Unit 3 Resolution Refutation Examples
Unit 3 Resolution Refutation Examples
Unit 3 Resolution Refutation Examples
Pushpak Bhattacharyya
CSE Dept.,
IIT Bombay
1. member(A)
2. member(B)
3. member(C)
4. ~ member ( x1) mc( x1) sk ( x1)
5. ~ sk ( x 2) lk ( x 2, snow)
6. ~ mc( x 3) ~ lk ( x 3, rain )
7. ~ like( A, x 4) ~ lk ( B, x 4)
8. lk ( A, x 5) lk ( B, x 5)
9. lk ( A, rain)
10. lk ( A, snow)
11. x[~ member ( x 6) ~ mc( x 6) sk ( x 6)]
~ like( A, x 4) ~ lk ( B, x 4) lk ( A, snow) 10
12 ~ lk ( B, snow) ~ sk ( x 2) lk ( x 2, snow) 5
x[~ member ( x 6 ) ~ mc( x 6) sk ( x 6)] mc(B) 15
16 ~ member ( B ) sk ( B ) ~ sk ( B) 13
Dr. P
Dr. X
Questions on “department”
Who works in CSE?
Is there a married person in ME?
Is there somebody insured by LIC?
(Zohar Manna, Mathematical Theory of
Computation, 1974)
T (tourist)
Deciding the Propositions: a very difficult
step- needs human intelligence
T F Yes F
F T No F
F F No T
Get form of R: quite
From the truth table
R is of the form (P x-nor Q) or (P ≡ Q)
Get R in
Natural Language Generation: non-trivial
The question the tourist will ask is
Is it true that the left road leads to the
capital if and only if you speak the truth?
Exercise: A more well known form of this
question asked by the tourist uses the X-OR
operator instead of the X-Nor. What changes
do you have to incorporate to the solution, to
get that answer?
T F Yes F
F T No F
F F No T
Question to 1: the first
Is it true that 2 is not Z if and only
if you are X?
Analysis of 1’s answer
Ans= yes
Case 1: 1 is X/Y (always speaks the truth
or always lies)
2 is indeed not Z (we can trust 1’s answer)
Case 2: 1 is Z
2 is indeed not Z (we cannot trust 1’s answer;
but that does not affect us)
Analysis of 1’s answer (contd)
Ans= no
Case 1: 1 is X/Y (always speaks the truth
or always lies)
2 is Z; hence 3 is not Z
Case 2: 1 is Z
3 is not Z
Life Quality
Fill the cells
Put a tick in the cell <i, j> if the inference
method j is needed for the task i.
Support the decision with an appropriate
Before doing the task provide your
References (work that you have studied for doing
the assignment)