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Group 2

Effectiveness of ICT
Integration in School
1.What is the research title?
2.What is the significance of the research?
3.Who are the respondents?
4.What is the methodology used including
the sampling method?
5.What is the data collection used?
6.What is the summary of findings?
1. What is the research title?

Teaching and Learning with Technology and

Effectiveness of ICT Integration in School

The results of this study show that technology-based

teaching and learning is more effective in comparison to
the traditional classroom. This is because using ICT tools
and equipment will prepare an active learning
environment that is more interesting and effective for
both teachers and students.
2. What is the significance of the research?

The significance of the of the research

ICT integration in education generally means technology-based
teaching and learning process that closely relates to the utilization
of learning technologies in schools. ICT provides the help and
complementary supports for both teachers and students where it
involves effective learning with the help of the computers to serve
the purpose of learning aids. Computers and technology does not
acts as a replacing tools for quality teachers but instead they are
considered as an add-on supplements needed for the better
teaching and learning.
The need for ICT integration in education is crucial,
because with the help of technology, teaching and learning
is not only happening in the school environment, but also
can happen even if teachers and students are physically in
distance. A technology-based teaching and learning offers
various interesting ways which includes educational
videos, stimulation, storage of data, the usages of
database, mind-mapping, guided discovery, brainstorming,
music, World Wide Web, that will make the learning
process more fulfilling and meaningful.
3. Who are the respondents?

The overall total of respondents for this research was 101 teachers from public
primary and secondary schools in Kuala Lumpur. The questionnaire was
randomly distributed to the respondents with teaching background regardless of
gender, race, teaching experience as well as highest teaching experience. There
are no preferences set by researchers as long as the respondents come with
teaching background especially in public primary and secondary school in Kuala
Lumpur. Since the targeted respondents for this research tried to get especially
teachers from public primary and secondary schools in Kuala Lumpur to be part
of this research. Hence, the questionnaire distributed are not equal in numbers
where teachers from secondary schools dominate the overall population as
compared to teachers from primary schools.
4.What is the methodology used including the sampling

In this research, quantitative methodology was used to collect

and analyze the data obtained from all the respondents. The
researchers developed the questionnaire and finalized it
before being distributed to the targeted group of respondents.
Few sections on the questionnaire were designed specifically
to address research objectives in regard with the effectiveness
of ICT integration for students in learning and effective
elements of ICT integration in public school in Kuala
Therefore, the questionnaire was distributed to obtain the
data from the respondents. The overall total of respondents for this
research was 101 teachers from public primary and secondary
schools in Kuala Lumpur. The questionnaire was randomly
distributed to the respondents with teaching background regardless
of gender, race, teaching experience as well as highest teaching
experience. There are no preferences set by the researchers as long
as the respondents come with teaching background especially in
public primary and secondary school in Kuala Lumpur.
Since the targeted respondents for this research are
meant for individuals with teaching background, the
researchers tried to get especially teachers from public
primary and secondary schools in Kuala Lumpur to be
part of this research. Hence, the questionnaires
distributed are not equal in numbers where teachers
from secondary schools dominate the overall population
as compared to teachers from primary schools.
5.What is the data collection used?

The Data Collection that used is through survey, researchers modified the
questionnaire before it is being finalized by and distributed to the target
group of respondents. Then, each researcher takes up 50 and 51
questionnaires respectively that made a total of 101 questionnaires being
distributed to all respondents. The data was collected within 2 weeks
through random distribution and some of the questionnaires were sent to
respondents email. The respondents were given 3-5 days to
complete the questionnaire and send it back to the researcher for data
analysis. After 2 weeks, all the complete filled-up
questionnaires were gathered and collected for further data analysis by the
researcher to get the output and findings for the research.
6.What is the summary of findings?

The summary of findings of this research will give the output needed by the
researchers to answer the research question. The findings are done according to the
sections in the questionnaire and some inferential analysis that includes reliability
testing and Mann-Whitney U testing is also conducted towards the overall data. From
the overall population based on preference of teaching style, more respondents
preferred moderns/contemporary teaching style with 59 (58.42%) as compared to
respondents who preferred conventional/traditional method of teaching with 42
(41.58%). From the overall population based on highest academic qualification with 63
(62.38%) followed by KPLI (Post-Degree Teachers training) with 19 (18.81%), then
diploma qualification with 10 (9.9%) and respondents with master qualification with 9
(8.91%). From overall population based on the ability of handling ICT in teaching,
most of the respondents believe it that they posses medium ability with 67(66.34%)
followed by high ability in handling ICT with 25(24.75%) and low ability with
Submitted To: Mrs. Noemi F. Magno

Submitted By: Reporters

Paulin Mae
Rhian Angela
Rhyan Angelo

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