Learning Area Grade Level Quarter Date: TLE-Agri Crop Nine Three

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Learning Area TLE-Agri Crop Grade Level Nine

W3 Quarter Three Date

I. LESSON TITLE Watering the plants

II. MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING Water crops following the prescribed method and schedule

III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT - The role of water in plant growth

-Overwatering and underwatering plants

IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
A. Introduction DAY 1 You may recall from the module “Grow a Glorious plant” that in order to
(1 Hour) survive the heat of the sun; seedlings need water four times a day
particularly when newly transplanted. Do you know why? It is due to too
much water loss which might wilt the seedlings.

Imagine yourself as a plant. What do your flowers, fruits and leaves need
in order to survive? What do you need to keep being healthy? Can your
roots absorb nutrients from the soil without water? Write your answer in
your reflection notebook.

The Role of Water in Plant Growth

One of the most important factors in successful gardening is water. If

watering systems are poor, plant growth is stunted and plants may wilt or die
hence, plants must be watered regularly and thoroughly.
Now you might ask when the right time to water the plants is. Study the
pictures to know when to waters plants.

Watering is needed….

A. After sowing the seeds

B. After planting the seeds
C. After transferring seedlings
from one seed box to another
by pricking.
D. After transplanting
E. Every time the soil dries up.

Infrequently watered plants like tomatoes and eggplant need thorough

watering, because they are deeply rooted. Shallow rooted plants are
frequently watered. Pechay, mustard, and celery must be watered twice a
day, because their roots are near the surface of the earth. Hence, water
evaporates fast. Their bodies are also succulent.

Time should also be considered when watering plants. It is best to water

plants in the morning. Never water plants late in the afternoon when the sun
is no longer shining. The moist environment at night invites plant diseases.
Overwatering and Under Watering Plants

What are the signs of overwatering?

Do you know how to save an overwatered plant?

Overwatering is the biggest reason why most of the container plants die.
Beginner plant growers often do this mistake; they keep watering their plants
out of love until they summon the death for them. They don’t know that
watering too much is more damaging than watering too little. Your plant
can come back after suffering from a long dry spell, once you water it
thoroughly again. However, that’s not the case with the plant suffering from
root rot. You can still save it from dying but after some efforts. First, you’ll
need to be aware of the signs that you have underwatered the plant.

4 Signs of Underwatered Plants

1.Your Plant is Wilting

Wilting is a sign of both overwatering and underwatering your plants. In
the case of underwatered plant, when you feel the leaves you will notice
they are crisp, not limp. Wilting in this case is a symptom of a lack of water
passing through the cells of a plant. Plants have pores on the surface of
leaves called stoma. They allow air to enter plants. When plants do not have
enough water they close their stoma to stop evaporation and this leads to
2. The Soil is Dry
As the soil dries up, the hand cultivator will be harder to push into the soil.
3. Slow Growth
A slowdown in growth is a sign that a plant is not receiving enough water.
This can be a temporary or permanent situation. If the plant experiences a
temporary decrease in water supply, the growth may just slow for a short
period. If the challenge is more permanent you may see new leaf growth
being smaller than normal.
4. Discolored Leaves
The lower leaves usually suffer first, becoming yellowed and curled. The
leaves also can develop dry edges.
B. Development Day 2 Learning Task 1.
(2 Hours) Compare the two pictures below. Which of the two plants need more
water? Why? Write your answer on a sheet of paper.

Plant A. Plant B.

Photo source: https://gardeningsoul.com/save-plants-overwatered/

Learning Task 2.
Identify which of the given plants is overwatered and underwatered.
Explain your answer. Use separate sheet of paper for your answer.

Plant C Plant D

Photo source: https://gardeningsoul.com/save-plants-overwatered/

Learning Task 3.
Classify the following vegetable plants. Copy the table and write your
answer on a sheet of paper.
Pechay Mustard Tomatoes Malunggay Eggplant
Okra Kangkong Onion Cabbage lagikway

1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.

C. Engagement Day 3 Learning Task 4. Performance Task

(1 Hour) Monitoring Plan (Please copy the table in ½ index card)
In this activity you are going to prepare 3 plants in different pot or container.
Water plant A regularly. Water plant B more than plant A. Then don’t water
plant C. After a week, record your observation in the table below. Explain
your findings between the three plants in the container.
Findings: Findings: Findings:

D. Assimilation Day 4
(20 mins) Water performs the important functions in plants:

• Water is used for transpiration carrier of nutrients from the soil to

green plant tissues.
• Water is essential for the germination of seeds, growth of plant roots,
and nutrition and multiplication of soil organism.
• Water regulates the temperature and cools the plant.

Learning Task 5
Explain what the picture shows. Write your answer on a sheet of paper.

Photo source: https://www.woodlandswater.org/information/best-lawn-practices/all-plants-need-


V. ASSESSMENT (20 mins) Read and understand the questions carefully. Write the letter of the correct
answer on your answer sheet.
_____1. Which of the following groups of vegetables need more water?
A. Pechay and cabbage B. Tomato and eggplant
C. Pepper and Ube D. Okra and beans
____ 2. Shallow rooted vegetables such as pechay and cabbage need
much water because,
A. their leaf respiration is very high.
B. their bodies are composed of water.
C. they bear fruits more than other plants.
D. they are deeply rooted compared to other vegetables.
___ 3. The following are the instances when plants need water, except one.
A. After sowing the seeds B. After planting the seeds
C. When it bear flowers D. After transplanting
___ 4. Which of the following activities of plants relates to the availability of
A. Growth of flowers. B. Seed development.
C. Growth of the plants. D. All of the above
___ 5. Which of the following vegetable crops need infrequently water?
A. Tomato B. Eggplant C. Okra D. All of the above
___ 6. Which of the following are shallow-rooted vegetables?
A. Pechay B. Mustard C. Cabbage D. All of the above
___ 7. When is the best time to water the plants?
A. At noon time B. In the morning
C. In the evening D. Late in the afternoon
___ 8. Which of the following are signs of underwatered plants?
A. Soil is dry B. Plant is wilting C. Discolored leaves D. All of the above
___ 9. What will happen if there is a lack of water passing through the cells of
a plant?
A. Wilting B. Soil is dry C. Slow growth D. Discolored leaves
___ 10. Which of the following is a sign that the plant experiences a
temporary decrease in water supply?
A. Wilting B. Soil is dry C. Slow growth D. Discolored leaves
• The learner, in their notebook, will write their personal insights about
the lesson about “Watering the Plants” using the prompts below.
I understand that ___________________.
I realize that ________________________.
I need to learn more about __________.

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