CV-5 PH Microcirc
CV-5 PH Microcirc
CV-5 PH Microcirc
-The Microcirculation
• 5 main types
• Arteries – carry blood AWAY from the heart…their content might be
oxygenated or deoxygenated blood
• Arterioles: redistribute blood to different tissues according to their needs
• Capillaries – site of exchange THE Venules
• Veins – carry blood back to the heart
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Basic structure…from your histology lecture
• 3 layers or tunics
1. Tunica interna (intima)
2. Tunica media
3. Tunica externa
• Modifications account for 5 types of blood vessels and their structural/
functional differences
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Vessel Structure and Function
The Circulatory System is Composed of the Systemic
and Cardiopulmonary Circulation
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Pressure Changes through the circulation
Blood Pressure
• Contraction of ventricles generates
blood pressure
• Systolic BP – highest pressure
attained in arteries during systole.
Pulsatile in the arteries
• Diastolic BP – lowest arterial
pressure during diastole
• Pressure falls progressively with
distance from left ventricle
• Blood pressure also depends on
total volume of blood
• The largest drop of BP in the
circulation is at the arterioles
(resistance vessels). Loss of
pulsation after this point
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Measurement of Systolic and Diastolic
• Auscultatory method is the most commonly used method
for measuring systolic and diastolic pressures.
• When cuff pressure reaches systolic pressure, one begins to
hear tapping sounds in the antecubital artery; as the cuff
pressure reaches diastolic pressure, one hears muffled
sounds and then Korotkoff sounds disappear.
• Mean arterial pressure can be estimated by adding 40% of
systolic pressure to 60% of diastolic pressure.
Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP)
t1 t2
Vascular resistance
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Hemodynamic laws
• Ohm’s law and Poiseuille’s law
• Velocity=Flow/Area
• Speed or velocity in cm/sec in inversely related to cross-
sectional area
• Velocity is slowest where total cross sectional area is
greatest….in the capillaries…make sense
• Blood flow becomes slower farther from the heart
• Slowest in capillaries
• Aids in exchange
• Circulation time – time required for a drop of blood to
pass from right atrium, through pulmonary and systemic
circulation and back to right atrium
• Normally 1 minute at rest
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• Velocity (V ) is proportionate to flow (F) divided by cross sectional area of the blood
vessel (A):
• F=A*V
• V=F/A
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• Blood flow or ‘‘F‘‘ = Blood
flow means simply the quantity
of blood that passes a given
point in the circulation in a given
period of time (mL/Sec).
The Microcirculation
● Important in the transport of nutrients to tissues.
● Site of waste product removal.
● Over 10 billion capillaries with surface area of 500-
700 square meters perform function of solute and
fluid exchange.
The Capillaries