Disruptive Technology

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What is a Chatbot?
• A chatbot is a service, powered by rules and sometimes
artificial intelligence, that you interact with via a chat interface.
• The user can interact with the chatbot by typing in their end of
the conversation or simply by voice depending upon the type of
chatbot provided.
What can chatbots do?
• Answer common inquiry questions.
• Deliver personalized content experiences.
• Cultivate connection via entertainment.
• Offer specialized services.
Some use cases of chatbots.
• YouTube celebrities/Artists.
• Restaurants/café.
• Ecommerce.
• Newsletter.
• Customer service.
Steps to building a chatbot.
• Decides on an application area.
• Design conversations.
• List intents, entities, actions, responses, and contexts.
• Train AI engines.
• Write code for actions.
• Create and update knowledge base.
• Test scenarios and incrementally improve.
Features of Chatbot.
• Chatbot Conversation Builder.
• Customization Settings.
• Conversation Preview.
• Artificial Intelligence (AI).
•  Handover of Chatbot Conversation to Operators.
• Reports & Analytics.
• Data Privacy & Security.
Software Requirements:
• Windows 7 or higher.
• Latest version of python 3 which is 3.10.8
• PyCharm.
Hardware Components:
• Processor – i3
• Hard Disk – 5 GB
• Memory – 1GB RAM
Creating a project
• First of all, we create a new project, and name it ChatBot as we like.
We use PyCharm IDE.
• Now, we create a new python file by following the path – ChatBot-
>Right click->New->Python File and named it as Cbot.
Creating chatbot text file
• Now create a text file by following the path – ChatterBot->Right click-

• This file contains a list of conversations but the way this file need to
be created or organized by saying simple row that is each
conversation must be relied on the last conversation.
Installing ChatterBot package
• Furthermore , in our project we go to File->Setting->Python
• Search ChatterBot package and click on Install Package button.Now
the package is successfully installed.
Importing ChatterBot modules
• ChatterBot is a Python library that makes it easy to generate
automated responses to a user’s input. As a result, ChatterBot uses a
selection of machine learning algorithms to produce different types of
Importing ChatterBot modules
• ChatBot
from chatterbot import chatbot #this imports chatbot

• List Trainer
from chatterbot.trainers import List trainers #this trains the chatbot

• Creating chatbot
Now create the chatbot. Here we have given the name of our chatbot as “MyChatBot”.
bot = ChatBot('MyChatBot’)
ChatBot() method is used to create the chatbot.
the chatbot is stored in the variable bot.
Setting Trainer to train the bot

• So, now we have to set the trainer to train the bot.

bot.set_trainer(ListTrainer)) #set up trainer
• set_trainer() method is used to set trainer to the bot.
Opening the Conversation file
• Now, we have to open the file where the conversations are stored.For
this we write the following code.

conversation = open('chats.txt','r').readlines()

• open() method open the conversation file. It takes two arguments file
name and file mode.
• Here we are using the reading mode that is ‘r’. It opens the file in read
• readlines() reads until EOF using readline() and returns a list containing
the lines.
Train the bot
• And now we need to train the bot with the data we have loaded into
this script.
bot.train(conversation)) # train the bot
• train() method is used to train the bot along with loaded data.
• Here we need to pass the conversation as an argument.
Taking input from the user and replying by
the bot
• Now we have to code for taking input from the user and the reply by
the bot. For this, we write the following code.

while True:
message = input('You:')
if message.strip()!= 'Bye':
reply = bot.get_response(message)
if message.strip()=='Bye':
• Now we understand the code line-by-line
• while True: means the training of the bot have been completed.
• message = input(‘You:’) statement is used to take input from the user.input()
function takes input from the user and store it in message variable.
• Now we have to include a condition that is if message.strip()!= ‘Bye’: . It means
if user don’t enter Bye message the bot will reply to the user’s messages.
• The reply will be generated by the bot using reply =bot.get_response(message)
statement.get_response() is used to reply to the user.This method takes an
argument message which is entered by the user.
• print(‘ChatBot:’,reply) statement print the reply of the chatbot.
• Now, if the user enters Bye message then chatbot also reply Bye message and
the process will end.
Let’s get the Code together
• Hence, the final code for building chatbot in python will be as follows-

from chatterbot import ChatBot

from chatterbot.trainers import ListTrainer
bot = ChatBot('MyChatBot’)
conversation = open('chats.txt','r').readlines()
while True:
message = input('You:’)
if message.strip()!= 'Bye’:
reply = bot.get_response(message)
if message.strip()=='Bye’:
• Finally, now run the code and start conversation with chatbot. As a
result we see the output like this-

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