Progress Report

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English III

 What is a progress report?
 It is a report that you have to write to
inform about progress you are making on
your work

 Who should write a progress report?

 Student writes to teacher
 Employee writes to supervisor/manager
What do you need to write in a Progress
 What progress have you made (what did
you accomplish) during the time period?

 What problems have you encountered,

and how will you solve those problems?

 Are you on schedule (if not what will you

do to get back on schedule)?
Content of a Progress Report
1) Introduction
 Project description
 Project scope

2) Work Status
 Work completed before this report
 Work completed during this time period –
present work
 Work you need to complete before you finish
the project – future work
3) Problem(s) encountered
4) Conclusion

 Language:
Complete sentences are required using
different types of tenses
-Present tense: covers most of the documents,
in particular- perfect and progressive tenses
-Future tense: in the ‘future work’
 Topic and purpose of the report:
Very briefly explain the project and what this
Progress Report is for
 An overview of what the rest of report is all
 Time period covered: The date from the
commencement of the project to the present
 A brief description of the project
 Project Description
-provides some discussion of the intended
audience: to whom the project is intended to,
or who will use the product/result of the
project, as well as why is it important for them
 Project scope
-lists the overall tasks related to the project
(delegation of task) then, narrows down to
the task/topic in change (job specification)
It explains what has been completed, what is currently being
worked on, what is planned to be done

1) Work Completed before this Report

-provides a brief summary of what your previous progress report

-briefly explain the work you have completed before the time
period that this report covers

-for the first progress report, describe the preparatory work that
you have carried out such as setting up committee members,
delegation of tasks or small group discussions
2) Work completed during this time –
present work
-explain what you are doing at present –
provide details
-in some cases you might even want to
provide some important data you have
obtained so far, the cost and time you
have spent, or trail and error you have
gone through
3) Work you need to complete before you
finish the project – future work
-what is the next step?
-what do you expect to complete in the
next step?
-what do you still need to do?
-when do you expect to complete the
-explain any unexpected developments
-explain what you plan to do to correct
these problems
-how do you plan to correct these

-state whether the project is on schedule .

If not, why?
-when will you be back on schedule?

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