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DISTRICT” (An Unpublished Undergraduate Thesis, Bicol University Polangui
Campus, Polangui, Albay, May 2021)

Authors : Lady Harriette P. Vargas

Sheena Mae G. Llona

Stephanie T. Ragual

The outbreak of recent COVID-19 pandemic has brought extraordinary challenges and
has affected the educational sectors, and no one knows when it will end. With this, teachers are
facing challenges on how to continue their discussions and activities among them and the
students. In relation, this study aimed to determine the different challenges among teachers in the
New Normal Education in School Year 2020- 2021 and to identify their preventive measure they
prepare or practice in response to their challenges. The study incorporated forty-seven (47)
elementary teachers in selected schools in Polangui South District as the respondents of the
study. Moreover, the study has employed both the descriptive and quantitative methods of
research in gathering and analysing the data gathered from the survey questionnaires as the
instrument of the study.

From the results of the study, the following conclusions were drawn: (1) the respondents
on the socio-demographic of teacher’s profiles are varied; (2) in terms of the Challenges
Encountered in Preparing the Learning Materials in the New Normal specifically the mode of
transportation most of the respondents encountered expensive fare in finding transport vehicle. In
Geographical location the respondents agreed that most of the school is prone to environmental
hazard (e.g. flooding, landslide). In terms of learning tools the respondents lacks with the
available funding for schools supplies or materials. In the mode of delivery they find checking of
the answers of the modules exhausting on their part. While in terms of the Health problems they
agreed that the spread of COVID-19 hinders them to work normally as they do before; (3) and in
terms of the Teachers’ Preventive Measures in preparing the Learning Materials in the New
Normal under the mode of transportation most of the respondents hires a private vehicle going to
school. In terms of the geographical location they make sure that they are always updated to any
weather updates or news since their school are prone to environmental hazard. Meanwhile, in
terms of the learning tools they subscribed to an internet provider (e.g. PLDT, Converge, DCTV
etc.). Under the mode of delivery the respondent set schedule in the delivery of the module to
lessen their expenses and in terms of Health problems they strictly follow the implemented health
protocols of the government.

Keywords: Teaching, Challenges, Preventive Measures





Authors : Lady Harriette P. Vargas

Sheena Mae G. Llona

Stephanie T. Ragual

I. The Problem

This study focuses on determining the different challenges among teachers in selected

schools in Polangui South District for the New Normal Education School Year 2020- 2021, and

also to identify their coping mechanisms they will use in response to their challenges.

II. Objectives

This study aimed to determine the different challenges among teachers in the New

Normal Education for the School Year 2020- 2021, and also to identify their preventive measure

they prepare or practice in response to their challenges.

Specifically, it aimed to answer the following objectives:

1. to identify the socio- demographic profile of the respondents/teachers in terms of:

a. age

b. sex

c. civil status

d. number of years in the service

2. to determine the possible challenges encountered in preparing the learning materials in
the new normal in terms of:

a. mode of transportation

b. geographical location

c. mode of delivery

d. learning tools

e. health problems

3. to analyse the preventive measure does the respondents prepare or practice to the
challenges that they encounter.

III. Plan of Action

This study utilized the descriptive - analysis method employing a survey checklist

and rating scale in gathering the necessary data and the information. The method used to describe

the socio-demographic profile of the respondents. The design used to determine the challenges

among Elementary Teachers of Polangui South District Schools along with: Psychological effect,

physical effect and emotional effect or experience of teachers. The recommendation suggested,

based on the findings of the study to determine the challenges experience by the elementary

teachers of selected school in Polangui South District namely Lanigay Elementary School,

Magurang Elementary School and Ponso South Elementary School.

IV. Implementation
This study incorporated three (3) stages to obtain the necessary data for the study.

The first stage was the securement of the necessary permissions from concerned offices and

institutions for the conduct of the study. Upon signing of the letter of endorsement of the

researchers’ professors, department head and college dean, as well as, the approval of the
principal of Lanigay Elementary School, Magurang Elementary School and Ponso South

Elementary School, allowing the survey of the teachers, the conduct of the study will commence.

The second stage was determination of the sampling size of the respondents for the study.

Furthermore, the respondents who have participated in the survey were selected by means of

“fishbowl technique” wherein the names of the elementary teachers were placed inside a box and

randomly drawn out. The teachers which were drawn out from the box will became the

respondents of the study.

The third stage is the actual conduct of the survey to the teachers of the Lanigay

Elementary School, Magurang Elementary School and Ponso South Elementary School. The

survey will be composed of survey checklists and rating scale which will be administered

personally by the researchers to selected respondents of the study.

V. Findings

1. Demographic Profile of the Teachers

a. Age

Among the forty-seven (47) female and male respondents, nine (9) have ages ranging from

25 to 29 years old, nine (9) have ages of 30 to 34 years old, seven (7) have ages of 35 to 39

years old, six (6) have ages of 40 to 44 years old, nine (9) have ages of 45 to 49 years old,

three (3) have ages of 50 to 54 years old, and four (4) have ages 55 and above. Moreover the

ages 50-54 years old has the least number of respondents while ages 45-49, 30-34 and 25-29

years old have the highest number of respondents. Moreover, teachers with the ages 45-29

years old, 30-34 years old and 25-29 years old experienced more challenges than those

teachers with the ages 35-39 years old, 40-44 years old, 50-54 years old and 55 years old and
above. This variable is necessity in this research study because the division of teachers into

groups according to their ages was performed to check if the age has any kind of impact on

challenges in teaching in the new normal, hence it must be considered as variable for the


b. Sex

The original sample size of forty-seven (47) respondents comprised of 11 males with a

percentage of 23% and 36 females with a percentage of 77% were determined using the

percentage technique. Moreover, female respondents experienced more challenges than

female respondents. Gender has been revealed as one of the antecedents for commitment to

teaching. The graph showed that female teachers are dominant than male teachers. However,

the results obtained from the survey revealed that the gender of the teachers had no effect on

challenges in teaching in the new normal because they both experienced challenges in

teaching during pandemic; hence it must be considered as variable for the study.

c. Civil Status

Among the forty-seven respondents for both male and female, in terms of civil status thirteen

(13) of them are single with a percentage of 28% and thirty-four (34) are married with a

percentage of 72%. Moreover the graph showed that married teachers are dominant than

single teachers. Hence, married respondents experienced more challenges than single

respondents. The researchers considered including the civil status as the variable of the study

for which Kong (2008) supported that unmarried teachers have more vigorous and are also

dedicated to their job, hence it must be considered as variable for the study.
d. Number of Years in Service

This bar graph shows the number of years in service for both female and male respondents. It

reveals that 16 respondents are 1-5 years in service, nine (9) are in 6-10 years in service,

eight (8) are in 11-15 years in service, four (4) are in 16-20 years in service, five (5) are in

21-25 years in service while three (3) are in 26-30 years in service and two (2) of them are in

31 years and above in service. Moreover, teachers with 1-5 number of years in service

experience more challenges than those teachers with 6-10 years in service, 11-15 years in

service, 16-20 years in service, 21-25 years in service, 26-30 years in service and 31 years

and above in service. Also, the graph revealed that the highest number of years in service of

the teachers are 1-5 years and the least number years in service of the teachers are 31 years

and above. Pillen, Beijaard, and Den Brok (2013) found that in their first year of teaching,

beginning teachers succeeded in coping with many identity issues, hence it must be

considered as variable for the study.

2. Challenges Encountered in Preparing the Learning Materials in the New Normal

a. Mode of Transportation

From the forty-seven (47) surveyed respondents, an overall mean of 3.25 was

revealed indicating that the respondents’ challenges in the mode of transportation are

moderately agree in relation to the challenges encountered in preparing the learning

materials in the new normal. It also revealed that in terms of mode of transportation

most of the teachers experienced expensive fare in finding transport vehicle.

b. Geographical Location

From the forty-seven (47) surveyed respondents, an overall mean of 1.68 was

revealed indicating that the respondents’ challenges in geographical location were

disagree in relation to the challenges encountered in preparing the learning materials

in the new normal. It also showed that in the geographical location most teachers

revealed that their school is prone to environmental hazard (e.g. flooding, landslide).

c. Learning Tools

From the forty-seven (47) surveyed respondents pertaining to their challenges in the

mode of delivery, an overall mean of 2.88 was revealed indicating that the

respondents’ challenges in terms of learning tools were moderately agree in relation

to the challenges encountered in preparing the learning materials in the new normal. It

also revealed that in terms of learning tools most of the teachers lacked with available

funding for schools supplies or materials (e.g. bond paper, ink etc.).

d. Mode of Delivery

From the forty-seven (47) surveyed respondents pertaining to their challenges in the

mode of delivery, an overall mean of 3.13 was revealed indicating that the

respondents’ challenges in terms of mode of delivery were moderately agree in

relation to the challenges encountered in preparing the learning materials in the new

normal. It also revealed that in terms of the mode of delivery teachers found out that

checking of the answers of the modules is exhausting on their part.

e. Health Problems

From the forty-seven (47) surveyed respondents pertaining to their challenges in

terms of health problems, an overall mean of 3.33 was revealed indicating that the

respondents’ challenges in terms of health problems were moderately agree in

relation to the challenges encountered in preparing the learning materials in the new

normal. It also revealed that in terms of health problems the spread of Covid-19

hindered them to work normally as they do before.

3. Teachers’ Preventive Measures

a. Mode of Transportation

From the forty-seven (47) surveyed respondents, an overall mean of 2.38 was

revealed indicating that the respondents’ preventive measures in the mode of

transportation were disagree in relation to the preventive measure that the respondents

prepared or practiced to the challenges that they encountered. In terms of the

teachers’ preventive measures in response to their challenges it showed that in mode

of transportation the teacher hired a private transport vehicle.

b. Geographical Location

From the forty-seven (47) surveyed respondents, an overall mean of 2.11 was

revealed indicating that the respondents’ preventive measures in terms of

geographical location were disagree in relation to the preventive measure that the

respondents prepared or practiced to the challenges that they encountered. In terms of

the teachers’ preventive measures in response to their challenges it showed that in the

geographical location most of the teachers revealed that they make sure that they are

always updated to any weather update or news.

c. Learning Tools

From the forty-seven (47) surveyed respondents, an overall mean of 3.31 was

revealed indicating that the respondents’ preventive measures in terms of learning

tools were moderately agree in relation to the preventive measure that the respondents

prepared or practiced to the challenges that they encountered. In terms of the

teachers’ preventive measures in response to their challenges it showed that in terms

learning tools most of them subscribed to an internet provider (e.g. PLDT, converge,

DCTV, etc.).

d. Mode of Delivery

From the forty-seven (47) surveyed respondents, an overall mean of 3.47 was

revealed indicating that the respondents’ preventive measures in terms of mode of

delivery were agree in relation to the preventive measure that the respondents

prepared or practiced to the challenges that they encountered. In terms of the

teachers’ preventive measures in response to their challenges it revealed that in terms

of mode of delivery most of the teachers set a day, time and place in the distribution

and retrieval of the modules in the school.

e. Health Problems

From the forty-seven (47) surveyed respondents pertaining to their challenges in

terms of health problems, an overall mean of 3.33 was revealed indicating that the

respondents’ challenges in terms of health problems were moderately agree in

relation to the challenges encountered in preparing the learning materials in the new

normal. In terms of the teachers’ preventive measures in response to their challenges

it revealed that in terms of the health problems most of the teachers strictly followed

the implemented health protocols of the government.

VI. Recommendations
After a thorough analysis of the findings the researchers recommend the following:

1. Barangays in every municipality shall have allotted assistance for load or Wi-Fi to lessen

the burden of teachers.

2. There shall be stakeholder’s participation with the teachers in the distribution and

retrieval of the learning modules.

3. Teacher shall be aware about the updated educational program in terms of the changes in

the ways of teaching in the new normal educational setting.

4. More researchers shall conduct research pertaining to the challenges in teaching in the

new normal education.

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