Sarnavskyi IK-21mp LRP Presentation

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MERN Stack

Sarnavskyi Vladyslav IK-21mp


At the moment, information technologies are gaining popularity in the world, because they are used in
all sp heres of human life and make it much easier. More and more everyday processes are greatly simplified
thanks to their online automation.

Information technology is one of the modern ways of communication, the main advantage of which is
universal accessibility. On the Internet, everyone is looking for something interesting for themselves: ordering
food, buying clothes, signing up for certain procedures, without even leaving home. Web applications are the
main helper in simplifying such processes.
Structure of the stack

The MERN stack allows you to easily build a three-level architecture (front end, back end, database) entirely
using JavaScript and JSON.
MERN is one of several variants of the MEAN (MongoDB Express Angular Node) stack, where the traditional
Angular.js interface is replaced by React.js.
MERN stands for MongoDB, Express, React, Node, in honor of the four key technologies that make up the stack.

 MongoDB - document database

 Express(.js) is a Node.js web framework
 React(.js) is a framework for JavaScript clients
 Node(.js) is the leading JavaScript web server
MongoDB was designed to store JSON data (technically it
uses double JSON called BSON), and everything from the command line
interface to the query language (MQL or MongoDB Query Language) is
built on JSON and JavaScript.

MongoDB works very well with Node.js and makes storing,

manipulating and presenting JSON data at every level of your application
a breeze. For MongoDB cloud applications, Atlas takes it even further by
Characteristics of making auto-scaling a MongoDB cluster on your chosen cloud provider
as easy as a few button clicks.
the stack
Express.js (running on Node.js) and React.js
make MERN's JavaScript/JSON application a
full stack. Express.js is a server-side application
framework that wraps around HTTP requests
and responses and makes it easy to combine
URLs with server-side functions. React.js is a
JavaScript interface for creating interactive user
interfaces in HTML and communicating with a
remote server.
Technologies and tools of the stack

Hypertext Markup Language (Hypertext Markup Language), or as it

is often called, HTML, is a computer language that is the basis of the World
Wide Web. Thanks to the HTML language, any text can be marked up, turning
it into hypertext and then publishing it on the Web.

The HTML language has its own set of characters that web browsers
use to display a page. These symbols, called descriptors, include the elements
needed to create hyperlinks.

Ajax stands for Asynchronous Javascript And XML.

If in a standard web application the server handles all
information processing, while the browser is responsible
only for interacting with the user, sending requests and
outputting HTML, then in the Ajax application there is
another intermediary between the user and the server -
the Ajax engine. It determines which requests can be
processed "on the spot" and which requests must be
addressed to the server.

The JavaScript programming

language was developed by Netscape to
create interactive HTML documents. It is
an object-oriented language for developing
embedded applications that run on both
the client side and the server side. The
syntax of the language is very similar to the
syntax of Java - that is why it is called
React (sometimes React.js or ReactJS ) is an open
source JavaScript library for developing user interfaces.
React is developed and supported by Facebook, Instagram,
and a community of individual developers and
corporations.React can be used to develop single-page and
React mobile applications.
Its purpose is to provide high speed, simplicity and
scalability. As a library for developing user interfaces, React
is often used with other libraries such as Redux.

Nodejs (or simply Node) is a server-side platform for

working with JavaScript through the V8 engine. JavaScript
runs on the client side, while Node runs on the server side.
With the help of Node, you can write full-fledged
programs. Node can work with external libraries, call
commands from JavaScript code, and act as a web server.
The advantages of Node over other server technologies
(Java, PHP, C#) are very simple: Node is easier to scale. When
thousands of users connect to the server at the same time,
Node works asynchronously, that is, it sets priorities and
allocates resources more competently. Java, on the other hand,
allocates a separate thread for each connection.
Nodejs Express is a web framework written in
JavaScript and running inside the node.js runtime.
This module covers some of the key benefits of this
framework, setting up a development environment,
and performing basic web development and
deployment tasks. Some advantages of this

Node js Express  Allows configuring intermediaries to respond to

HTTP requests.
 Defines a routing table used to perform various
actions based on HTTP method and URL.
 Allows you to dynamically create HTML pages
based on passing arguments to templates.

With the MERN stack, you can perfectly build any web application you want by learning just one language,
Javascript. With the growing popularity of NoSQL databases, MongoDB is the best choice for databases due to its
scalability and flexible document schemas.

However, the MERN stack is ideal for heavier JSON, cloud, and dynamic web applications. You can build simple
applications like a to-do list, task manager, to more complex ones like e-commerce sites and social networking sites. The
MERN stack is growing in popularity and has many advantages thanks to the support of the development community
because it uses the most popular technologies on the market. In addition, there is no need to switch between external and
server environments, which means that as a developer, it is enough to know JavaScript and JSON, which will save you
time and allow you to complete the project faster and much more efficiently.
The MERN stack is also more adaptable and easy to use in terms of code reusability or performance. If one
aspires to be a full stack developer, he/she should definitely try the MERN stack!
The End

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