Desalegn M
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Relative Frequency of congenital heart disease
Ventricular septal defect 35–30
Atrial septal defect (secundum) 6–8
Patent ductus arteriosus 6–8
Coarctation of aorta 5–7
Tetralogy of Fallot 5–7
Pulmonary valve stenosis 5–7
Aortic valve stenosis 4–7
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d-Transposition of great arteries 3–5
lesion % of all lesions
Others 5–10
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Congenital heart disease in fetal life
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Time of presentation
• At birth
• Present with severe respiratory distress
• Critical semilunar valve stenosis
• Hypoplastic left heart syndrome
• D-transposition with no shunt leision
• At 6-8 weeks
• Most left to right shunt lesions
• When the pulmonary vascular resistance decreases to less than the
systemic pressure.
• Symptomatology depends on the degree of shunt
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Dynamics of congenital heart disease
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• Multifactorial
• Heriditary/familial
• Chromosomal
• Teratogenic factors/environmental/maternal drug
use .
• Heart disease is found in more than 90% of patients
with trisomy 18, 50% of patients with trisomy 21, and
40% of those with Turner syndrome.
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Cardiac defects in common syndromes
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CHARGE association (coloboma, heart, VSD, ASD, PDA, TOF, endocardial
atresia choanae, retardation, genital and cushion defect
ear anomalies)
FAVS (facio-auriculo-vertebral
CHD spectrum) TOF, VSD 01/20/23 12
Environmental risks
• 2 to 4% of cases of CHD
• Environmental
• Adverse maternal conditions
• maternal diabetes mellitus
• systemic lupus erythematosus;
• phenylketonuria
• Teratogenic influences
• congenital rubella syndrome
• maternal ingestion of drugs (lithium, ethanol, warfarin, thalidomide,
antimetabolites, vitamin A derivatives, anticonvulsant agents).
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Gender differences
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Familial risks
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Acyanotic CHD
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left-to-right shunting lesions
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Dynamic changes
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• Leisions with increased pulmonary blood flow
• Transposition of the great vessels,
• Truncus arteriosus,
• Single ventricle,
• Total anomalous pulmonary venous return
without obstruction.
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Cyanosis with decreased pulmonary blood flow
• Cyanosis is caused by
• Obstruction to pulmonary blood flow with right to left shunt
of venus blood.
• The degree of cyanosis depends on the degree of obstruction to
pulmonary blood flow.
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Cyanosis with increased pulmonary blood flow
• Cyanosis is caused by
• Abnormal ventricular-arterial connections
• Transposition of the great vessels
• Total mixing of systemic venous and pulmonary venous
blood within the heart
• A common atrium or ventricle,
• Total anomalous pulmonary venous return, and
• Truncus arteriosus
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Acyanotic heart disease
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Ventricular Septal Defect
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VSD Anatomy
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VSDs may occur at any portion of the ventricular septum
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• Inadequate development of any of the component
parts of ventricular septum
• communication between the two ventricles
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Types of VSD
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• Restrictive VSD
• Small VSD<0.5 cm2
• Large VSD (nonrestrictive)
• Size usually >1.0 cm2,
• Right and left ventricular pressure is equalized.
• Direction and magnitude of shunt are
determined by qp:qs.
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• With continued exposure of the pulmonary
vascular bed to high systolic pressure and high
flow, pulmonary vascular obstructive disease
• When the ratio of pulmonary to systemic resistance
approaches 1 : 1, the shunt becomes bidirectional,
the signs of heart failure abate, and the patient
becomes cyanotic (Eisenmenger physiology).
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Clinical features
• cardiomegaly, prominent Broncho vascular markings,
large pulmonary artery
• Biventricular hypertrophy
• Peaked or notched P wave
• Echocardiography
• Site and size of defect, associated cardiac lesions
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Natural history
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• Heart Failure
• Pulmonary hypertension
• Eisinmenger physiology.
• Aortic regurgitation-Supracristal VSD
• Acquired infundibular Pulmonary stenosis.
• Infective endocardities
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Indications for surgery
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