• Interrupt Types
– Hardware Interrupts: External event
– Software Interrupts: Internal event (Software generated)
– Maskable and non-maskable interrupts
– Interrupt priority
• Interrupt Vectors and Interrupt Handlers
• Interrupt Controllers
ACOE255 1
The Purpose of Interrupts
• Interrupts are useful when interfacing I/O devices with low data-
transfer rates, like a keyboard or a mouse, in which case polling the
device wastes valuable processing time
• The peripheral interrupts the normal application execution,
requesting to send or receive data.
• The processor jumps to a special program called Interrupt Service
Routine to service the peripheral
• After the processor services the peripheral, the execution of the
interrupted program continues.
ACOE255 2
• Interrupt pins: Set of pins used in hardware interrupts
• Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) or Interrupt handler: code used for handling a specific
• Interrupt priority: In systems with more than one interrupt inputs, some interrupts have a
higher priority than other
– They are serviced first if multiple interrupts are triggered simultaneously
• Interrupt vector: Code loaded on the bus by the interrupting device that contains the
Address (segment and offset) of specific interrupt service routine
• Interrupt Masking: Ignoring (disabling) an interrupt
• Non-Maskable Interrupt: Interrupt that cannot be ignored (power-down)
ACOE255 3
Interrupt processing flow
Main program
Interrupt N
Accept N
Get interrupt
Jump to ISR
Save PC
Load PC
ACOE255 4
Hardware Interrupts – Interrupt pins and timing
• x86 Interrupt Pins
– INTR: Interrupt Request. Activated by a peripheral device to interrupt the processor.
• Level triggered. Activated with a logic 1.
– /INTA: Interrupt Acknowledge. Activated by the processor to inform the interrupting device the the
interrupt request (INTR) is accepted.
• Level triggered. Activated with a logic 0.
– NMI: Non-Maskable Interrupt. Used for major system faults such as parity errors and power failures.
• Edge triggered. Activated with a positive edge (0 to 1) transition.
• Must remain at logic 1, until it is accepted by the processor.
• Before the 0 to 1 transition, NMI must be at logic 0 for at least 2 clock cycles.
• No need for interrupt acknowledgement.
D7-D0 Vector
ACOE255 5
Interrupt Vectors
• The processor uses the interrupt vector to determine the address of the
ISR of the interrupting device.
• In the 8088/8086 processor as well as in the 80386/80486/Pentium
processors operating in Real Mode (16-bit operation), the interrupt vector
is a pointer to the Interrupt Vector Table.
– The Interrupt Vector Table occupies the address range from 00000H to
003FFH (the first 1024 bytes in the memory map).
– Each entry in the Interrupt Vector Table is 4 bytes long:
• The first two represent the offset address and the last two the
segment address of the ISR.
– The first 5 vectors are reserved by Intel to be used by the processor.
• The vectors 5 to 255 are free to be used by the user.
ACOE255 6
The Intel x86 Vector Interrupts:- Protected Mode (32-bit)
• In the 80386/80486/Pentium processors operating in the Protected Mode (32-bit
operation), the interrupt vector is a pointer to the Interrupt Descriptor Table.
– The Interrupt Descriptor Table can be located anywhere in the memory.
• Its starting address is pointed by the Interrupt Descriptor Table Register
– Each entry in the Interrupt Vector Table is 8 bytes long:
• Four bytes represent the 32-bit offset address, two the segment selector
and the rest information such as the privilege level.
– The first 32 vectors are reserved by Intel to be used by the processor.
• The vectors 33 to 255 are free to be used by the user.
8088 System
8088 System
INTA΄ Unconnected
8088 System
A0 Y7 Y6 Y5 Y4 Y3 Y2 Y1 Y0
I7 I6 I5 I4 I3 I2 I1 I0
A19 +5V
4C = 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0
ACOE255 9
Interrupt Vector Table – Real Mode (16-bit) Example
•Using the Interrupt Vector Table shown below, determine the address of the ISR of a device
with interrupt vector 42H.
•Answer: Address in table = 4 X 42H = 108H
• (Multiply by 4 since each entry is 4 bytes)
• Offset Low = [108] = 2A, Offset High = [109] = 33
• Segment Low = [10A] = 3C, Segment High = [10B] = 4A
• Address = 4A3C:332A = 4A3C0 + 332A = 4D6EAH
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
00000 3C 22 10 38 6F 13 2C 2A 33 22 21 67 EE F1 32 25
00010 11 3C 32 88 90 16 44 32 14 30 42 58 30 36 34 66
......... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
00100 4A 33 3C 4A AA 1A 1B A2 2A 33 3C 4A AA 1A 3E 77
00110 C1 58 4E C1 4F 11 66 F4 C5 58 4E 20 4F 11 F0 F4
......... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
00250 00 10 10 20 3F 26 33 3C 20 26 20 C1 3F 10 28 32
00260 20 4E 00 10 50 88 22 38 10 5A 38 10 4C 55 14 54
......... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
003E0 3A 10 45 2F 4E 33 6F 90 3A 44 37 43 3A 54 54 7F
003F0 22 3C 80 01 3C 4F 4E 88 22 3C 50 21 49 3F F4 65
ACOE255 10
Interrupt Vector Table – Real Mode (16-bit) Example
•Write a sequence of instructions that initialize vector 40H to point to the ISR “isr40”.
•Answer: Address in table = 4 X 40H = 100H
• Set ds to 0 since the Interrupt Vector Table begins at 00000H
• Get the offset address of the ISR using the Offset directive
• and store it in the addresses 100H and 101H
• Get the segment address of the ISR using the Segment directive
• and store it in the addresses 102H and 103H
1 1 0 1 1 1 1 EFH
D0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 DFH
0 1 1 1 1 1 1 BFH
G1 +5V
ACOE255 12
Identifying Interrupt Source
• Software Polling,
– Checking each device
• Hardware Polling, (Daisy Chain),
• Hardware Identification (Vectored Interrupts).
ACOE255 13
Daisy-Chained Interrupt
8088 System
line, but there is only a
single interrupt vector.
The device that sent the IR0
request will respond. IR2
ACOE255 14
Interrupt Masking
• The processor can inhibit certain types of interrupts by use of a special interrupt mask
• This mask bit is part of the flags/condition code register, or a special interrupt register.
• If this bit is clear, and an interrupt request occurs on the Interrupt Request input, it is
• NMI cannot be masked
ACOE255 15
Software Interrupts
• Traps: (self-interrupt!)
– Single step mode
– Calls to Operating System (INT 21H - x86, SC – PPC)
• Exceptions:
– Divide by zero
– Memory protection fault
ACOE255 16
Interrupt Processing
• Save state
– Disable interrupts for the duration of the ISR or allow it to be interrupted too?
– Save program counter
– Save flags
– Save register values?
• Jump to interrupt service routine
– Location obtained by interrupt vector
• Process interrupt
• Restore state
– Load PC, flags, registers etc.
ACOE255 17
Interrupt Processing on the 8086 Microprocessor
• 1. External interface sends an interrupt signal, to the Interrupt Request (INTR) pin,
(or an internal interrupt occurs.)
• 2. The CPU finishes the present instruction (for a hardware interrupt) and checks
the INTR pin.
• If IF=0 the processor ignores the interrupt, else sends Interrupt Acknowledge
(INTA) to hardware interface.
• 3. The interrupt type N is sent to the Central Processor Unit (CPU) via the Data bus
from the hardware interface.
• 4. The contents of the flag registers are pushed onto the stack.
• 5. Both the interrupt (IF – FR bit 9) and (TF – FR bit 8) flags are cleared. This
disables the INTR pin and the trap or single-step feature.
• 6. The contents of the code segment register (CS) are pushed onto the Stack.
• 7. The contents of the instruction pointer (IP) are pushed onto the Stack.
• 8. The interrupt vector contents are fetched, from (4 x N) and then placed into the IP
and from (4 x N +2) into the CS so that the next instruction executes at the interrupt
service procedure addressed by the interrupt vector.
• 9. While returning from the interrupt-service routine by the Interrupt Return
(IRET) instruction, the IP, CS and Flag registers are popped from the Stack and
return to their state prior to the interrupt.
ACOE255 18
The Intel x86 Interrupt Software Instructions
• All x86 processors provide the following instructions related to interrupts:
– INT nn: Interrupt. Run the ISR pointed by vector nn.
• INT 0 is reserved for the Divide Error
• INT 1 is reserved for Single Step operation
• INT 2 is reserved for the NMI pin
• INT 3 is reserved for setting a Breakpoint
• INT 4 is reserved for Overflow (Same as the INTO (Interrupt on overflow) instruction.
– CLI: Clear Interrupt Flag. IF is set to 0, thus interrupts are disabled.
– STI: Set Interrupt Flag. IF is set to 1, thus interrupts are enabled.
– IRET: Return from interrupt. This is the last instruction in the ISR (Real Mode only). It
pops from the stack the Flag register, the IP and the CS.
• After returning from an ISR the interrupts are enabled, since the initial value of the flag
register is poped from the stack.
– IRETD: Return from interrupt. This is the last instruction in the ISR (Protected Mode
only). It pops from the stack the Flag register, the EIP and the CS.
ACOE255 19
The 8259A Programmable Interrupt Controller
• Adds 8 vectored priority encoded interrupts to the microprocessor
• Can be expanded without additional hardware to accept up to 64 IRQ (one 8259A
master, and one slave)
• Requires 4 wait states to be connected to a x386 11
D0 IR0
10 D1 IR1 19
• D0-D7: Bidirectional data connections 9 D2 IR2 20
8 D3 IR3 21
• IR0-IR7: Interrupt request inputs 7 D4 IR4 22
6 IR5 23
• WR΄: Write input strobe 5 D5
4 D6 25
• RD΄: Read input connects to the IORC΄signal 27
D7 8259A IR7
• INT: Output, connects to μP INTR pin 1 CS΄
3 RD΄
• INTA΄: Input, connects to μP INTA΄ pin 2 WR΄ 12
16 CAS0
• A0: Command word select 17
CAS1 13
26 CAS2
• CS΄: Chip select input
• SP/EN΄: Slave program/enable buffer pin
• CAS0-CAS2: Outputs from master to slave for cascading multiple 8259A chips
ACOE255 20
Connecting a single 8259A controller
11 18
D0 IR0
10 IR1 19
D0 9
D2 IR2 20
8 D3 IR3 21
7 IR4 22
6 IR5 23
5 D5 24
4 D6 IR6 25
D7 8259A IR7
1 CS΄
3 RD΄
2 WR΄
16 CAS0 12
SP/EN΄ 13
17 CAS1
8 0 8 8 S y st e m
26 CAS2 15
A 11
A 10
A 19
IO / M '
ACOE255 21
Programming the 8259A
• Initialization Control Words (ICWs)
– Prgrammed before 8259A begins to function
– A0 must be high
– There are four ICWs: ICW1, ICW2, ICW3, ICW4
– When there is only one 2259A in the system, ICW3 is not necessary
• Operation Control Words (OCWs)
– Programmed during normal operation
– There are three OCWs: OCW1, OCW2, OCW3
– A0 must be low, except in OCW1
ACOE255 22
• ICW1 Programs the basic operation of the 8259A
ACOE255 23
• ICW3 only used in cascade mode, indicating where the slave is connected to the
– Example: If slave is connected in IR3, we write 00001000 = 04H in ICW3
• ICW4 bits
– 7-5: Always ‘0’
– 4: When ‘1’ a IR request from a slave is recognized by the master while processing
another slave interrupt
– 3: 1- Buffered operation, 0 – Non-buffered operation
– 2: 1- 8259A is master, 0 – 8259A is slave
– 1: 1- Automatic end of interrupt (preferable), 0 – normal end of interrupt
– 0: Always 1 in 8088/8086 mode
ACOE255 24
• Operation Control Word 1 (OCW1) bits: Sets the mask register
– 7 Mask IRQ7 (when ‘1’)
– 6 Mask IRQ6 (when ‘1’)
– 5 Mask IRQ5 (when ‘1’)
– 4 Mask IRQ4 (when ‘1’)
– 3 Mask IRQ3 (when ‘1’)
– 2 Mask IRQ2 (when ‘1’)
– 1 Mask IRQ1 (when ‘1’)
– 0 Mask IRQ0 (when ‘1’)
ACOE255 25
• OCW3 is used to read internal 8259A registers, specify the operation of the special
mask register, and the poll command
• Status registers:
– Interrupt Request Register (IRR): indicates which IR inputs are active
– In-Service Register (ISR): contains the level of the interrupt being serviced
– Interrupt Mask Register (IMR): Holds the interrupt mask bits
• IRR and ISR are read by programming OCW3, IMR is read through OCW1
ACOE255 26
• Use an 8259A PIC to connect the I/O device in the example of slide 8
ACOE255 27
Interrupt Service Routine
ACOE255 28
Interrupt Vectors
• The Interrupt Vector contains the address of the interrupt service routine
• The Interrupt Vector Table is located in the first 1024 bytes of memory at address
• It contains 256 different 4-byte interrupt vectors, grouped in 18 types
– 000H: Type 0 (Divide error) •030H: Type 12 (Stack segment
– 004H: Type 1 (Single-step) overrun)
– 008H: Type 2 (NMI) •034H: Type 13 (General
– 00CH: Type 3 (1-byte breakpoint) protection)
– •038H: Type 14 (Page fault)
010H: Type 4 (Overflow)
•03CH: Type 15 (Unassigned)
– 014H: Type 5 (BOUND) •040H: Type 16 (Coprocessor
– 018H: Type 6 (Undefined opcode) error)
– 01CH: Type 7 (Coprocessor not available) •044H-07CH: Type 14-31
– 020H: Type 8 (Double fault) (Reserved)
•080H: Type 32-255 (User)
– 024H: Type 9 (Coprocessor segment overrun)
– 028H: Type 10 (Invlid task state segment)
– 02CH: Type 11 (Segment not present)
ACOE255 29
Interrupt Types
• Type 0: Divide error – Division overflow or division by zero
• Type 1: Single step or Trap – After the execution of each instruction when trap flag set
• Type 2: NMI Hardware Interrupt – ‘1’ in the NMI pin
• Type 3: One-byte Interrupt – INT3 instruction (used for breakpoints)
• Type 4: Overflow – INTO instruction with an overflow flag
• Type 5: BOUND – Register contents out-of-bounds
• Type 6: Invalid Opcode – Undefined opcode occurred in program
• Type 7: Coprocessor not available – MSW indicates a coprocessor
• Type 8: Double Fault – Two separate interrupts occur during the same instruction
• Type 9: Coprocessor Segment Overrun – Coprocessor call operand exceeds FFFFH
• Type 10: Invalid Task State Segment – TSS invalid (probably not initialized)
• Type 11: Segment not present – Descriptor P bit indicates segment not present or invalid
• Type 12: Stack Segment Overrun – Stack segment not present or exceeded
• Type 13: General Protection – Protection violation in 286 (general protection fault)
• Type 14: Page Fault – 80386 and above
• Type 16: Coprocessor Error – ERROR΄ = ‘0’ (80386 and above)
• Type 17: Alignment Check – Word/Doubleword data addressed at odd location (486 and above)
• Type 18: Machine Check – Memory Management interrupt (Pentium and above)
ACOE255 30
Real Mode Interrupt
• When current instruction execution completes, the processor checks:
1. Instruction executions
2. Single-step
3. NMI
4. Coprocessor segment overrun
6. INT instruction
• When there is a pending interrupt:
1. The contents of the flag register are pushed onto the stack
2. IF and TF are cleared, disabling the INTR pin
3. CS is pushed to the stack
4. IP is pushed onto the stack
5. Interrupt Vector contents are fetched and placed into IP and CS, so the next instruction is the
Interrupt Service Routine indicated by the Interrupt Vector
ACOE255 31
Protected Mode Interrupt
• Exactly the same assignments as in Real Mode, but instead of Interrupt Vectors, there is
an Interrupt Descriptor Table, located anywhere in memory (indicated by the IDTR)
ACOE255 32
82C55 Keyboard Interrupt Circuit
D0 D0 PA0 D0
D7 D7 PA7 D7
8255 Keyboard
A1 A0 PC 3
A2 A1 PC 4
8088 System
A5 16L8
A8 O8
A10 I10
ACOE255 33
Interrupt Service Routine for Keyboard
ACOE255 34