DT For Diabetes Mellitus and Renal Disorders
DT For Diabetes Mellitus and Renal Disorders
DT For Diabetes Mellitus and Renal Disorders
Gestational diabetes
Type 1 diabetes mellitus mellitus
results from beta-cell destruction, usually diagnosed during pregnancy
leading to absolute insulin deficiency.
Other specific types of
Type 2 diabetes mellitus due to other causes, e.g, genetic defects in beta
cells chemically induced DM, function,
results from a progressive insulin secretory
genetic defects in insulin action, diseases of
defect on the background of insulin
the exocrine pancreas, drug.
In diabetes, the microscopic islets of Langerhans of the B-
cells of the pancreas produce little or no insulin. Insulin is a
hormone that helps the body tissues absorbs glucose so it can
be utilized as a source of energy to fuel cellular functions.
The condition may also develop insulin resistance; muscle
and fat cells respond poorly to insulin. Because of the problem
in insulin amount and/ or function, glucose levels build up in
the blood and
urine, causing various manifestation.
Classical Symptoms of Diabetes
Elevated Blood Sugar Occurs when there is no appropriate level of insulin to help
(Hypergycemia) glucose enter the cells or insulin action is not recognized by cell’s
Increased Hunger Glucose is not utilized by the cells, which signal the need for
(Polyphagia) glucose.
Frequent Urination Kidneys have to get rid of excess glucose accompanied by loss of
(Polyuria) water and electrolytes.
Increased Thirst This triggers the need for replacement of water lost in the urine.
Sugar in the Urine Excess glucose spills into the urine (urine threshold – 180mg/L
Dramatic weight loss Cells do not receive enough glucose for energy and storage
and weakness
Susceptibility to
Immune system is affected.
Type 1 Diabetes Generally occurs in young, lean
Mellitus patients and is characterized by a
marked inability of the pancreas to
secrete insulin and dependent on
exogenous source of insulin to sustain
their lives. Without insulin, cells in the
body cannot take enough amounts of
sugar to perform their everyday jobs.
This results in abnormally high levels of
sugar in the blood leading to gradual
deterioration of some organs and
decreased life span of around 1S years.
Since the body cannot convert glucose
to genesis
(Previously called adult-onset
Type 2 Diabetes diabetes or non-insulin dependent DM) is a
form of diabetes that results from the
Mellitus body's inability to make enough or properly
use insulin. It is the most common form
accounting for 90-95% of diabetes.
Three major metabolic defects that
contribute to hyperglycemia and type 2 DM
use 1) increased glucose production by the
liver; 2) impaired insulin secretion by the
pancreatic islet cells; and 3) insulin
resistance in skeletal muscles. The disease
usually appears after the age of 40, and
many type 2 diabetics are not aware they
have the disease until severe symptoms
occur or they are treated for one of its
serious complications.
Diabetes Mellitus
Is a carbohydrate intolerance of
variable severity with onset of recognition
during the present pregnancy. It is typically
diagnosed during the 3 trimester and is
related to the metabolic changes during
pregnancy. All women should be routinely
screened for DM between the 24 and 28
week of pregnancy
Hyperglycemia Hypoglycemia
Dehydration Anger
Desire to drink Blurred vision
excessive fluids Confusion
Dry mouth Fearfulness
Fatigue Headache
Low blood pressure Lack of coordination
Low grade fever Palpitations
Polyuria Sweating
Weight loss Tremors
Hypoglycemia or Hyperglycemia/ Diabetic
Insulin Shock Ketoacidosis
abnormalities in carbohydrate metabolism. Here, severe hyperglycemia. This occurs when the
there is significant increase in available glucose person with diabetes has inadequate insulin due
due to delay in eating, omission of food, or loss to omission of insulin or consumption of more
of food by vomiting and diarrhea, or due to an food than the insulin prescribed. As a result, the
increase in exercise without modification of body depends on fat for energy and ketones are
insulin dosage. formed. These ketones spill into the urine, and
the individual can test the urine for ketones. If
untreated, DKA can lead to coma and death.
Diabetic Retinopathy
Can occur in any part of the body, but The other set of nerves commonly
especially periphery nerves, as in the feet and
affected in uncontrolled DM involves the
legs. The lesions of the nerves cause burning and
gastrointestinal tract and the condition is
tingling sensations, and numbness or no feeling
called gastroparesis. There is partial
at all in severe cases. Daily inspection of the feet
and proper hygiene and care should be practiced. paralysis of the nerves leading to the
Persons with diabetes are advised to a podiatrist muscles of the stomach. This needs
for pedicure. They should wear socks or enclosed nutrition therapy similar to GERD
shoes to avoid any harm.
Periodontal Disease
Occurs in Type 2 DM more often
than in Type I because saliva production is
diminished with aging especially when
Include silent heart attacks,
water drinking is inadequate. In both
orthostatic hypertension, and impotence
types of DM, inflammation of the gums
or erectile dysfunction. Permission from
when dental plaque builds up causes
the physician about an exercise program
periodontal disease.
is important, because the heart may not be
able to cope with pumping oxygen supply
needed for some exercises.
Diabetes Skin Lesions
Any damage to the skin of the Diabetes Foot
diabetic patient either heals; very slow or The diabetic foot is a manifestation of
never heals. Very often, a gangrenous chronic neuropathy, aggravate, in many
condition develops at the site of injury. cases by vascular insufficiency and
Atherosclerosis and poor circulation of the infection. Sensory loss allows tolerance y
blood are causative factors for delayed repeated trauma from light shoes and
healing. improper weight bearing, which leads to
the breakdown, skin ulceration, tissue
necrosis, and fracture.
1. Insulin or oral hypoglycemic agents (compliance with
MD's prescribed drugs: kind, dose, and time to take each)
2. Healthy eating; (eat at regular times of the proper kind and amount
of food and beverages, including water, as instructed by an RND)
3. Regular exercises suitable for one's medical condition. Observe the kind,
duration and intensity.
4. Avoid stress factors. Controllable types are anger and other emotional
causes, adequate rest and sleep, financial problems, unnecessary worries,
environmental factors like sanitation and safety, fresh clean air.
Uncontrollable factors include one's genotype or genetics, some medical
conditions of unknown etiology, some emotional problems
unless one seeks professional/psychiatric help.
Basic Control
Of Diabetes
rest on a balance
of four important
Diabetes Self- Management
Education (DSME)
Is the ongoing process of facilitating the knowledge, skill and ability necessary for diabetes
self-care. Content areas for DSME are the following:
• Describing the diabetes disease process and treatment options
• Incorporating nutritional management into lifestyle
• Incorporating physical activity into lifestyle
• Using medications) safely and for maximum therapeutic effectiveness
• Monitoring blood glucose and other parameters and interpreting and
using the results for self-management decision making
• Preventing, detecting, and treating acute complications
• Preventing detecting, and treating chronic complications
• Developing personal strategies to address psycho-social issues and concerns
• Developing personal strategies to promote health and behavior change.
Summary table of Insulin Preparations
in the Philippines
1. Animal
2. Human ( not from
Three groups humans but produced
alphabetically to match human
of Insulin insulin)
3. Analogues
1. Rapid-acting analogues can be injected just before, with or after INSU F
food and have a peak action at between 0 and 3 hours.
They tend to last between 2 and 5 hours and only last long enough
for the meal at which they are taken. They are clear in appearance.
2. Long-acting analogues tend to be injected once a day to provide
background insulin lasting approximately 24 hours. They don't need to be taken
with food because they don't have a peak action. They are clear in appearance.
3. Short-acting insulin should be injected 15-30 minutes before a meal to cover the rise in blood
glucose levels that occurs after eating. They have a peak action of 2-6 hours and can last for up
to 8 hours. They are clear in appearance.
4. Medium- and long-acting insulin are taken once or twice a day
short-acting insulin/rapid-acting analogues. Their peak activity is between 4 and 12 hours and
can last up to 30 hours. They are cloudy in appearance.