An Analysis of The 7th Graders' English
An Analysis of The 7th Graders' English
An Analysis of The 7th Graders' English
Grace Ananda
• In education fields, there are so many learning resources that can be used to help
teachers and students in the teaching and learning process.
• The textbook has to fit with the Curriculum, the school syllabus, and as well as the
student’s needs and also the aims of teaching. Curriculum is a tool to control the
implementation of teaching learning process.
• The researcher is interested in analyzing a textbook entitled “Bahasa Inggris untuk
SMA/SMK kelas X” published by Yrama Widya Whether it fulfills the
characteristics suggested by BSNP and relevant with Curriculum 2013, especially
the content and presentation.
• The definition of textbook in general is a book which contains some
materials of certain subject to be learned by the students in the school.
• BSNP itself has released an evaluation process in Pusbukur (pusat buku
dan kurikulum) in form of assessment rubric to evaluate the properness
and also the suitability of a textbook.
• According to Pusbukur (2013), these are instruments in evaluating a
curriculum 2013 textbook.
Feasibility of Content
Feasibility of Language
Feasibility of Presentation
• Methodology
The design used in this research was textbook analysis; the document analysis is to gather the
textual and written documents that are provided within the textbook that was investigated.
According to Donald (2010:457) document analysis is method that is widely applied for written or
visual data with the purpose of identifying specific characteristic of materials that are going to be
analyzed in general form of textbook, newspaper or any other host of documents. In this qualitative
research, intended to examine the condition of materials that are provided in English textbook
entitled “Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/SMK kelas X” published by Yrama Widya for the first grade
of senior high school. This research also used books and paper assessment rubric from BSNP
(Badan standar Nasional Pendidikan) about content analysis and presentation analysis of textbook
as a guideline in analyzing and interpreting data.
• Techniques of Analyzing the Data
a) Compared the materials provided within the textbook with the theme suggested by the
Curriculum 2013.
b) Evaluated the materials presented in the textbook “Bahasa Inggris SMA/SMK untuk
kelas X”
c) Interpreted the data obtained from process of evaluation of the textbook “Bahasa
Inggris SMA/SMK untuk kelas X”
d) Summed up the compatibility of the textbook content in quantitative output to show
result in percentage and number. The researcher used the following formula to help
presenting the data in forms of numbers.
𝑝 = 𝐹 𝑥 100%
P: Percentage
F: Frequency
N: The sum of The Frequency
• Based on table of feasibility of Content, the number 6 in completeness, in-
depth, social function, generic structure, linguistic feature, relevance and
development of life skills and number 1 in Development of diversity insight
mean that from 6 chapters the whole criteria scored 4. And in development of
diversity insight, there were 3 chapters scored 1 and 2 chapters scored 2. All of
them the Total 43 in the scored 4 and total 3 scored 1 and total 2 scored 2 from
48 categories. From this table, it can conclude that 48 category in feasibility of
content from 6 chapter out of 43 categories had fulfilled and 5 categories from
development of diversity insight could not fulfilled the criteria score 4.
P = 43 P = 89.58%