2020 CMA P1 A B Integrated Reporting
2020 CMA P1 A B Integrated Reporting
2020 CMA P1 A B Integrated Reporting
Non-Financial Information
As “corporate social responsibility” and
“sustainable development” have become
more important to more stakeholders, the
need for information that is outside the
scope of the financial statements has
become desired by many users.
ISO 26000, Guidance on Social Responsibility,
helps organizations structure, evaluate
and improve their social responsibility.
Social Responsibility
According to ISO 26000, social responsibility is an
organization’s responsibility for the impacts of its decisions
and activities on society and the environment through
transparent and ethical behavior that:
• Contributes to sustainable development, including the
health and welfare of society,
• Takes into account the expectations of stakeholders,
• Complies with applicable law and is consistent with
international norms of behavior, and
• Is integrated throughout the organization and practiced
in its relationships.
Reporting Frameworks
The earliest framework for reporting on social
responsibility and sustainable development activities
was introduced by the Global Reporting Initiative
The first GRI reporting guidelines, Sustainability
Reporting Guidelines on Economic, Environmental, and
Social Performance, were launched in 2000, and GRI
has updated them several times since.
Some national reporting requirements led to the
development of the International Integrated
Reporting Council (IIRC).
IIRC’s Purpose
The IIRC’s stated purpose was to create a
globally-accepted framework for a
process that results in communications
by an organization about value creation
over time.