01 - Investment Setting
01 - Investment Setting
01 - Investment Setting
Chapter 1
The Investment Setting
Questions to be answered:
Why do individuals invest ?
What is an investment ?
How do we measure the rate of return on an
investment ?
How do investors measure risk related to
alternative investments ?
Chapter 1
The Investment Setting
What factors contribute to the rates of return
that investors require on alternative
investments ?
What macroeconomic and microeconomic
factors contribute to changes in the required
rate of return for individual investments and
investments in general ?
Why Do Individuals Invest ?
Arithmetic Mean
Measures of
Historical Rates of Return
Geometric Mean
A Portfolio of Investments
The mean historical rate of return
for a portfolio of investments is
measured as the weighted average
of the HPYs for the individual
investments in the portfolio.
Computation of Holding
Period Yield for a Portfolio Exhibit 1.1
Expected Rates of Return
Risk is uncertainty that an
investment will earn its expected
rate of return
Probability is the likelihood of an
Expected Rates of Return
Risk Aversion
The assumption that most investors
will choose the least risky
alternative, all else being equal and
that they will not accept additional
risk unless they are compensated in
the form of higher return
Probability Distributions
Exhibit 1.2
Risk-free Investment
Probability Distributions
Exhibit 1.3
Assumes no inflation.
Assumes no uncertainty about
future cash flows.
Influenced by time preference for
consumption of income and
investment opportunities in the
Adjusting For Inflation 1.12
Real RFR =
Nominal Risk-Free Rate
Dependent upon
Conditions in the Capital Markets
Expected Rate of Inflation
Adjusting For Inflation 1.11
Nominal RFR =
(1+Real RFR) x (1+Expected Rate of Inflation) - 1
Facets of Fundamental Risk
Business risk
Financial risk
Liquidity risk
Exchange rate risk
Country risk
Business Risk
Changes in the Required Rate of Return
Due to Movements Along the SML
Exhibit 1.8
Changes in the Slope of the SML
Expected Return
Capital Market Conditions,
Expected Inflation, and the SML
Exhibit 1.11
Expected Return
The Internet
Investments Online
www.financecenter.com www.ft.com
www.investorama.com www.fortune.com
www.moneyadvisor.com www.money.com
www.investorguide.com www.forbes.com
www.finweb.com www.worth.com
www.aaii.org www.barrons.com
End of Chapter