SGT - Disnfectants & Insecticides 8-2-2022

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• CM 3.8 – Practical – Properties, mode of action and dose
of action of insecticides and rodenticides

• At the end of this session, students should be able to……

1. Classify the insecticides available for vector control

2. State the properties, mode of action, dose of application of commonly used

insecticides and rodenticides – DDT, BHC, Paris green, Malathion, Malariol, Abate,
Pyrethrum, etc.
• Insecticides are substances which are used to kill insects.
• The word pesticide is a general term that includes insecticides, fungicides rodenticides,
herbicides, disinfectants , repellents, and other chemicals used for the control of pests.
• Insecticides have not only controlled diseases transmitted by insects, but also brought vast
economic and social benefits through better health and increased food production.
• Insecticides are classified into three groups -
• A suitable insecticide

- Toxic to insects, safe to man

- Persistent action or residual action (effect)

- Should not be too slow in killing/ paralysing insect

- Insect should not develop resistance against it

- Should be available economically and easily

- Soluble in ordinary solvents

- Should not spoil floors, walls, paints etc

- Should not have an unpleasant smell

- Residual insecticide should not have repellent action

- Should not harm non target organisms in nature

• DDT – Dichloro Diphenyl Trichloroethane

• It is a white amorphous powder with a mild toxic smell

• Technical DDT contains 70 – 80% of the para-para isomer

• It is a contact poison acting on the CNS of the insects by permeating their cuticle, causes paralysis of legs
and wings, convulsions and death

• Residual action for 6- 18 months depending on sprayed surface.

• Applied as residual spray at a dosage is 100 – 200 mg/ sq foot area.
• The formulation of choice is a 5 percent suspension of DDT, which when sprayed at a rate of 1 gallon
over an area of 1,000 sq. feet, gives a dosage of 200mg. per sq. ft.
• As a dust, DDT is used in 5 to 10 percent strength for the control of lice, fleas , ticks and bugs
• Hexachlorohexane - Benzene Hexachloride

• Mild Chocolate coloured powder with a musty odour irritates eyes, skin, nose

• Technical HCH contains 13 – 16% of gamma- isomer.

• Pure HCH containing 99% of gamma (r)isomer is called ‘Lindane or gamma HCH’.

• Action is by direct contact, lesser residual action than DDT, up to 3 months, hence 3
rounds of residual spray

• Dosage – 25 – 50g/sq ft is recommended for residual treatment.


• They suffocate aquatic stages of mosquito .

• More power when HCH and other chemicals are added

• They are injurious to fish and vegetation

• Dosage : 20 – 50 litres/hectre

• Expensive , No longer in use


• Copper aceto arsenate is a micro crystalline powder containing over 50 % arsenious


• It is a stomach poison and acts against surface feeding mosquitoes (anopheles) larvae.

• 2% dust is sprayed over breeding places once a week - was extensively used for
anopheline larvae.
• Organophosphorous preparation available as technical temephos (85%) or 20- 40 % WDP (solid) or 20 %
Temephos EC (liquid)

• Formulation : 10 ml of temephos 20 % EC in 10 L water gives 5 % formulation containing a dosage of 1


• Uses :

- Best mosquito larvicide available at present

- Extensively used for water collection bodies with less organic matter/ sewage contamination

Eg : Anopheles stephensi breeding in open wells/ steps wells and domestic containers , Open drains with less
organic pollution

- Sand impregnated temephos in 1% conc – to prevent Aedes aegyptic breeding

- Relatively harmless to domestic animals upon accidental drinking of sprayed water.


• Cresol emulsified with soap

• It is a weak disinfectant

• 3% for disinfection of faeces.

• Also used for disinfection of mouth pieces

- It is a quarternary ammonia compound active against gram positive bacteria

- 1-2 % in water (1:20) or spirit (1:6), 2% glyceraldehyde (CIDEX) .

- Its effective against HIV, HBV

- Its an iodophore and a powerful disinfectant

- It has bactericidal and sporicidal action

- It doesn’t stain skin and is a non irritant

- Used as antiseptic, disinfecting blood culture bottles & medical equipments.


- Non irritant but inactivated by organic matter

- Hence instruments should be free of blood / serous fluids.

- Used to disinfect instruments and plastic equipments

- 5% strength

- 15 mins contact period as a disinfectant

- Active against streptococci

- Limitation : No effect on gram negative bacteria and majority of viruses


- Gaseous form is formaldehyde

- Its highly toxic and is an irritant gas

- It precipitates and destroys protiens

- Effective against all bacteria , fungi, virus

- Slow effect on spores

- Used for disinfection of OT, blankets, beds, laproscopes, books

- 20-30 ml of 40% spraying rooms, walls and glycerine as a liquid spray


- White amorphous powder with pungent smell

- (WSP) of Chlorine – 33% available chlorine in quicklime

- Used for disinfection of drinking water, as oxidizing gent in chemical industries, bleaching clothes
in laundry & textile industry

- Rapid, brief action; presence of organic matter reduces efficiency

- 5% solution (4 tablespoons to 1 L water ) is used allowing 1 hour for disinfection.

- Stored away from sunlight in airtight containers


• Rodenticides are pesticides that kill rodents.

• Rodents include not only rats and mice, but also squirrels, woodchucks, chipmunks,
and other animals.
• Although rodents play important roles in nature, they may sometimes require control.
• They can damage crops, violate housing codes, transmit disease, and in some cases
cause ecological damage.1
• Rodenticides are of two main types - single-dose (acute) and multiple-dose (cumulative) . The
former are lethal to the rat after a single feeding, while the latter require repeated feedings over
a period of 3 more days.
• An Expert Committee of the WHO (37) grouped the "acute" rodenticides as below :
l . Those requiring ordinary care : Red squill Norbromide Zinc phosphide
2. Those requiring maximal precaution: Sodium fluorocetate, Fluoroacetamide, Strychnine
3. Too dangerous for use Arsenic trioxide, Phosphorus, Thallium sulphate, ANTU, Gophacide.
• History of rodenticides and Warfarin

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