DSC9000 Tech Manual
DSC9000 Tech Manual
DSC9000 Tech Manual
500 09-96
910 000 63
Issue A6
The unit is fully remote controlled from the
T h e D S C 9 000 i s an M F/ HF D SC DCU 9000 and may be installed in any
Controller-Receiver which complies with the convenient, suitable place. An additional DU
GMDSS requirements specified in SOLAS 88, 9006 DSC Unit configured as a DSC watch
chapter IV, when it is connected to a SKANTI receiver may be connected where a second
TRP 7000 or TRP 8000 or another suitable HF continuous watch receiver is needed.
transceiver. The DSC 9000 MF/HF Controller-Receiver
It is designed in accordance with the has complete control of the SKANTI TRP 7000
recommendations and specifications of the or TRP 8000 HF transceiver. This feature gives
IMO, ITU and CEPT for Class-A DSC automatic transfer of the receiver and
equipment in the maritime mobile MF/HF transmitter frequencies from the DSC 9000 to
service. the HF transceiver. Furthermore, if an
The Digital Selective Calling (DSC) system is additional DU 9006 watch receiver is not
a world-wide system for ship-to-shore, connected, the receiver in the SKANTI TRP
shore-to-ship, and ship-to-ship calling. It is an 7000 or TRP 8000 may be utilized for scanning
essential element in the Global Maritime of DSC calling channels while the receiver in
Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) but is the DSC 9000 simultaneously maintains
also used for public correspondence with land distress and safety watch.
networks through coast stations providing this Interface (NMEA) to navigational equipment is
service. included for automatic position updating. An
Calls may be directed to single stations, to external distress button may be connected for
groups of stations or to all ships, and contain remote activation of distress calls, and external
information about the category of the call alarms may be connected for remote indication
(distress, urgency, safety, ship’s business or of received calls.
routine), proposed frequency for subsequent A serial interface for connection of a printer is
communication, etc. In distress calls the included for selectable print-out of all calls,
distress position, nature of distress, etc. may distress and safety calls only, transmitted and
be included. received calls, or received calls only as well as
Visual and audible signals advise the receiving the possibility of printing out Short-dial list,
party when calls are received. When contact DSC frequency list, MMSI list, Telephone list
has been established, frequencies are and configuration settings.
changed to the indicated working frequencies Received calls are stored until read-out. Up to
and the communication is carried out as usual. 20 different distress calls and 20 other calls
can be contained in the store.
DSC 9000 MF/HF Controller-Receiver is a The DSC 9000 remembers the last transmitted
compact equipment in modular design call in each format and category for easy
featuring the latest SMD technology. It repetition. Furthermore a short-dial register is
consists of: included which may contain up to 99 user
DCU 9000, DSC Control Unit, compact and pre-programmed calls for easy recall.
easy to use, with large 160-character backlit When sending acknowledgements or calls in
LCD display with 4 lines. Splash-proof, backlit r esponse to a received call, relevant
keyboard with tactile and audible feed-back. information is automatically transferred from
Up to 5 DCU 9000 sets may be connected to the received call for fast and easy response.
the DU 9000. The units are chain connected The DSC 9000 has direct-dial facilities in
with a single cable. accordance with the operational procedures
DU 9000 DSC Unit, containing single channel specified for ship stations in Recommendation
or scanning receiver, power supply module, ITU-R M.1080: INTERNATIONAL MARITIME
and the PC P modul e (Progr am mable MF/HF RADIOTELEPHONE SYSTEM WITH
C omm uni cation Processor) with D SC AUTOMATIC FACILITIES BASED ON DSC
modulator, two DSC demodulators, and SIGNALLING FORMAT.
processor for control of the DSC unit and the The DSC 9000 has built-in test facilities for
communication with the DCU 9000, the HF easy routine testing and as an aid for trouble
transceiver and other connected equipment. shooting and service.
Dynamic Range:
With a wanted signal 80 dBµV the symbol error
RECEIVER WITH DSC DECODER 1 rate is below 1x10-2.
Modulation Rate:
100 baud, +/-30 ppm. OTHER INTERFACES
4 lines x 40 characters alpha-numeric dot
matrix LCD module with black characters and
yellow LED backlight.
20 back-illuminated keys with tactile feedback.
Visual Indicators:
Green, red and yellow LEDs for indication of
Supply On, reception/transmission of distress
or urgency and other calls respectively.
Non-Volatile Memory:
Nine-digit self-ID is permanently stored and
cannot be changed by the user.
Battery type:
Part number 107 811 60
Life Time:
6-12 years dependent on working conditions.
Enters the content of a selection or entry field and moves to the next step.
Executes a selected command.
A call other than distress has been received. The lamp remains
Slow flashing flashing until the call has been read out.
yellow light
Call alarm: User-programmable sound indicating that a call (other than distress
or urgency) has been received. Remain activated for 1/4 - 4 minutes
(programmable) or until a key is pressed or, for Direct-dial and
Selective telephony calls, the handset of the radiotelephone is lifted
External alarm devices may be connected to DSC 9000 and configurated to be active when
*)Different on/off patterns so it is possible to distinguish between distress alarm and call alarm.
An external push button may be connected to the equipment for remote initiation of a distress
The external push button may be combined with a lamp configurated to follow the distress lamp.
The external push button is operated in the same way as the Distress key on DCU 9000. To
initiate a distress alert press the push-button for 6 sec (until the distress lamp stops
quick-flashing and shows steady light). Then release. If not released within 5 s transmission
does not start.
Up to 5 DCU 9000 control units may be connected simultaneously to a DU 9000. One of the
control units may be given priority (by configuration).
Only one control unit can be active at a time while all others are passive. When switching on, the
control unit on which the SUPPLY ON/OFF button was pressed becomes active. After an
interruption in external power supply all control units will be passive.
If the active control unit is in the MAIN-MENU, STATUS or RX-CALL states or if all control units
are passive, the display of a passive control unit shows:
If the active control unit is in any other state the display of a passive control unit shows:
Only a passive control unit with higher priority can interrupt the active control unit in this case.
An incoming call activates the visual and audible indicators of all control units. Light and sound
levels are induvidually adjustable.
1. Press for 6 seconds. Position: 55˚59’N 133˚22’W at 1229 UTC
Undesignated distress USB telephony
The displayed distress alert information
- Keep pressing 5 sec to send message -
will be transmitted when the key is released
after the 6 seconds has elapsed.
The position is updated automatically by the ships navigational equipment or it may have been keyed
in manually, see PROGRAMMING POSITION.
Automatic updated position information is ’frozen’ at the moment the Distress button is pressed and
may be corrected manually by selecting >EDIT<.
Nature of Distress
Selectable Options: Fire, explosion
Danger of capsizing
Disabled and adrift
Undesignated distress
Abandoning ship
Press .
Press .
Press .
If >ALL< is selected, the distress alert will be sent on all six DSC Distress frequencies in turn.
Note:The Frequency is preset to 2187.5 kHz if watch receiver 1 is set to ’Distress watch MF’
(DSC 9001).
If a single frequency is selected the Distress Alert will be sent on that frequency 5 times, in each
Press .
7. Press for 6 seconds to transmit Position: 55˚59’N 133˚22’W at 1229 UTC
the Distress Alert immediately Undesignated distress USB telephony
or - Press [Distress] 6 sec to send message
If the transmitter is off the light in the distress lamp does not turn into steady light and the last line
shows " -- Switch transmitter on --".
If the distress alert was transmitted on a single frequency, the transceiver is set automatically to
telephony or telex mode as indicated in the call and to the appropriate distress frequency in the same
band as the call.
After 3 minutes, if a single frequency was selected, the last line shows "-Press [Enter] to select DSC
frequency-". Another DSC frequency may then be selected and the distress alert repeated
on this frequency.
Automatic transmission if [Enter] is not pressed.
Position: 55˚59’N 133˚22’W at 1229 UTC
2. The display shows the remaining number
Undesignated distress USB telephony
of seconds
- Keep pressing 1 sec to send message -
Position: 55˚59’N 133˚22’W at 1229 UTC
Undesignated distress USB telephony
------------- Release button -----------
When the time is out the Distress lamp
will light steady.
Position: 55˚59’N 133˚22’W at 1229 UTC
Undesignated distress USB telephony
3 Release to start the transmission.. ------- Tuning transmitter -------
----------- Transmitting -----------
or is pressed.
If SET UP is entered, the transceiver is set automatically to telephony or telex mode as indicated , and
to the appropriate distress and safety frequency in the same band as the acknowledgement call.
END should be entered when communication is completed. The display returns to STATUS display
or to RX-CALL if not all received calls have been read out and scanning is resumed on the transceiver
if so selected.
The Distress Acknowledgement is an All Ships Call and therefore received not only by the ship in
Press .
Press .
2. Key in the Maritime Mobile Service Identity TX-CALL Selective to: (001234567 )
number of the coast station.
Nature of Distress
Selectable Options: Fire, explosion
Danger of capsizing
Disabled and adrift
Undesignated distress
Abandoning ship
The distress relay call is automatically transmitted 5 times, total duration approx. 50 sec.
Following transmission of a selective call the receiver is set to the DSC RX frequency and awaits an
acknowledgement within 5 minutes.
For All ships, Group or Area calls no acknowledgement is expected. In this case the transceiver is set
automatically to telephony or telex mode as indicated in the call and to the appropriate distress and
safety frequency in the same band as the call.
DISTRESS-RELAY Ship:123456789
Position: 55˚59’N 133˚22’W at 1229 UTC
9. Press . Undesignated distress USB telephony
- Press [Enter] to select DSC frequency -
If SET UP is entered, the appropriate transmitter and receiver are set automatically to telephony or
telex mode as indicated in the acknowledgement, and to the appropriate distress and safety frequency
in the same band as the acknowledgement call. (If not configurated for automatic control of telex
receiver and transmitter, the telephony receiver and transmitter are set to USB at the telephony distress
frequency in the same band.)
If the handset is lifted off-hook while the acknowledgement is displayed, the telephony transmitter and
receiver are set automatically to the telephony distress and safety frequency in the same band as the
acknowledgement call.
END should be entered when communication is completed. The display returns to STATUS or to
RX-CALL if not all received calls have been read out and scanning is resumed on the transceiver if so
DISTRESS-RELAY Ship:123456789
2. The display shows the Distress relay Position: 55˚59’N 133˚22’W at 1229 UTC
message acknowledged. Undesignated distress USB telephony
Selecable options:
USB telephony
FEC telex
ARQ telex
For distresss category additionally:
Distress relay
1. Press .
TX-CALL Saved call: 0-9
2. Select the format. e.g. Selective call . >SELECTIVE< GROUP AREA ALL-SHIPS
Press .
Press .
Press .
Press .
Additional information
When calling a coast station select NONE.
When calling another ship select FERQUENCY and key-in the proposed working frequencies.
Note: Transmission is prevented until the channel is free. This feature may be overruled by pressing
Call again.
The duration of an MF/HF DSC call is approx. 10 sec.Following transmission of selective or direct-dial
calls the receiver is set to the DSC RX frequency and awaits an acknowledgement within 5 minutes
for selective calls and 25 seconds for direct-dial calls.
All ships, group and area calls require no acknowledgement. When the transmission is completed the
transceiver is set to the mode and frequencies indicated in the call by pressing ENTER or, for telephony
calls, lifting the handset off hook within 1 minute.
END should be entered when communication is completed. For telephony calls just place the handset
on-hook. The display returns to STATUS or to RX-CALL if not all received calls have been read out
and scanning is resumed on the transceiver if so selected.
Press .
If SET UP is entered the mode and frequency of the transceiver is set as indicated in the call.
If the handset is lifted off-hook while an RX-call indicating telephony mode is displayed, the mode and
frequency is set as indicated in the call.
END should be entered when communication is completed. For telephony calls just place the handset
on hook. The display returns to STATUS or to RX-CALL if not all received calls have been read out
and scanning is resumed on the transceiver if so selected.
Direct-dial calls are used for direct telephone dialling of a land subscriber through an appropriate coast
station providing automatic connection with the public switched telephone network.
Alternatively the MMSI list number (0-99) may be entered if the coast station has been programmed
into the MMSI list. When Enter is pressed the programmed name of the coast station will be shown
next to the 9-digit MMSI number.
Alternatively the telephone list number (0-99) may be entered if the number has been programmed
into the telephone list. When Enter is pressed the programmed name of the coast station will be shown
next to the telephone number.
The name of the coast station or the country may be used instead of NATIONAL, please refer to page
2-64 PROGRAMMING DSC-FREQUENCY LIST for further information.
1. Press .
Press .
Press .
TX-CALL Direct-dial to: 002192000
Tel: 42482544
Press .
Press .
To save the call select SAVE and press the Enter button.
If the coast station cannot comply immediately with the call request due to the appropriate working
frequencies being busy or for other reasons, this will be indicated in the acknowledgement.
The coast station evaluates the working channel quality during the DSC call. If quality is satisfactory
the acknowledgement contains the same working frequencies. The coast station then starts dialling
the subscriber.
If the working channel quality evaluation indicates that quality is not satisfactory the coast station may
suggest other working frequencies. In this case the DSC calls are repeated on the new working
If the working channel quality evaluation again indicates that quality is not satisfactory and no other
channels are available the coast station sends an acknowledgement indicating -Cannot use Channel-.
If SET UP is entered, the transceiver is set automatically to telephony or telex mode as indicated in
the call, and to the appropriate distress and safety frequency in the same band as the call.
END should be entered when communication is completed. The display returns to STATUS or to
RX-CALL if not all received calls have been read out and scanning is resumed on the transceiver if so
Ships receiving a DSC distress alert from another ship should defer the acknowledgement of the
distress alert for a short interval, if the ship is within an area covered by one or more coast stations,
in order to give the coast station time to acknowledge the DSC distress alert first.
Start of transmission is automatically delayed until 1 minute has passed since receipt of the Distress
Alert. In this periode the displays shows ’ Call in progress ’.
END should be entered when communication is completed. The display returns to STATUS or to
RX-CALL if not all received calls have been read out and scanning is resumed on the transceiver if so
4. Press to transmit the Distress Position: 55˚59’N 133˚22’W at 1229 UTC
Acknowledgement. Undesignated distress USB telephony
- Press [Call] to send on 2187.5 kHz -
------- Call in progress -------
------- Tuning transmitter -------
----- Checking for free channel -----
----------- Transmitting -----------
2. Key in the Maritime Mobile Service Identity TX-CALL Selective to: (001234567 )
number of the coast station.
Press .
If SET UP is entered, the transceiver is set automatically to telephony or telex mode as indicated in
the call, and to the appropriate distress and safety frequency in the same band as the call.
END should be entered when communication is completed. The display returns to STATUS or to
RX-CALL if not all received calls have been read out and scanning is resumed on the transceiver if so
DISTRESS-RELAY Ship:123456789
2. Enter SET UP. The transceiver is now Position: 55˚59’N 133˚22’W at 1229 UTC
automatically set to the Distress traffic Undesignated distress USB telephony
frequency. >SET UP< QUIT
An incoming call will be displayed immediately if the equipment is in the MAIN-MENU or STATUS
states. From other states the display returns to the last received RX-CALL instead of STATUS display
if a call has been received.
The visual and audible indicators will signal that a call has been received. The visual indicator remains
activated until the call has been read out.
If SET UP is entered the mode and frequency of the transceiver is set as indicated in the call.
END should be entered when communication is completed. The display returns to STATUS or to
RX-CALL if not all received calls have been read out and scanning is resumed on the transceiver if so
All-ships, Group and Area calls, not having Distress or Urgency catagory, are considered obsolete
when 5 minutes have passed since the reception of the call. The call is then treated as ’read-out’.
1. A Call is received.
RX-CALL All ships to: 001234567
Category: Safety USB telephony
Working freq. TX: -----.- RX: 1734.0
Received on 2187.5 kHz >SET UP< QUIT
All incomming calls are stored. The store has capacity for storing 20 different Distress calls and 20
different other calls. The oldest call in the group in question is deleted when the capacity is exceeded.
If the call contains Polling, Ship position, or legal mode and Frequency information, transmission of
acknowledgement may be initiated by just pressing [Call]. Steps 2 to 5 are then automatically
If the call is a telephony call the same is obtained by just lifting the handset off hook.
When transmission is completed and if the acknowledgement contains mode information, the
transceiver is set to the mode and frequencies indicated in the acknowledgement call by pressing
[Enter] or, for telephony calls, lifting the handset off-hook within one minute..
END should be entered when communication is completed. For telephony calls just place the handset
on hook. The display returns to STATUS or to RX-CALL if not all received calls have been read out
and scanning is resumed on the transceiver if so selected.
Note: If the call is not acknowledged within 4.5 minutes ACK is replaced by >TX-CALL<. If this is
entered the information in the received call is transfered to a TX-CALL.
Direct-dial calls are used for direct telephone dialling of the ship by a land subscriber through an
appropriate coast station providing automatic connection with the public switched telephone network.
If incomming telephone calls cannot be answered for a period, the automatic acknowledgement status
of the DSC 9000 should be changed to ’Unable to comply with telephony calls’. In this case the
acknowledgement will contain the message ’Unable to comply’, and the coast station will after receipt
of that message transmit a busy signal to the calling subscriber.
The coast station evaluates the working channel quality during the DSC call. If quality is satisfactory
the acknowledgement contains the same working frequencies. The coast station then starts dialling
the subscriber.
If the working channel quality evaluation indicates that quality is not satisfactory the coast station may
suggest other working frequencies. In this case the DSC calls are repeated on the new working
If the working channel quality evaluation again indicates that quality is not satisfactory and no other
channels are available the coast station sends an acknowledgement indicating -Cannot use Channel-.
When the call is completed place the handset TX-CALL Direct-dial to: 002192000
on-hook. An ’End of call’ DSC message is sent Tel : -- USB telephony
to the coast station to stop call timing. Working freq. TX: 2076.0 RX: 1813.0
------- Tuning transmitter -------
----- Checking for free channel -----
----------- Transmitting -----------
----- Awaiting ack on 1813.0 kHz -----
The STATUS display comes up when power is switched on or when selected from the MAIN-MENU
by selecting STATUS and pressing "Enter". The equipment automatically returns to STATUS display
after 10 minutes unless an RX-CALL is displayed or if in Distress Transmit mode.
Automatic acknowledgement
DSC watch-receiver 1’s watch frequencies
DSC watch-receiver 2’s watch frequencies
For ’Unable to comply with telephony calls’ the reason may be set to
- No reason given
- Congestion
- Station barred
- No operator
- Temporarily no operator
- Equipment disabled
When set to ’Unable to comply with telephony calls’ automatic acknowledgement transmissions in
response to calls containing a telephony telecommand will contain ’Unable to comply’ and the additional
message selected.
Automatic acknowledgement transmission takes place only if enabled by automatic ack programming.
Automatic acknowledgement of direct-dial calls takes place if Direct-dial format is enabled by
configuration. If Direct-dial format is enabled automatic ack of polling calls from coast stations is
automatically enabled.
Automatic acknowledgement transmissions does not take place if the handset is off-hook or the
equipment is not in STATUS, MAIN-MENU, or RX-CALL state.
Automatic acknowledgement transmissions does not take place if the call is received with error or has
distress category.
Calling watch Frequencies may be selected from the DSC frequency list.
The arrow keys will switch between the selected frequency numbers.
The Enter key will display the frequencies selected and the arrow
keys wil now move between the frequencies of the DSC frequency
list or a list number may be entered. Pressing Enter will select the
displayed frequency pair.
Polling calls
If ’Specific stations only’ is selected, enter PROGRAMMING Aut ack of polling calls
the MMSI number of the stations. Specific stations only (002191000)
( _)
-- Enter MMSI; use # for any digit --
Position calls
If ’Specific stations only’ is selected, enter PROGRAMMING Aut ack of position calls
the MMSI number of the stations. Specific stations only (002191000)
( _)
-- Enter MMSI; use # for any digit --
Other calls
If ’Specific stations only’ is selected, enter PROGRAMMING Aut ack of other calls
the MMSI number of the stations. Specific stations only (002191000)
( _)
-- Enter MMSI; use # for any digit --
Automatic updating
If automatic updating from the NMEA input is used the actual position is displayed, will
return to the STATUS display
If not automatically updated, the DSC 9000 should be regularly updated manually in order to be
able to receive Area calls correctly.
Manual updating
--- Enter the time of the position ---
Press to return to the 55 ˚ 59 ’ N 133˚ 20’ W at 1229 UTC
STATUS display.
If more than 12 hours have elapsed since the last updating, the time will be deleted.
Printer Status
The arrow key switches beween the above options and Enter selects the displayed option and
returns to STATUS menu.
Print Lists
The arrow key switches beween the above options and Enter selects the displayed option, starts
print-out and returns to STATUS menu.
Distress-alarm sound
Select the volume level using the arrow keys. PROGRAMMING Distress-alarm sound
Type A < Volume **. . . . . .>
Call-alarm sound
Select the volume level using the arrow keys. PROGRAMMING Call-alarm sound
Duration .5 Type C < Volume**. . . . . .>
Key-beep sound
Select the volume level using the arrow keys. PROGRAMMING Key-beep sound
Illegal key volume < Volume**. . . . . .>
Select the "Day" setting for the display PROGRAMMING Backlight Indicators
backlight using the arrow keys. <* * * * * *. .>
Night: * *. . . . . .***.....
-- Change by [<] [>] or press [Enter] --
Select the "Day" setting for the indicators PROGRAMMING Backlight Indicators
using the arrow keys. Day: * * * * * *. . <* * * * * * . .>
Night: * *. . . . . . ***.....
-- Change by [<] [>] or press [Enter] --
Select the "Night" setting for the display PROGRAMMING Backlight Indicators
backlight using the arrow keys. Day: * * * * * *. . ******..
Night: <* *. . . . . .> ***.....
-- Change by [<] [>] or press [Enter] --
Select the "Night" setting for the indicators PROGRAMMING Backlight Indicators
using the arrow keys. Day: * * * * * *. .
Night: * *. . . . . .
<* * * . . . . .>
-- Change by [<] [>] or press [Enter] --
Press to return to the STATUS
The light in the Distress and Call indicators cannot be reduced completely.
Select the contrast setting using the arrow PROGRAMMING Contrast setting
keys. < * * * * . . . .>
Use the arrow key to change between the PROGRAMMING DSC frequency list
DSC-frequency numbers or enter the <01 NATIONAL TX: 2156.0 RX: 1621.0 kHz>
DSC-frequency number of the the frequency
pair that you want to change and press -- Change by [<] [>] or press [Enter] --
Enter a name for this frequency number. PROGRAMMING DSC frequency list
01 (NATIONAL) TX: 2156.0 RX: 1621.0 kHz
------------------- Enter name ------------------
If all fields are empty or "0" the number is deleted from the list.
The distress and safety frequencies (94-99) cannot be edited.
The pre-programmed DSC frequency list is printed on the next page.
Use the arrow key to change between the PROGRAMMING MMSI list
MMSI list numbers or enter the MMSI list <01 Name: LYNGBY MMSI: 002191000>
number that you want to program and press
-- Change by [<] [>] or press [Enter] --
If all fields are empty or "0" the number is deleted from the list.
Either the nine-digit MMSI number or the MMSI list number (0-99) may be entered when composing
When [Enter] is pressed the name and the nine-digit MMSI number is displayed.
When entering an unprogrammed list number the illegal-key sound is given and the number is deleted.
If, when receiving a call, the MMSI number of the calling station is found in the MMSI list, the name of
the station will be displayed along with the nine-digit MMSI number.
Use the arrow key to change between the PROGRAMMING Telephone list
telephone list numbers or enter the telephone <01 4542482544 SKANTI>
list number that you want to program and
-- Change by [<] [>] or press [Enter] --
If all fields are empty or "0" the number is deleted from the list.
Either the telephone number or the telephone list number (1-99) may be entered when composing a
Direct-dial call.
When [Enter] is pressed the telephone number and the name is displayed.
When entering an unprogrammed list number the illegal-key sound is given and the number is deleted.
Accumulated ON-time
TEST Version
DCU > DU <
TEST Version
DCU program: 01.07.00 Date: 930621
> DCU <
The program version and date for DCU
is displayed.
The test starts immediately and will continue TEST Automatic Self-test
until all test are completed and found ok. Completed 19 steps ok
0 bypassed
Press to end the test and return 0 failed >END<
to status display.
If a test fails the self-test will stop and TEST Automatic Self-test
display: test step no. 03 Synthesizer test: Failed
name of the failing test
error code Error code: 0301 >CONTINUE< END
Press to continue.
TEST Automatic Self-test
If any the self test will stop on the next failure. 04 Synthesizer test: Failed
When all test are completed a test status TEST Automatic Self-test
is displayed. Completed 19 steps ok
0 bypassed
Press to end the test and return 2 failed >END<
to status display.
The error code consists of step number (2 digits), indication of previous faults (1 digit: 0=no, 1=yes)
and failure type (1 digit).
If an additional DU is connected a selftest on that is included in the sequence. The display will indicate
that DU 2 is tested.
Adjust the volume level using the arrow keys. TEST Watch-1 RX-audio
Enter the MMSI number of the coast station TX-CALL Selective to: (00123456)
to receive the test call.
Press to select the DSC frequency. - Press [Enter] to select DSC frequency -
Correct installation of the DSC 9000 is important for maximum performance and reliability. This
chapter provides specific information about the installation of each unit, their interconnection and
connection to other equipment.
The DCU 9000 control unit is adaptable to a variety of mounting methods and should be placed
with convenient operation in mind. It may be mounted directly on the front of the DU 9000 forming
an integrated controller-receiver unit, or it may be installed separately with or without the mounting
When mounted on the front of the DU 9000 (fig.1 at page 3-12), the two units must be interconnected
by means of the ribbon cable included. Depending on wich way the DCU 9000 is turned relative to
the DU 9000, the cable must be bent as shown in fig.3a at page 3-14 or fig.3b at page 3-14
respectively. To install the ribbon cable, remove the top cover of the DU 9000. Plug the cable into
the corresponding socket on PCP 717 and place it between the two guiding tabs at the front top of
the DU 9000. Refit the top cover. Plug the D-sub connector into the Net socket on the DCU 9000
as shown in fig.4 at page 3-15 and arrange the ribbon cable appropriately before fixing the DCU
9000 to the DU 9000.
All external connections to the DSC 9000 are made to the connectors at the rear of the DU 9000.
The mounting bracket (fig. 5 at page 3-16) is used for table mounting of the DCU 9000, and may
also be used for bulkhead and console mounting as shown in fig.6 at page 3-17 and fig.7 at page
3-18. Fig.7 shows how the mounting bracket may be installed behind a bulkhead or a console panel
for low profile mounting. Fig.8a and 8b at page 3-19 and fig.9a and 9b at page 3-20 shows how
flush mounting may be obtained and gives the dimensions for the necessary hardware.
External connections to the DCU 9000 are made to the terminal strips of the mounting bracket. For
top side cable entry the Terminal Board may be dismantled and turned 180 degrees as illustrated
in fig.10b at page 3-21.
The DCU 9000 without mounting bracket may be bulkhead or console mounted as shown in fig.11
at page 3-22. Fig.12a and 12b at page 3-23 shows how flush mounting may be obtained and gives
the dimensions for the necessary hardware.
External connections to the DCU 9000 are made to the connectors at the back of the unit as
illustrated in fig.13 at page 3-24.
DU 9000
The DU 9000 DSC unit should be installed in a dry place near the associated radiotelephone and
consideration should be given to accessibility for service. Airspace should be provided around the
unit for adequate air circulation through the unit and the heat sink at the exterior of the unit. Fig 14
at page 3-25 shows the mounting possibilities and overall dimensions and shows the minimum
distances to other objects ensuring good cooling.
External connections to the DU 9000 are made to the connectors at the back of the unit as illustrated
in fig.15 at page 3-26.
Power Supply
The DSC 9000 operates at voltages between 10.8 and 41.6 VDC and may be powered from a 12V,
24V, or 32V battery or from an AC Power Supply Unit with a DC output voltage within the specified
When used with a Skanti TRP 7000 or TRP 8000 transceiver the AC Power Supply Unit of the
transceiver is capable of supplying the additional power required by the DSC 9000.
The supply leads are connected to the supply terminal strip of the DU 9000. The supply terminal
strip is adapted for screened power supply cable. Note that fuses must be provided in the supply
leads to protect the cable. Table 2 at page 3-29 shows the necessary cable cross section and
external fuse rating.
Earth connection of the equipment will not cause the battery to be earthed. Maximum permissible
peak voltage between the battery terminals and the earth is 100V. The supply input is protected
against polarity reversal.
Earth Connections
The earth terminal of each unit, where separated, should be connected to earth using 2.5mmSq
wire, see fig.18 at page 3-30. The wire should be as short as possible and preferably be connected
to a separate earth screw, which should not be shared by any other equipment. The earth lead
should run as far away from the transmitter earth lead as possible.
The antenna should be erected well in the clear and kept away as far as possible from electrical
equipment in order to minimize noise. Length: 7-30m.
Electrical installation such as cable braiding and instruments in the vicinity of the antenna should
be earthed effectively, and the instruments in question should be fitted with noise-interference
suppression devices, effective in the range 0.1 to 30 MHz.
The antenna feed-in should be coaxial cable, which should be as short as possible, especially in
the case of short antennas. If a long cable is used an impedance matching transformer should be
inserted in the antenna end of the feeder. For connector and cable specifications, see fig.19 at page
Interconnection of Units
The units of the DSC 9000 are interconnected using a screened multiwire cable containing 5 twisted
pairs of wire between the Net connectors of each unit.
Important: Each unit contains a jumper which connects a 120 ohm resistor between terminals 2
and 3 of the net connectors, providing the necessary termination impedance for the serial data bus
of the net. The jumper must be removed if the unit is not located at the end of the chain.
See fig. 20 at page 3-31
The DU 9000-end of the cable is prepared by soldering a 9-pole D-Sub connector at the as
described in fig.21 at page 3-32. Assure that the twisted wires are correctly paired.
Where the mounting bracket is used, the DCU 9000-end of the cable is connected to the terminal
strip of the bracket, see fig.22 at page 3-33. Otherwise a 9-pole D-sub connector is used at this end
as well.
Prepared 5x2x0.25mmSq screened cable with 9-pole D-sub connector at each end may be obtained
from Skanti in 3m and 10m lengths:
Up to 5 control units may be connected to the DU 9000. The units must be chain connected.
Table 1 below shows the maximum permissible cable lengths for different numbers of control units,
using the cable type specified in fig.21 at page 3-32.
Number of Maximum
Control Units cable length
1 180m
2 100m
3 75m
4 58m
5 47m
Table 1
Where control units are distributed along the line, their relative contribution to the cable load may
be calculated by dividing each length of cable by the maximum length specified for the number of
control units sharing that particular length of cable. The sum of all relative contributions must not
exceed 1.
One control unit located 140m from the first DCU 9000
20 140
+ = 0.2 + 0.78 = 0.98
100 180
One of the control units may be given priority, see the Installation Configuration section at page
The MF/HF transceiver is connected to the 25 pole D-sub connector marked Com on the DU 9000.
See table 5 at page 3-37 for pin assignments and fig 24 at page 3-36 for connector and cable
The installation wiring diagram on page 3-45 details the connections for Skanti transceivers TRP
7000 and TRP 8000.
The DSC 9000 is factory configurated for control of frequency and mode for automatic set-up of the
radio equipment for DSC traffic and automatic change-over to working frequencies and mode as
indicated in DSC calls. If not used for Radiotelex the receiver in the TRP 7000 or TRP 8000 may
be utilized for scanning of up to 6 DSC calling channels while the built-in receiver of the DSC 9000
simultaneously maintains continuous watch.
Note: For automatic mode set-up and external control of scanning receiver the program version of
TRP 7000 or TRP 8000 must be compatible.
To enhance the automatic control facilities a handset hook signal must be fed to the DSC 9000.
For TRP 8000 with old handset type, an optional hook-switch must be installed below the handset
holder, see fig.26 at page 3-40.
For TRP 8000 with new handset type with built-in hook-switch, connection is made via a
Din-connector, inserted in the extra socket of the handset holder. See fig.27 at page 3-42 for pin
The handset hook signal is used for stop and start of scanning on the transceiver scanning receiver,
for inhibiting automatic acknowledgement transmission while the transceiver is used for telephony
and for initiating automatic set-up of working frequencies, etc.
The AF output level from the DSC 9000 for transmitter modulation is factory preset to 0 dBm which
matches Skanti transceivers TRP 7000 and TRP 8000. Adjustment, where required, is possible
over the range -10 dBm to +10 dBm by trimpot R8, located on PCB 717, see fig. 31 at page 3-47.
The AF input level to the DSC 9000 from the external receiver should be in the range -30 to +10
dBm. The TRP 7000 and TRP 8000 are factory preset to 0 dBm. The input impedance is factory
set to 600 ohms. High impedance is selectable by removing jumper J1 on PCB 717, see fig. 31 at
page 3-47.
See the Installation Configuration section at page 3-48 for change of Radio Interface configuration.
Connection of an Additional DU
A DU 9006 DSC Unit may be connected to the DSC 9000 as an additional DU if a second continuous
watch receiver is needed.
The built-in watch receiver of the DSC 9000 is typically used for the mandatory continuous DSC
watch-keeping on the distress and safety frequency/-ies. Reception of DSC calls for public
correspondance in the MF/HF bands demands an additional receiver, keeping watch on the
appropriate calling frequencies. The DSC 9000 allows the receiver of the associated TRP 7000 or
TRP 8000 to be used as this second watch receiver, but in cases where this is not desired, either
because the transceiver is used for automatic telex or because continuous DSC calling watch is
required, a DU 9006 configured as watch receiver may be used. When connected, this will
automatically take over the watch-receiver 2 function otherwise assigned to the transceiver.
The DU 9006 is configured by inserting a coded 25-pole D-sub plug in the AUX socket. The plug
is coded by connecting pin 18 to pin 23 and pin 10 to pin 25.
For interconnection with the DSC 9000 the Net connectors are used, please refer to page 3-5
Interconnection of Units. The antenna signal may conveniently be taken off at the antenna output
of the DSC 9000. Power consumption of the DU 9006 is 15 W except for max. one minute following
switch-on during which period it is 50 W. The installation wiring on page 3-45 shows the necessary
connections. No other connections should be made to the additional DU.
First time the combination is switched on with a new ID the display will flicker for approx. one minute
while self-ID and group-IDs are transferred to the additional DU and stored in the local EEPROM.
External radiotelex equipment is connected to the 25 pole D-sub connector marked Aux on the DU
9000. See table 6 at page 3-39 for pin assignments and fig.25 at page 3-38 for connector and cable
The radiotelex equipment is automatically switched to the transceiver, when this is not in use by
the DSC equipment. The simplified diagram in fig 30 at page 3-44 illustrates the interconnections.
Navigation equipment complying with the NMEA 0183 standard may be connected for automatic
position updating. Connection is made either to the DU 9000 or to a DCU 9000 control unit but, only
one navigation input can be used. The DSC 9000 automatically recognizes which input is used.
For connection to the DU 9000 use the 25 pole D-sub connector marked Aux. See table 6 at page
3-39 for pin assignments and fig.25 at page 3-38 for connector and cable specifications.
For connection to a DCU 9000 control unit, use the 15 pole D-sub connector marked Aux. See
table 4 at page 3-35 for pin assignments and fig.23 at page 3-34 for connector and cable
specifications. Where the mounting bracket is used, the cable is connected to the terminal strip of
the bracket, see fig.22 at page 3-33.
The NMEA receive circuit consists of an optoisolator with a 3.3 kohms series resistor to insure
current mode operation and a shunt diode to limit reverse bias as shown below. The circuit is isolated
from earth.
Differential reference station ID, 0000-1023
Age of Differential GPS data
Units of geoidal separation, metres
Geoidal separation
Units of antenna altitude, metres
Antenna altitude above/below mean sea-level
Horizontal dilution of precision
<CR><LF> Number of satellites in use
GPS quality indicator
UTC of position fix
Status: A=Data valid
UTC of position fix
Long itude, E/W
Latitude, N/S
Satellite number
Waypoint ID
UTC of position fix
Waypoint ID
UTC of position fix
Waypoint ID
UTC of position fix
Waypoint ID
UTC of position fix
*hh: Optional ckecksum delimiter and optional checksum field.
Not used by DSC 9000.
Connection of a Printer
A printer with serial interface may be connected to either the DU 9000 or a DCU 9000 control unit.
Only one printer may be connected. The DSC 9000 must be configurated for the connection
selected. See the Installation Configuration section at page 3-48.
The printer interface is opto-isolated with driver power delivered from the printer (most printers
deliver a +5 to +15 V signal on one of the connector pins when operational).
For connection to the DU 9000 use the 25 pole D-sub connector marked Com. See table 5 at page
3-37 for pin assignments and fig.24 at page 3-36 for connector and cable specifications.
For connection to a DCU 9000 control unit, use the 15 pole D-sub connector marked Aux. See
table 4 at page 3-35 for pin assignments and fig.23 at page 3-34 for connector and cable
specifications. Where the mounting bracket is used, the cable is connected to the terminal strip of
the bracket, see fig.22 at page 3-33.
A distress alarm box consisting of a Distress button and an associated Distress lamp may be
connected to the DCU 9000 control unit or to the DU 9000 DSC unit for remote initiation and
indication of distress calls.
Fig.29 at page 3-43 shows the control box and a simplified diagram of the interconnections.
The Distress button is operated in exactly the same way as the Distress key on DCU 9000: To
initiate a distress call press the push-button for 6 sec (until the distress lamp stops quick-flashing
and shows steady light) and release.
The equipment will send the Distress call as previously prepared. If position is automatically updated
the latest values at the time of activation is used including time information.
The Distress lamp flashes when a distress or urgency call has been received.
For connection to a DCU 9000 control unit use the 15 pole D-sub connector marked Aux. See table
4 at page 3-35 for pin assignments and fig.23 at page 3-34 for connector and cable specifications.
Where the mounting bracket is used, the cable is connected to the terminal strip of the bracket, see
fig.22 at page 3-33.
Alternatively, connection may be made to the DU 9000 using the 25 pole D-sub connector marked
Aux. See table 6 at page 3-39 for pin assignments and fig.25 at page 3-38 for connector and cable
specifications. Either Alarm 1 Out or Alarm 2 Out may be used, but the one selected must be
configurated to follow the ’Distress Alarm + lamp’. See the Installation Configuration section at page
The Alarm 1 Out and Alarm 2 Out terminals of the DU 9000 Aux connector enables external lamps,
buzzers, bells or other visual or audible indicators to be connected to the equipment. Each output
may be configurated separately to be active when
For connection to the DU 9000 use the 25 pole D-sub connector marked Aux. See table 6 at page
3-39 for pin assignments and fig.25 at page 3-38 for connector and cable specifications. See the
Installation Configuration section at page 3-48 for setting-up the alarm outputs.
Mounting Options
with customized
Dimensions are in mm
Tolerance: +/- 1 mm
Centre of Gravity
Weight: DSC 9001 8.6 Kg
Weight: DSC 9006 8.7 Kg
Mounting Options
Dimensions are in mm
Tolerance: +/- 1 mm
Centre of Gravity
Weight: DCU 1.2 Kg
Weight: Mounting Bracket 0.7 Kg
Mounting Options
Dimensions are in mm
Tolerance: +/- 1 mm
Centre of Gravity
Weight: DCU 1.2 Kg
Weight: Mounting Bracket 0.7 Kg
Dimensions are in mm
Tolerance: +/- 0.2 mm
Mounting Options
Dimensions are in mm
Tolerance: +/- 1 mm
Centre of Gravity
Weight: 1.2 Kg
Dimensions are in mm
Tolerance: +/- 0.2 mm
Mounting Options
Dimensions are in mm
Tolerance: +/- 1 mm
Centre of Gravity
Weight: DU 9001 7.4 Kg
Weight: DU 9006 7.5 Kg
60 mm
15 mm
screen (twisted)
conductor (twisted)
plastic cover
cable type see table
plastic house
Contact arrangements
Wire specification
Recommended wire dimension: min. 2.5 mm Sq .
Wire length as short as possible.
16mm 1.5mm
coaxial cable
Fig.20b Fig.20c
plastic cover
cable type: 5 x 2 x 0.25 mmSq screened
Contact arrangement
(viewed from solder side)
7 3
shield 2
soldering jack screw
Cable specification
Acommodate cable outer diameter from 4.4 to 11.0 mm
*) The printer interface is opto-isolated with driver power delivered from the printer. Most printers
deliver a High (+5V to +15V) signal on one of the connector pins when the printer is operational.
Opto-isolation may be disabled by connecting the terminals PC GND and GND and connecting a
2.2 kohm resistor between the terminals +24V and PC DTR/V+.
plastic cover
15 2
14 1
soldering jack screw
Cable specification
Acommodate cable outer diameter from 4.4 to 11.0 mm
plastic cover
15 2
14 1
soldering jack screw
Cable specification
Acommodate cable outer diameter from 4.4 to 11.0 mm
SKANTI part no. 107 609 00
Handset Holder
Cable Specification
min. 2 x 0.25 mm Sq screened
or RG-58/U coaxial cable
Hook-switch cable
(See fig.26a)
5 4
Simplified diagram
Optinal additional
DU 9006
DCU 9000 DU 9001 / DU 9006 DSC UNIT
watch receiver
Aux Net Net Antenna Output Net Net Aux Com Battery Antenna Net Aux Battery
Note 1
5 5 Note 6
4 6 6 6
Note 2
1 3 3 3 7 7
3 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Alarm OUT
The DSC 9000 is factory configured to standard settings, stored in a non-volatile EEPROM. Change
of these settings is possible from the front panel of the DCU 9000.
To view or change configuration settings, switch the equipment on, press [Main Menu], select
CONFIGURATION and press [Enter]. Select VIEW or CHANGE and press [Enter].
To protect against unintensional changes a password must be entered if CHANGE is selected. The
figures are not displayed while keyed-in.
Note: Following any change in configuration setting the supply must be switched off-on to implement
the changes.
Configuration of Self-ID
The Maritime Mobile Service Identity assigned to the station must be stored in the DSC 9000 before
it can be used.
Select SELF-ID in the CONFIGURATION menu and press [Enter]. Key-in the MMSI and press
To prevent the operator from changing the self-ID, it must be protected by entering PROTECT.
Please note that once PROTECT has been entered, change of self-ID is not possible (only after a
factory resetting. See page 3-47). Therefore, check the numbers carefully for correctness before
pressing [Enter].
Configuration of Group-ID
One or more group call identities may be assigned to the station. Group call identity numbers always
contains a leading zero. The group call identities assigned to the station must be stored in the DSC
9000 before it is able to respond to group calls. Up to six group call identity numbers may be stored.
Select GROUP-ID in the CONFIGURATION menu and press [Enter]. Key-in the group call identities
and press [Enter]. Check that the self-ID is correct after having switched the equipment off and on.
Where more control units are connected to a DU 9000 each control unit may be given a priority.
Only a control unit with higher priority can interrupt a control unit which is in any other state than
To change the priority level select PRIORITY in the CONFIGURATION menu and press [Enter].
Select the desired priority level (1. priority is the highest level) and press [Enter].
Note: If an external distress alarm button is connected to a control unit, this control unit should be
given priority
The DSC 9000 may be configured for different protocols for control of the associated radio
T+Bus (default)
T+Bus, one way
Baudrate 2400 bps for T+Bus and 4800 bps for NMEA is implicitly selected.
Following NMEA sentences are used to set frequency, mode of operation and transmitter power
level of the radio equipment.
RX frequency:
Mode of operation
Receiving frequency
TX frequency:
Power level (9=highest)
Mode of operation
Transmitting frequency
1) Mode of operation:
m = J3E, telephone
o = H3E, telephone
w = F1B/J2B, teleprinter/DSC
{ = A1A Morse, morse key/headset
To change configuration select INTERFACES in the CONFIGURATION menu and press [Enter].
Select RADIO in the Interfaces menu and press [Enter]. Select CONTROL in the Radio interface
menu and press [Enter]. Select the desired option and press [Enter].
The handset hook interface may be configured for either polarity of the input signal or for ignoring
the input, i.e. if no hook-switch is connected.
To change configuration select INTERFACES in the CONFIGURATION menu and press [Enter] .
Select RADIO in the Interfaces menu and press [Enter] . Select HANDSET-HOOK in the Radio
interface menu and press [Enter]. Select the correct option Normal, Reverse or Ignore. ’Normal’
corresponds to off-hook = low input signal. Press [Enter] .
TRP 7000: Normal
TRP 8000 handset with built-in hook switch: Reverse
When the receiver of the radiotelephone is used for scanning controlled from the DSC 9000 or
radiotelex equipment, scanning is interrupted while the handset is off-hook. At the same time
automatic DSC acknowledgement transmissions are disabled. Scanning is automatically resumed
when the handset is placed on-hook.
When a Selective or Direct-dial telephony call is received, lifting the handset off-hook will stop the
acoustic alarm, start transmission of an acknowledgement, and set the radiotelephone to the
appropriate working frequencies.
Configuration of DSC-watch
The DSC 9000 enables two DSC watch receivers to be used simultaneously. The status display
contains a line for each receiver/demodulator, indicating the DSC watch frequencies.
It is possible by configuration to select between different DSC watch lay-outs in the status display:
Distress watch MF
Calling watch
To change the configuration, select WATCH in the CONFIGURATION menu and press [Enter].
Select the desired configuration for each watch receiver and press [Enter].
Note: When the TRP 7000 or TRP 8000 is intended to be used for automated radiotelex and no
additional DU configured as a DSC watch receiver is connected (see page 3-7 ’Connection of an
additional DU’), ’None’ should be selected for ’watch receiver 2’.
Select INTERFACES in the CONFIGURATION menu and press [Enter]. Select TELEX in the
Interfaces menu and press [Enter]. Select ’External modem’ if an external radiotelex modem is used
and press [Enter].
Select INTERFACES in the CONFIGURATION menu and press [Enter]. Select PRINTER in the
Interfaces menu and press [Enter]. Select between connection to
Up* or Down
*) Default
Select INTERFACES in the CONFIGURATION menu and press [Enter]. Select ALARMS in the
Interfaces menu and press [Enter]. Select for each output in turn the desired activation conditions:
Configuration of Formats
Certain call formats may be omitted. This enables the DSC 9000 to be adapted to specific
applications where it is desirable to avoid unintended use of these formats.
Group + Area
To change the configuration, select FORMAT in the CONFIGURATION menu and press [Enter].
Select ’Yes’ to include a format, or ’No’ to disable a format, and press [Enter].
All formats can be received and displayed in RX-calls irrespective of the configuration settings.
Configuration of Messages
It is possible to select between the full set of telecommands or a reduced set. The reduced set may
be selected where it is desirable to avoid unintended use of the telecommands.
Only messages enabled by configuration are selectable in TX-calls. All messages may be displayed
in RX-calls and TX-acknowledgements, irrespective of the configuration.
DCU 9000:
DU 9000:
DIN connector, 6 pole, for TRP 8000 new handset 751 001 72
DSC Control Unit, DCU 9000 4-3 Synthesizer Board 711 4-7
Control Board 901 4-3 Master Oscillator 713 4-7
Front Panel Board 902 4-3 Receiver Signal Path 915 4-7
Terminal Board 903 4-4 SMPS/Interconnection 930 4-7
The primary function of the control unit is to support the man/machine interface via keyboard, display,
and visual and audible indicators. It contains following PCB’s:
Contains a micro-controller unit which performs keyboard scanning, display and indicator LED driving,
control of display contrast, control of display and keyboard backlight, control of loudspeaker volume,
sensing of Alarm Button, and control of Alarm Out interface.
The micro-controller communicates with the microprocessor of the DU 9000 via a serial bus using the
CAN (Controller Area Network) communication protocol. The baud rate on the bus is 76.8 kbits/sec
and the interface to the micro-controller is made by a dedicated CAN controller chip.
A temperature sensor monitors the internal air temperature of the control unit near the LCD display to
automatically adjust for the temperature dependent contrast setting variation of the display and at the
same time adjust the maximum level of the display backlight intensity to highest permissible at the
given temperature.
The audio amplifier feeding the built-in loudspeaker of the control unit amplifies audible alarm signals
and illegal key beep signals generated by the micro-controller or may be switched to monitor RX Audio
signals on the Net AF lines.
A switched mode voltage converter transforms the DCU supply voltage (nominally 24V) to the 5V
needed by the digital circuitry and the LCD display and its LED backlight. The audio amplifier and
keyboard backlight are supplied directly by the input voltage which may vary between 19V and 28V
dependent on interconnecting cable length. A current controlled backlight driver insures that the
backlight intensity is independent of the input voltage.
Carries keyboard switches, LCD display and backlight, 14 keyboard backlight LEDs connected in two
chains, and a relay connecting the Supply On/Off key switch to the Supply On wire to DU 9000 in the
off condition and to the micro-controller of the control unit in the on condition.
Also carries a 15-pole D-sub connector for connecting auxiliary equipment and two 9-pole D-sub Net
connectors for connecting the DU 9000 and possibly one or more additional units. A jumper connects
a 120 ohm resistor between terminals 2 and 3 of the Net connectors, providing the necessary
termination impedance of the serial data bus of the net. The jumper must be removed if the unit is not
located at the end of a chain.
The optional Mounting Bracket for DCU 9000 contains following PCB:
Contains terminal blocks for connecting auxiliary equipment and for the Net cable to the DU 9000.
Ribbon cable connectors provides for connection to the control unit.
The primary functions of the DU 9001 are the DSC controller function with two independent
demodulators and single channel watch reception on the MF distress and safety DSC frequency 2187.5
kHz. It contains following PCB’s:
Contains a 80C186 16 bit microprocessor with its peripherals, a real time clock, interface circuits for
alarm, handset hook, and key input signals, interface circuits for alarm and key output signals, four
asynchronous communication interface adaptors for serial communication with radiotelex equipment
(PC), radio equipment (PCP), printer, and navigational equipment (NMEA). The driver/receivers for
PC, printer and NMEA are opto-isolated with driver power delivered from the equipment connected.
Opto isolation may be disabled by inserting appropriate jumpers.
The microprocessor communicates with the micro-controller of the DCU 9000 control unit via a serial
bus using the CAN (Controller Area Network) communication protocol. The baud rate on the bus is
76.8 kbits/sec and the interface to the microprocessor is made by a dedicated CAN controller chip.
Timer circuits for the modulator generates the continuous phase frequency shift keyed signal as a
square wave at eight times the modulation frequency. Subsequent filtering in a transversal filter
followed by a low pass analog filter leaves an FSK modulated sine wave at the desired frequency. The
signal is routed through audio switches to an adjustable output amplifier. The modulator signal may
also be routed to each of the demodulators for test purposes.
The input signals for the two demodulators coming from the built-in receiver via RSP AF and from an
external receiver via LINE IN and connected to Demodulator 1 and 2 respectively are each filtered in
an analog band-pass filter before being applied to the demodulators. The demodulators controls two
timers, which forms the interface to the microprocessor.
The master oscillator includes a stable oven controlled crystal oscillator (OCXO) which generates an
accurate 17.325 MHz for the first mixer of the Single Channel Receiver 914.
The single channel receiver is fixed tuned to 2187.5 kHz. It the includes antenna input protection,
pre-selector, 1. mixer where the input signal is mixed with a 1.7325 MHz signal originating from the
master oscillator signal divided by 10, followed by a narrow-band crystal filter with a centre frequency
of 455 kHz, IF amplifier, and 2. mixer. The local oscillator signal for this is generated by a 7.2528 MHz
crystal oscillator the output of which is divided by 16 to produce a frequency of 453.3 kHz. The output
from the mixer is low-pass filtered and the AF signal centred around 1.7 kHz is finally amplified in an
AF amplifier. A self-test facility is included comprising injection of a test signal at the input of the receiver
and signal check at the AF output.
SMPS/Interconnection 930:
The Switched Mode Power Supply part includes control and protection circuit. The SMPS generates
all the voltages needed in the DSC 9000 galvanically isolated from the battery. The SMPS is protected
against wrong input voltage level and polarity.
The interconnection part includes a splitter for the antenna signal allowing an additional receiver to be
connected to the same antenna, and a relay which in standby directs modulation output from an
external modem to the transmitter.
The primary functions of the DU 9006 are the DSC controller function with two independent
demodulators and scanning watch reception on up to six MF/HF DSC frequencies. It contains following
The synthesizer board includes synthesizers, dividing/multiplication circuits and check detectors. The
1st, 2nd and 3rd local oscillator receive their reference signal from the master oscillator PCB 713. The
1. local oscillator covers the frequency range from 45 MHz to 75 MHz and generates the injection
signal for the 1. mixer on Receiver Signal Path 915. The 2. local oscillator generates by division and
multiplication a 44.544 MHz signal for the 2. mixer. The 3. local oscillator generates a 456.5 kHz signal
for the modulation/demodulation process.
The master oscillator includes a highly stable oven controlled crystal oscillator (OCXO) which
generates an accurate 17.8176 MHz reference signal for Synthesizer Board 711.
The receiver signal path includes antenna input protection, pre-selector, 1. mixer where the input signal
is mixed with the 1. local oscillator of the synthesizer, followed by a 45 MHz crystal filter, 1. IF amplifier,
and 2. mixer. The local oscillator frequency for this is 44.544 MHz corresponding to a 2. IF frequency
of 455 kHz. The 2. IF filter is a narrow-band crystal filter. In the 3. mixer the IF signal is mixed with
456.7 kHz producing an AF signal centred around 1.7 kHz. A self-test facility is included comprising
injection of test signals at the 1. mixer from the synthesizer and signal check at the AF output.
SMPS/Interconnection 930:
The Master Oscillator frequency should be checked at least once a year. The Master Oscillator
determines the exact receive frequency of the equipment. The oscillator tends to age very slowly
with time, typically with the highest drift rate the first year. The check should be performed by a
qualified technician with the necessary test equipment at his disposal.
1. Measuring equipment:
2. Preparations:
2.3 Locate and disconnect 711X10 carrying the 2. Local Oscillator signal from the
Synthesizer Board 711 to Receiver Signal Path 915. Connect the frequency
counter to the X10 socket on the synthesizer.
2.4 The ambient temperature should be between 10 and 30 deg. Celsius. Be sure
that thermal equilibrium has taken place before adjustment.
3.1 Locate the Master Oscillator adjustment hole in the metal shield of the
Synthesizer Board 711. Use a small screwdriver to gently adjust the frequency.
The DSC 9000 uses a lithium battery to back-up the memory when power supply is switched off.
The expected battery life time is minimum 6 years.
The manufacturing date is marked on the battery.
When servicing the equipment, always check the date on the battery and replace if the minimum
battery life time has expired or expires in the near future.
1. Turn on the DSC 9000. This will prevent loss of memory content.
4. Remove the battery container from its compartment by pulling the nylon string.
5. Read the manufacturing date on the battery. If life time is due to expire, replace the
complete battery container.
Skanti part number 107 811 60.
6. Push the battery container back into its compartment and connect the battery plug.
7. The DSC 9000 may now be turned off without loosing memory content.
The battery contains lithium. Do not recharge, disassemble, heat above 100 deg.C, incinerate, or
expose contents to water.
Automatic self-test is performed to check all test-steps in the self-test. It will stop if a test-step fails or
all tests are completed. If a test-step fails the test will stop and display the failing test-step number,
the failing part of the DSC, the possible cause of failure and an error code. A description of each
test-step along with the error code explanation is listed in this chapter.
The error code consists of step number (2 digits), indication of previus faults (1 digit: 0=no, 1=yes) and
failure type (1 digit).
If an additional DU is connected a Self-test on that is included in the sequence. The display will indicate
that DU 2 is tested.
DSC 9001:
DSC 9006:
The pre-selector and the synthesizer is set-up so no signal passes the receiver. The AF Detector at
the output checks that no signal is present.
Pre-selector: PRE 0
Band: 67.5 - 75 MHz
1. LO: 75.0000 MHz
3. LO: 456.7 kHz
2 1
5 7
6 8
Av. Rio Branco, 14-3 . Andar Galaxy Communications Ltd.
20090-000 Rio de Janeiro 89, Omonia Ave.
Tel: +55 21 253 5170 P.O. Box 1449
Fax: +55 21 233 2664 3505 Limassol
Tel: +357 5 373063/369529
Fax: +357 5 367033
Canadian Marconi Company
600 Dr. Frederik Philips Blvd. FURUNO DANMARK A/S
Ville Saint-Laurent, Quebec H4M 2S9 Hammerholmen 44-48, DK-2650 Hvidovre
Tel: +1 514 748 3148 - Tlx: 5827822 Tel: +45 36 77 45 00 - Tlx: 27289
Fax: +1 514 748 3100 Fax: +45 36 77 45 01
Chile Egypt
Furuno Suomi OY
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SF-00980 Helsinki Holmaslod 4
Tel: +358 0 317 277 101 Reykjavik
Fax: +358 0 341 29 30 Tel: +354 1 610160
Fax: +354 1 610163
5, rue Carle-Vernet Bombay Region:
Tel: +33 1 46 23 79 09 R/13 Navrozbaug
Fax: +33 1 46 26 55 55 Lalbaug
Bombay 400012
Tel: +91 22 4137444 / 3780787 - Tlx:
Germany 1176333 elab in
Fax: +91 22 4137444
HDW-HAGENUK Schiffstechnik GmbH
Albert-Einstein-Ring 6 Calcutta Region:
D-22761 Hamburg Maricom Marine Services
Tel: +49 40 89 97 20 - Tlx: 212091 hsv d 27, Nakuleswar Bhatta Charya Lane
Fax: +49 40 89 97 21 99 Kalighat
Calcutta 26
Telegram: maricom - Tlx: 7252 to 7255 user
code it-59 a/b - inl tgmca
NAVICOM Electronics
10 Kolokotroni Str.
18531 Piraeus Jason Electronics Pte. Ltd.
Bik 194 Pandan Loop
Tel: +30 1 41 26 050 - Tlx: 213154
0605 Pantech Industrial Complex
Fax: +30 1 41 28 660
Singapore 128383
Republic of Singapore
RADIO MARINE Electronics
Tel: +65 872 0211 - Tlx: 35290 jepl
150 Kolokotroni Str.
Fax: +65 872 1800
18536 Piraeus
Tel: +30 1 45 14 307 - Tlx: 213106
Fax: +30 1 41 80 639
Barry Electronics Ltd.
St. Catherine’s Road
Killybegs, Donegal
Tel: +353 73 31215
Internationale Navigatie Apparaten B.V.
Fax: +353 73 31739
P.O. Box 1590, Wijnhaven 42
NL-3000 BN Rotterdam
Tel: +31 10 403 8711 - Tlx: 22079
Fax: +31 10 433 0831
Israel Lebanon
Portugal Taiwan
Singapore Tunisia
South Africa
ÖZSAY Deniz Nakliyati Ltd.
PERTEC (PTY) LIMITED Iskele Sokak no.44 Kadiköy
304 Broadway Centre, Heerengracht 81320 Istanbul
Foreshore 8001 Tel: +90 216 346 76 16 - Tlx: 29303
Cape Town 8000 Fax: +90 216 418 41 74
South Africa
Tel: +27 21 21 44 50 SAIT ELECTRONICS
Fax: +27 21 25 31 62 Yemeniciler Cad. No. 60
Omer Han K. 5
Karaköy - Istanbul
Spain Tel: +90 212 255 54 34 - Tlx: 24156 sait tr
Fax: +90 212 250 45 24
C/ La Rioja, s/n
Barajas Park, Barajas U.A.E.
28042 Madrid
Tel: +34 132 91 862 - Tlx: 23686 crame e Radio Holland Middle East
Fax: +34 132 93 045 P.O. Box 4592
Sharjah - U.A.E.
RADIO MARITIMA INTERNACIONAL S.A. Tel: +971 6 543002 - Tlx: 68302
C/ De La Granja, 3 Fax: +971 6 356083
28100 Alcobendas Madrid
Tel: +34 1 661 2568
Fax: + 34 1 661 7025 U.S.A.
Uruguay - Estonia,
- Ukraine, HM 11.06.96