MTX Unit 4
MTX Unit 4
MTX Unit 4
From steady state response we can get following information about the
1) How much away the system output is from its desired value which
indicate error.
2) Whether this error is constant or varying with time. So the entire
information about system performance can be obtained from transient and
steady state response.
Steady State Error:- ess
The difference between the desired output and the actual output of the
system is called Steady State Error.
This error indicate the accuracy and plays an important role in designing
the system.
Relative stability:-
The system is said to be relatively more stable or unstable on the
basis of settling time.
System is called relatively more stable if settling time for that system
is less than that of the other.
System stability is normally classified as –
1) Absolute stable
2) Relative stable
Settling time:
Settling time is the time required an output to reach and remain within a
given error band following some input stimulus.
Absolute stability means whether system is stable or unstable.
Rise Time. The rise time Tr is the time required for the response to rise from 10% to
90%, 5% to 95%, or 0% to 100% of its final value. For under damped second order
systems, the 0% to 100% rise time is normally used. For over damped systems, the 10% to
90% rise time is common.
In order to derive the expression for the rise time we have to equate the expression
for c(t) = 1. From the above we have
π −θ θ is in radian
Peak Time : This time is represented by tp. The time required by the
response to reach the peak value for the first time, this time is known as
peak time. Peak time is clearly shown in the time response specification
On differentiating the expression of c(t) we can obtain the expression
for peak time. dc(t)/ dt = 0 we have expression for peak time,
Settling Time : This time is represented by Ts. The time required by the
response to reach and within the specified range of about (two percent to five
percent) of its final value for the first time, this time is known as settling time.
Settling time is clearly shown in the time response specification curve.
Maximum Overshoot : It is expressed (in general) in percentage of the
steady state value and it is defined as the maximum positive deviation of the
response from its desired value. Here desired value is steady state value.
Damping ratio
Resonant Frequency
It is the frequency at which the magnitude of the frequency response has peak value
for the first time. It is denoted by ωr. At ω=ωr, the first derivate of the magnitude
of T(jω)is zero.
Resonant Peak
It is the peak (maximum) value of the magnitude of T(jω). It is denoted
by Mr.
Resonant peak in frequency response corresponds to the peak overshoot in the time
domain transient response for certain values of damping ratio , So, the resonant peak
and peak overshoot are correlated to each other.
It is the range of frequencies over which, the magnitude of T(jω) drops to
70.7% from its zero frequency value.
Compare Time Domain and frequency domain techniques for analysis of
system. (8m)
Determining the response of higher order Determining the response of higher order
systems is more difficult. systems is much easier.
No unified method exists for designing a Graphical method exists for designing the
system which meets the time domain system in order to meet its specifications.
Mathematical model is necessary for Real data obtained for the physical
analyzing the performance of the system. systems are enough for analyzing the
performance of the system.
Phase Margin:-
Phase margin, a measure of relative stability, is defined as 1800 plus the
phase angle of the open loop transfer function at unity gain.