F3 Chapter 2
F3 Chapter 2
F3 Chapter 2
F3 Chapter 2
Financial reporting:
Non-financial reporting:
GRI guidelines:
1. Sections 1 and 2:
2. Section 3:
1. Stakeholder Inclusiveness
2. Sustainability Context
3. Materiality
4. Completeness
The Principles for Defining Report Quality are given as:
1. Balance
2. Comparability
3. Accuracy
4. Timeliness
5. Clarity
6. Reliability
4. Section 5:
Standard Disclosures
1. Economic:
2. Environmental:
3. Social
The GRI's 'G4' Guidelines document sets out the following four step
to putting together a report.
Step 1: Identification
Step 2: Prioritisation
Step 3: Validation
Step 4: Review
2. The capitals:
The capitals are the resources and the relationships used and
affected by the organisation
The capitals are stocks of value that are increased, decreased or
transformed through the activities and outputs of the organisation.
For the purpose of the <IR> Framework, the capitals are categorised
and described as follows:
1. Financial capital:
2. Manufactured capital:
4. Human capital:
6. Natural capital:
1. Introduction:
2. Guiding principles:
3. Content elements:
1. Relevance:
2. Reliability:
3. Comparability: