g10 Pulling and Transplanting of Seedlings
g10 Pulling and Transplanting of Seedlings
g10 Pulling and Transplanting of Seedlings
Just like any other crop, raising rice
seedlings needs extra care during
planting and transplanting. This lesson
discusses the steps in pulling
seedlings, the system of transplanting,
and direct seeding.
Proper Way of Pulling Seedlings
Hand pulling of seedlings Pulling seedlings with the use of scythe
1. Irrigate the seedbed overnight to a depth of at least 3-5
centimeters to soften the soil and facilitate pulling of
2. Hold the seedlings close to the base and gently pull them.
3. Another method is to use a scythe to cut through the soil
half inch below the stem, This method is faster, and avoids
stress and damage to the stem while ensuring that
adequate roots of the seedlings are retained.
4. Bundle them in any convenient size for ease of handling.
Proper Transplanting of Seedlings
Right after the final harrowing, level the field using a
wooden plank attached to a harrow. Then allow the
mud to subside. With the aid of a wooden planting
guide prepare lines by pulling on the leveled field.
These lines will serve as guides in transplanting at a
uniform p distance of planting. An example is 20 cm x
20 cm or any desired distance depending on the
variety. This is to allow the plant to attain its
maximum tillering and it also facilitates weed control
later, using a rotary weeder.
Straight row planting