Lesson 4
Lesson 4
Lesson 4
Prepared by: Mr. REX O. GONZALES
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•The Kataastaasan,
Katipunan ng mga
Anak ng Bayan
(KKK) or
Katipunan is
arguably the most
important organization
formed in
The Kataastaasan, Kagalanggalangang Katipunan ng
mga Anak ng Bayan
• The founders of
the were
n Deodato
Arellano, Diaz,
Valentin TeodoroLadislao
Diwa, AndresPlata,
Bonifacio, and
Jose Dizon.
•They were all members of
Filipino lodges under the
Grande Oriente Espanol.
While anti-colonial movements, efforts, and organizations had
already been established centuries prior to the foundation of
the Katipunan:
It was only this organization that envisioned;
II.To do good for personal gain and not for its own sake is
not virtue.
VII.Do not waste thy time: wealth can be recovered but not time
Translated Version of the Rules in
VIII.Defend the oppressed and fight the oppressor before
the law or in the field.
X.On the thorny path of life, man is the guide of a woman and
the children, and if the guide leads to the precipice, those whom
he guides will also go there.
Translated Version of the Rules in
XI.Thou must not look upon woman as a mere plaything,
but as a faithful companion who will share with thee the
penalties of life; her (physical) weakness will increase thy interest
in her and she will remind thee of the mother who bore thee
reared thee.
XII.What thou dost not desire done unto thy wife, children,
brothers and sisters, that do not unto the wife, children. brothers
and sisters of thy neighbor.
Translated Version of the Rules in
XIII. Man is not worth more because he is a king, because his
nose is aquiline, and his color white, not because he is a priest,
a servant of God, nor because of the high prerogative that he
enjoys upon earth, but he is worth most who is a man of proven
and real value, who does good, keeps his words, is worthy and
honest; he who does not oppress nor consent to being
oppressed, he who loves and cherishes his fatherland, though he
be born in the wilderness and know no tongue but his own.
Translated Version of the Rules in
XIV. When these rules of conduct shall be known to all, the
longed for sun of Liberty shall rise brilliant over this most
unhappy portion of the globe and its rays shall diffuse
everlasting joy among the confederated brethren of the same
rays, the lives of those who have gone before, the fatigues and
the well-paid sufferings will remain. If he who desires to enter
has informed himself of all this and believes he will be able to
perform what will be his duties, he may fill out the application
for admission.
Properly understanding the Kartilya will
thus help in understanding the: values,
ideals, aspirations, and even the ideology
of the organization.
"Analysis of
the "Kartilya
As a document written for a fraternity whose
main purpose is to overthrow a colonial regime,
we can explain the content and provisions of the
Kartilya as a reaction and response to certain
value systems that they found despicable in the
present state of things that they struggled
For example, the fourth and the thirteenth rules
in the Kartilya are an invocation of the inherent
equality between and among men regardless of
race, occupation, or status. In the context of the
Spanish colonial era where the indios were
treated as the inferior of the white Europeans,
the Katipunan saw to it that the alternative order
that they wished to promulgate through their
revolution necessarily destroyed this kind of
unjust hierarchy.
Moreover, one can analyze the values upheld in
the document as consistent with the burgeoning
rational and liberal ideals in the eighteenth and
nineteenth century. Equality, tolerance,
freedom, and liberty were values that first
emerged in the eighteenth century French
Revolution, which spread throughout Europe
and reached the educated class of the colonies.
Jacinto, an ilustrado himself, certainly got an
understanding of these values.
Aside from the liberal values that can be
dissected in the document, we can also
decipher certain Victorian and chivalrous
values in the text.
For example, various provisions in the Kartilya
repeatedly emphasized the importance of honor
in words and in action.
In the tenth rule, the document specifically
stated that men should be the guide of women
and children, and that he should set a good
example, otherwise the women and the children
would be guided in the path of evil.
Nevertheless, the same document stated that
women should be treated as companions by
men and not as playthings that can be
exploited for their pleasure.
It can be argued that Katipunan's recognition of
women as important partners in the struggle, as
reflected not just in Kartilya but also in the
organizational structure of the fraternity where
a women's unit was established, is an endeavor
advanced for its time.
Aside from Rizal's known Letter to the
Women ofno same effort by the
supposed cosmopolitan
Propaganda Movement
achieved until was the movement's eventual
disintegration in the latter part of the 1890s.
Aside from this, the Kartilya was instructive not
just of the Katipunan's conduct toward other
people, but also for the members' development,
as individuals in their own rights.
The rules in the Kartilya can be classified as
either directed to how one should treat his
neighbor or to how one should develop and
conduct one's self. Both are essential to the
success and fulfillment of the Katipunan's
For example, the Kartilya's teachings on
honoring one's word and not wasting time are
teachings directed toward self-development,
while the rules on treating the neighbor's wife,
children, and brothers the way that you want
yours to be treated is an instruction on how
Katipuneros should treat and regard their
The Kartilya was about the illustrations and
lessons that act as the Katipuneros' aid in living
with ethics and great qualities.
The document also showed that Filipinos have
dignity and treat people equally. They fought
with awe for Philippine independence.
It resembled a general set of rules that tells the
best way to be a genuine Filipino in words and
It shows uniformity regardless of race or
background, honor, and setting words into an
It is viewed as timeless and applicable even to
the industrializing and globalizing present since
it shows us that there are general rules that
everyone can apply since it can assist us with
acting with elegance, dignity and balance.