Types of Innovation
Product Planning and Development Process
Innovation refers to an individual or organization
creating new ideas, such as new products,
workplace processes and upgrading to existing
service or product. This is when you transform business operations
Innovationis a product, service, business model
that's both novel and useful. Innovations don't
have to be major breakthroughs in technology or
new business models; they can be as simple as
upgrades to a company's customer service or
features added to an existing product.
Thefirst companies adopting a four-day week working
schedule of only 4 days per week
Work from Home
Breakthrough innovation
Technological innovation
Ordinary innovation
Types of Innovation
Breakthrough innovation:
Breakthrough innovation fundamentally
changes the dynamics of a given industry
or market
These extremely unique innovations often
establish the platform on which future
innovations in an area are developed.
For example: Ideas such as penicillin, the
steam engine, the computer, the airplane,
the automobile, the Internet , TV, telephone,
Types of Innovation
Technological innovation:
A technological innovation is a new or improved product or
process whose technological characteristics are significantly
different from before.
They occur more frequently than breakthrough innovation but
not at the same level of scientific discovery and advancement.
These are very meaningful innovations, as they do offer
advancements in the product/service/market area. As such,
they usually need to be protected through intellectual property
The Laser, Smartphones, Self-driving cars, AI, Robotics, Solar
Energy And Battery Storage, Lightbulb
Types of Innovation
Ordinary innovation: an ordinary innovation
involves taking an existing part of the business
and introducing changes that increase
efficiency, reduce costs, increase sales or add
value significantly in another way.
Ordinary innovation comes from market analysis and
they extend a technological innovation into a better
product or service or one that has different, usually
better market appeal.
Amazon – changing retailing | Uber – changing the taxi business
Innovative products
Product Planning and Development Process
Once ideas emerge, they need further development and
This refining process—the product planning and development process
—is divided into five major stages:
Idea stage,
concept stage,
product development stage,
test marketing stage, and
The commercialization or formal launch stage, starts the product life
Product Planning and Development Process
Stage 1: Idea Generation and Screening
Internal idea sources: R & D (executives, engineers, scientists, salespeople)
External idea sources: Customers, competitors, distributors, suppliers
Ideas generated are evaluated against some criteria and most ideas
are eliminated. The best idea is picked for further analysis.
PLC Definition:
A productlife cycle is the length of time from a product first being
introduced to consumers until it is removed from the market.
PLC Stages:
Product development
Product Life-Cycle Stages:
Production Development Stage
TheProduct development stage begins when the
company develops a new-product.
Sales are zero
Investment costs are high
Profits are negative
Product Life-Cycle Stages:
Introduction Stage
In the Introduction stage:
Low sales; High costs; Negative profits; Little competition