Raising and Breeding Aquarium Fishes: Epp 4 - Quarter 2-Lesson 4
Raising and Breeding Aquarium Fishes: Epp 4 - Quarter 2-Lesson 4
Raising and Breeding Aquarium Fishes: Epp 4 - Quarter 2-Lesson 4
Aquarium Fishes
Raising and breeding aquarium fish is a wonderful
way to bring nature into your home. Setting up an
aquarium is easy if you learn the basic to get
started. Soon you will be watching the fishes swim
gracefully in new aquarium.
For a young person like you, raising and
breeding aquarium fish is not hard to do
provided you keep the following guidelines:
1.Do the following steps to set up an
• Start with a 5-to15- galloon tank or
• Choose a very sturdy aquarium stand to
hold the tank’s weight. The tank’s edges
must not stick out of the stand. It must
stand on a wooden or concrete floor.
• Place the aquarium near an electrical outlet
to easily install the filter, aerators, and other
•Fill the bottom of aquarium with gravel or sand before
setting it up with water plants and decorations such as
•Fill the tank with 5.08 cm water and wait for half an hour
to look for leaks. Then fill it with 1/3 full of water.
•Add water dechlorinator according to the directions from
the bottle. Tap water contains chlorine and other chemicals
that will kill fish. A teaspoon of rock salt is used in the
absence of chemical dechlorinator.
2.You are now ready to put the fish into the or
• Start with tropical fish species such as guppies, molly,
tetra, and cichlid. Tropical fish are freshwater fish.
The fish store usually provide accurate information
and good quality fish
• Choose two of the smallest pair of male and female or
a group of five from the school of fish. Do not buy
too many fish since putting them all together at once
will make the water toxic. Wait for ten days to add
more fish but do not overcrowd your aquarium.
● Bring home the fish from the pet shop. It is
usually placed in a clear plastic bag with
water and oxygen. It will last for 2 ½ hours.
● Set the bag of fish in the aquarium for 20 to
30 minutes to acclimatize. Then take the bag
out and dump out the water before releasing
the fish to the tank.
3. Feed the fishes with appropriate food from the pet shop.
• Feeding fish once a day is recommended. Aquarium fish are
noted for being messy and producing a lot of waste. Clean
the aquarium regularly by changing the water.
4. Breeding fish is more successful if they are in a pond of a garden.
It is difficult to breed fish in the limited space of the tank. Tropical fish are more
productive when set in a pond. Spawning or producing eggs are caring for the fries, or
baby fish, are easier for the parent fish.
You will be surprised to see many fries swimming in the pond’s surface. Pet shops
usually source their goods from the owner’s pond. You will be ready to sell them at a
good price.
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