CV-5 PH Microcirc

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The Circulatory System

-The Microcirculation

Physiology for Pharmacy Students

Prof. Faisal Mohammad
Prof. Yanal Shafagoj
Dr. Ebaa M Azayadneh
The Circulatory System
Structure and function of blood vessels

• 5 main types
• Arteries – carry blood AWAY from the heart…their content might be
oxygenated or deoxygenated blood
• Arterioles: redistribute blood to different tissues according to their needs
• Capillaries – site of exchange THE Venules
• Veins – carry blood back to the heart

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Basic structure…from your histology lecture

• 3 layers or tunics
1. Tunica interna (intima)
2. Tunica media
3. Tunica externa
• Modifications account for 5 types of blood vessels and their structural/
functional differences

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Vessel Structure and Function
The Circulatory System is Composed of the Systemic
and Cardiopulmonary Circulation

• Systemic Circulation Also called the peripheral

- Serves all tissues
- Contains 84% of blood volume (64% in systemic
veins, 14% in systemic arteries and 7% systemic
-Pulmonary Circulation contain 9% of blood
- Heart chambers contain 7%
Which part is the most important???
Blood Distribution
Largest portion of blood at
rest is in systemic veins and
venules. Veins are called
capacitance vessels
•Blood reservoir
•Again: Who is the boss :

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Pressure Changes through the circulation
Blood Pressure
• Contraction of ventricles generates
blood pressure
• Systolic BP – highest pressure
attained in arteries during systole.
Pulsatile in the arteries
• Diastolic BP – lowest arterial
pressure during diastole
• Pressure falls progressively with
distance from left ventricle
• Blood pressure also depends on
total volume of blood
• The largest drop of BP in the
circulation is at the arterioles
(resistance vessels). Loss of
pulsation after this point

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Measurement of Systolic and Diastolic
• Auscultatory method is the most commonly used method
for measuring systolic and diastolic pressures.
• When cuff pressure reaches systolic pressure, one begins to
hear tapping sounds in the antecubital artery; as the cuff
pressure reaches diastolic pressure, one hears muffled
sounds and then Korotkoff sounds disappear.
• Mean arterial pressure can be estimated by adding 40% of
systolic pressure to 60% of diastolic pressure.

Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP)

0.0 0.3 0.8

MAP= 1/3 systolic pressure

+ 2/3 Diastolic pressure
MAP= Diastolic Pressure
+1/3 Pulse Pressure

t1 t2
Vascular resistance

• Opposition to blood flow due to friction between blood

and walls of blood vessels
• Depends on
1. Size of lumen – vasoconstriction makes lumen
smaller meaning greater resistance
2. Blood viscosity – ratio of RBCs to plasma and
protein concentration, higher viscosity means higher
3. Total blood vessel length – resistance directly
proportional to length of vessel
• 400 miles of additional blood vessels for each Kg
of fat

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Hemodynamic laws
• Ohm’s law and Poiseuille’s law

Flow = Driving force/Resistance

= ∆P/R….this is Ohm’s law
R = 8L / r4…. this is Poiseuille’s law
∆P = change in pressure
r = radius of the vessel
h (eta) = viscosity
L = length of the vessel
Effect of Vessel Diameter
on Blood Flow
P= 100
mm Hg
Velocity of blood flow

• Velocity=Flow/Area
• Speed or velocity in cm/sec in inversely related to cross-
sectional area
• Velocity is slowest where total cross sectional area is
greatest….in the capillaries…make sense
• Blood flow becomes slower farther from the heart
• Slowest in capillaries
• Aids in exchange
• Circulation time – time required for a drop of blood to
pass from right atrium, through pulmonary and systemic
circulation and back to right atrium
• Normally 1 minute at rest

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• Velocity (V ) is proportionate to flow (F) divided by cross sectional area of the blood
vessel (A):
• F=A*V

• V=F/A

? So blood flow is fastest in aorta and slowest in capillaries

Relationship between Velocity of Blood Flow and Total
Cross-sectioned area in Different Types of Blood Vessels

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• Blood flow or ‘‘F‘‘ = Blood
flow means simply the quantity
of blood that passes a given
point in the circulation in a given
period of time (mL/Sec).
The Microcirculation
● Important in the transport of nutrients to tissues.
● Site of waste product removal.
● Over 10 billion capillaries with surface area of 500-
700 square meters perform function of solute and
fluid exchange.
The Capillaries

• Most important method

• Substances move down their concentration gradient
• O2 and nutrients from blood to interstitial fluid to body cells
• CO2 and wastes move from body cells to interstitial fluid to blood
Fluid Exchange - Starling Forces

• As blood flows to the tissues of the body, hydrostatic

and osmotic forces at the capillaries determine how
much fluid leaves the arterial end of the capillary and
how much is then reabsorbed at the venous end. These
are called Starling Forces.
• Filtration is the movement of fluid through the walls of the
capillary into the interstitial fluid.
• Reabsorption is the movement of fluid from the interstitial
fluid back into the capillary.
Fluid Exchange - Starling Forces
• Two pressures promote filtration:
• Blood hydrostatic pressure (BHP) generated by the pumping
action of the heart - decreases from 35 to 16 from the arterial
to the venous end of the capillary
• Interstitial fluid osmotic pressure (IFOP), which is constant at
about 1 mmHg
Fluid Exchange - Starling Forces
• Two pressures promote reabsorption:
• Blood colloid osmotic pressure (BCOP) is due to the presence
of plasma proteins too large to cross the capillary - averages
36 mmHg on both ends.
• Interstitial fluid hydrostatic pressure (IFHP) is normally close
to zero and becomes a significant factor only in
states of edema.
Fluid Exchange - Starling Forces
Fluid Exchange - Starling Forces

• Normally there is nearly as much fluid

reabsorbed as there is filtered.
• At the arterial end, net pressure is outward at 10 mmHg
and fluid leaves the capillary (filtration).
• At the venous end, net pressure is inward at –9 mmHg
• On average, about 85% of fluid filtered is reabsorbed.
Fluid Exchange - Starling Forces
• Fluid that is not reabsorbed (about 3L/ day for the
entire body) enters the lymphatic vessels to be
eventually returned to
the blood.
Net Filtration Pressure (NFP)
Filtration Rate = Kf{(Pc – Pif) – ( c -  if)}
Filtration Rate = Kf{(Pc – Pif) – ( c -  if)}
• Mean capillary hydrostatic pressure (Pc)-tends to force
fluid outward through the capillary membrane.
• Interstitial fluid pressure (Pif)- opposes filtration when
value is positive.
• Plasma colloid osmotic pressure (π c)- opposes filtration
causing osmosis of water inward through the membrane
• Interstitial fluid colloid pressure (π if) promotes filtration
by causing osmosis of fluid outward through the
• Filtration coefficient (Kf)
Gas And Nutrient Exchange
• In contrast to the bulk flow of fluids at the capillaries, the
exchange of gases and small particles (like certain nutrients and
wastes) is a purely passive diffusion process.
• Gases and these other
substances simply
move into or out of
the capillary down their
concentration gradient.
Factors that Facilitate Venous Return


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