at area. An annunciator is a visual or
audible signaling device, which initiates conditions of associated circuits.
Basically, alarm systems are designed to alert security personnel to
consummated or attempted intrusion into an area, building, or compound.
Each type of alarm is activated in the event that an intruder tampers with
the circuitry, a beam, or radiated waves: intrusion alarm can be electrical,
mechanical, or electronic. Alarms are also fire, smoke, or other emergencies
and presence of other hazards.
Types of Protective Alarm
1) Central Station System
- Several separate compounds tie their alarm system to central station so
that in case of need, the central station calls for assistance to the police,
fire department, hospital or with other government assisting units.
2) Propriety System
- Similar to the central station type except that the propriety console is
located inside the subscriber’s installation who owns or bases the system.
3) Auxiliary System
- An installation-owned system which is direct extension of the local
enforcement agency and/or fire department by special arrangements.
4) Local Alarm System
- Consists of rigging up a visual or audible alarm near the object to be
protected. In case of alarm, response will be made by the local guards
and other personnel within sight or hearing.
Operation of Intrusion Alarm System
1) Breaking an electrical circuit ( Metallic fore or wire )- In a building
or compound, all possible points of entry can be wired by using
electrically charged strips of t wire. Any action that will move the foil or
wire breaks the circuit and activate the alarm.
2) Interruption of a light beam ( photoelectric or electric eye)
- This system uses a photoelectric-cell or the “Electric Eye” which
operates on the principal of light of rays. In this system an invisible light
beam is transmitted to a special receiver. An infra-red filter over the light
source makes the beam invisible to intruders.
3) Detection of sound and vibration (audio detection device)
- This can be utilized effectively to safeguard enclosed area such as vaults,
safes, storage bins, file rooms, warehouses and similar enclosures.
Supersensitive tiny microphones are embedded in the walls, ceilings and
floors of the enclosure to be protected by sound vibrations. These
microphones distributed evenly can detect sound or vibrations of sound
caused by attempts to force entry into the protected area.
Space and motion detection (vibration detection device)
– This system derived their operating principle usually from a physical
phenomenon known as “ Doppler Effect”. Constant sound waves in
cubicle disturbed by an object will cause change of frequent and wave
motion thereby causing an alarm to trigger.
Electronic/Electromagnetic fence (microwave motion detection)
– An electronic fence consisting of 3 to 5 strands of wire spaced from 9 to 24 inches
above one another which serves as antenna, a monitor panel, and an electric
circuitry. When power is put on, an electro-magnetic field is set among the wires
from the top to the ground. An intruder about 2 fee from this field will trigger an
alarm. This system is suggested to be located inside the chain-link fencing to
minimize nuisance alarms caused by animals, debris blown by the wind etc.
Protective Locks and Key Control
Lock is defined as mechanical, electrical, Hydraulic, or electronic device
designed to prevent entry to building, room, container, or hiding place.
General Groups of Locks
1. Warded Lock
– The underlying principle is the incorporation of wards or obstructions
inside the lock to prohibit a key from operating the bolt unless the key
has corresponding notches cut in it that it will pass the words.
2. Lever Tumble Lock
– Each lever hinges on a fixed point and is held against a stop by the
pressure of flat spring.
– A portable and detachable lock having a pivoted or sliding hasp which
possess through a staple ring, or the like and is made fast or secured.
Combination Locks
– A lock that requires manipulation of parts according to a predetermined
combination code of numbers or letters.
Coded Lock
- A type of lock that can be opened by inserting a coded card in a slot in
the lock, or by pushing the correct buttons on the surface of the lock.
Electronic Lock
– Type of lock that can be closed and opened remotely by electronic
Key Control Defined
Key Control is being defined as the management of keys in a plant or
business organization to prevent unauthorized individual access to the
Master Key
– A special key capable of opening a series of locks. This key is capable
of opening less number of locks than the grand master
Maison Keying
– The issue of key to open the main entrance and the office
Dry-pipe system
– The pipes are filled with air under pressures which holds the water at a value
located room. When sprinklers head goes into operation, air is released trapping the
dry pipe valve and allowing water to flow through the system.
Fire Pump
Fire pump is a mechanical device of supplying water which can be
manual or motor-driven. These pumps are ideal when natural supplies of
water are readily available like a river, lake or stream.
Stand Pipes
Stand Pipes are G.I. steel or plastic pipes located inside a building from the lowest to the top
floor with water under pressure for use in case of fire. Located near a standpipe is a fire hose
usually enclosed in glass box handy for use. In case of fire, the hose is screwed into the
standpipe can come form a storage tank at the roof or from a series of water pumps.
Fire Hydrant
Fire Hydrant is a mechanical device strategically located in an installation or street where
a fire hose is connected so that water with pressure will be available to extinguished a fire.
Fire Extinguisher
Fire Extinguisher is a fire fighting equipment which can be portable or in
a cart that is used to put out fire depending on the contents to extinguish
certain types of fire as class A to D. this is the most important and useful
piece of fire fighting equipment in plant, building or facilities.
Classes of fire
1) Class A Fires
– Results from burning of woods, paper, textiles and other carbonaceous materials.
Extinguishments of this type is by quenching and cooling, Extinguisher which have
water sand, acid, foam and the special solution of alkalai methyl dust, as found in
the load stream extinguisher, should be use for this type of fire.
2) Class B Fires
– Those caused by flammable liquids like kerosene, gasoline, benzene, oil
products, alcohol and other hydrocarbon derivations. This type is put out and
controlled by foam, load stream, carbon dioxide, dry chemical and vaporizing
liquid. If water is used, it might even spread the flame, explosion may ensure.
3) Class C Fires
– Those which start in live electrical wire, equipment, motors, electrical
appliances, and telephone switchboards. The extinguisher that should be used
for such fires are carbon dioxide, dry chemical and vaporizing liquid, as the
soda type can even electrocute the extinguisher holder. In case of fires, source
of electricity should be cut off.
4) Class D fires
- The result of combustion of certain metals in firely divided forms. These
metals can be magnesium, potassium, powder aluminum, zinc, sodium,
titanium, lithium, and zirconium. This type of fire can be put out by G.I Type
meth LX, Lith X, meth L KYL, dry sands.
Use of fire Extinguisher
1) Soda Acid (Class A Fire)
- It is carried to fire by top handle. Operate by turning extinguishers upside
down. Don’t invert until ready to see. Aim stream at base of flame working
around the edge. Soak to prevent rekindling.
2) Carbon DioxideCO2 (Class B, C Fire)
– Operates by squeezing handle or trigger or turning wheel to discharge gas and
snow. When using, keep hands on horn, gets cold, be ready for a “ROAR” its
normal. Avoid close blasting on liquid fires. Attack fire at base of flame, moving
discharge horn slowly back and forth in sweeping motion. Continue after fire is
out; prevent flare up
3) Dry Chemical-Multi-Purpose (Class A,B,C Fires )
– Operates same as the dry chemical type above. Coat class A
combustible thoroughly. DO not mix with dry chemical designed only
for class B and C fires.
2) It Provides background investigation services both potential and present employees, for
possible assignment to a sensitive position
2) Class 2.
– Commercial money safes designed for robbery and burglary protection
3) Class 3.
– Security cabinets designed to meet specifications for safeguarding
classification materials.
Some Test for Safe’s Fire Resistance
1) Fire Endurance Test
- A safe should not have at any one time a temperature above 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
2) Must have at least ten (10) years experience in the operation and
management of security business
Numbers of Security Personnel to be Maintained to Secure Regular
License to Operate
1) Private Security Agencies – A minimum of two hundred (200) and a
maximum of one thousand (1000)
2) Company Security Force – A minimum of thirty (30) and a maximum of
one thousand (1000)
Use of Firearms and Equipment by Private Security Agency
Types of Firearms the PSA can possess
1) Shotguns not higher than 12 gauge
2) Low power rifles and revolvers such as: .22 caliber; .38 caliber pistols or
revolvers not exceeding one (1) firearm for every two (2) security guards in its
Numbers of Firearms the PSA can possess
1) For 100 guards, an initial number of at least 30 licensed firearms
2) For regular licensed (200 guards) at least 70 pieces of licensed
3) Use of firearm by Private Detective Agency is optional.
Confiscation of Firearms of Security Guard
1) When the firearm is about to be used in the commission of a crime
2) When the firearm is actually being used in the commission of a crime
3) When the firearm has just been used in the commission of a crime
4) When the firearm being carried is unlicensed or a firearm not authorized by law and
regulation for its use
5) When the confiscation of the firearm is directed by the order of the court
6) When the firearm is used or carried outside the property, compound or
establishment serviced by the agency without proper authority
7) When the security guard does not possess any license to exercise his profession
Revocation of License to Possess Firearms
1) Failure to submit any issued firearm for verification
2) Carrying of firearms by security personnel without appropriate Duty
Detailed Order (DDO)
3) When the firearm serial number has been duplicated on another firearm or
using one firearm license for more than one firearm other than those stipulated
in the license.
4) Carrying of firearms outside of the place stated in the permit
5) Conviction of the operator or manager of the agency of any crime involving
moral turpitude
6) When the firearm was reported lost
Security Personnel Ranks, Positions, Staffing Pattern and Job
A. Security Management Staff
1. Security Director (SD) – Agency manager/chief security officer –
responsible for the entire operation and administration/management of the
security agency. Directly responsible to the agency operator/owner/Board of
2. Security Executive Director (SED) – Asst. Agency manager/asst. chief
security officer – automatically the security executive director, assist the
agency security director and take the operational and administrative
management when the manager is absent.
3. Security Staff Director (SSD)
– Staff director for operation and staff director for administration – the staff
director for operation is the staff assistant of the security manager for the
efficient operation of the agency. It includes the responsibility to canvass
clientele and the implementation of contract and agreement. He is also
responsible for the conduct of investigation and training; while the staff
director for administration is the staff assistant of the agency manager for the
effective and efficient administration and management of the agency. He is
responsible for the professionalization of the personnel,
procurement/recruitment, confirming of awards, mobility and issuance of
Security Guard
1. Security Guard 1 – Watchman/Guard Person posted as watchman and/or
2. Security Guard 2 – Shift In-Charge – Responsible for the security
officers who are scheduled in a certain shift for a particular period.
3. Security Guard 3 – Post In-Charge – Responsible for the entire detailed
security office with a certain establishment
Security Consultant – Optional but must possess all qualification.
Note: Security agency operator/manager/owner can put its own staffing
pattern provided it is consistent with the provision of IR of R.A. 5487.
The Security Guard Force
Is a group of forces of men selected, trained and/or grouped into a
functional unit for the purpose of protecting operational processes from
disruptions which would impede efficiency or halt operations at a
particular plant, facility, installation or special activity.
Types of Guard Forces:
1. Company Guard Forces – Proprietary or in-house security