Classification of Organisms

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The world of life

What is the classification of organisms?

• Grouping of different
organisms into different levels
based on there common
characteristics is known as
• Methods of classification of organisms

1) Artificial classification- The ordering of organisms

into groups on the basis of non-evolutionary features

2) Natural classification- The ordering of organisms

into groups on the basis of their evolutionary
(morphological, physiological and cytological features)

As knowledge of shared characteristics and relationships

has grown, artificial systems have been superseded by
systems of natural classification.
Three domain classification

• Introduced by Carl Woose in 1990

1) Domain 2) Domain 3) Domain

Achaea Bacteria Eukarya
• Domain Eukarya
Organisms with a eukaryotic cellular
organization belong to this domain and there
are 4 kingdoms in this domain

1) Kingdom Protista 2) Kingdom Fungi

3) Kingdom Plantae 4) Kingdom Animalia

Kingdom Animalia
• It is the kingdom where multicellular organisms
reign. There are over 1, 260, 000 species in this
kingdom. ALL organisms are heterotrophic
Animals in the kingdom Animalia can be
divided into 2 main groups

1. Invertebrates 2. Vertebrates

vertebral column

• Organisms without a vertebral column are

known as invertebrates.
• Invertebrates can be divided into 5 main
1. Cnidarian / Coelenterata
2. Annelida
3. Mollusca
4. Arthropods
5. Echinodermata
Cnidarian / Coelenterata
Diploblastic organisms like,
1) Hydra
2) Sea anemone
3) Jelly fish
4) Siphonophore
Characterization of Cnidarians

● Members of the clade Eumetazoa (true tissues)

● ALL are aquatic and mostly marine.
● Simple diploblastic body.
● No brain, rather a nerve net.
● Sexual and Asexual reproduction.
Gastro vascular cavity (coelenteron)
• A sack with a central digestive compartment
• A single opening to this cavity serves as the digestive
There are two forms of Cnidarians

1) Polyp - attach to a surface 2) Medusa -

move freely
• Unique cells that function in defence and
capture of prey contain Cnidae, capsule like
organelles that are capable of averting and that
give the phylum its name
Annelida being an Invertebrate and also belonging to
Kingdom Animalia like the Cnidarians.

Also the first organisms to have a body cavity called

This so called coelom being situated inside the body
to protect its
digestive track tract including other organs.
Examples for annelida.

Earthworm Leech

• External appearance of an Annelid
• Features of Annelids.
1. Habitats like Damp soil, Marine and Fresh water
2. Unlike the cnidarians annelids have three germinal layers
making them Triploblastic. Also possess a slender like body
3. Body is divide into segments both internally and externally,
because this feature there are also known as segmented
4. Body being bilaterally symmetrical.
5. As mentioned above the coelom or the body cavity being
filled with a fluid it provides an independent movement to
gut wall irrespective to the body movements.
6. These annelids show both sexual and asexual reproduction.

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