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How to make a

Darlaine John May B Robles
let’s define milktea
• What’s A milktea • How does it taste?
• Different milk teas have their own flavor profile. For
• Milk tea refers to any tea drink example, bubble tea can taste sweet and creamy
whereas British tea can take bold and robust. As milk
that has milk added. Milk tea can tea is normally made with a BLACK TEA  base
be a regular cup of bLACK (especially in the British version), the milk helps to
balance out the slightly bitter and astringent taste
TEA  topped up with milk or it can of black tea, bringing a creaminess and a smoother
be a more complex tea type such as finish to the palate. You can add milk to hot tea or
iced tea and enjoy the benefits. Thai milk tea tastes
milky bubble tea from Taiwan or spicy and creamy, but we will delve more into the
the iced Thai milk tea. individual profiles of each tea below. 
What’s the Benefit of Milk Tea

Keeps the Immune

Gives you Energy Helps your Digestion
System Strong

BLACK TEA  is full of good The magic mixture of caffeine  Black tea can also help your
stuff. It is rich in polyphenols and theophylline found in  digestion. Being so full of
which are well equipped at black tea is exactly what you antioxidants and 
fighting free radicals and support need to raise your energy levels polyphenols helps good bacter
your health and wellbeing from and give your concentration a ia to grow
tip to toe.  boost. For those who find  all while kicking out the bad.
The antioxidants found in black t themselves forever slumped in
ea support your immune system It also helps your enzymes
 and reduce the risks of
lethargy, a milky tea could be and the tannins can cut
developing chronic illness. Stroke the energy-rich sip you need. through inflammation leading
risk, cancer, and diabetes risks to good all-round gut health.
can all be reduced by drinking 
black tea on the reg.
• A Classic Cuppa • Hokkaido Milk Tea
• The British typically take their tea with milk (and • Hokkaido milk tea is a unique tea-based
occasionally sweetener.) Whether you’re indulging in beverage that originates from the Hokkaido
an afternoon tea ceremony or just brewing yourself region of Japan. Although green teas like Sencha
up a morning cup, taking tea the British way usually
and Gyokuro are the most common types of tea
means brewing your tea strong and adding a splash
of milk. In Ireland, they sometimes add half and half
consumed in Japan, Hokkaido milk tea is
or cream. You can add sugar or honey to your cup of actually made using black tea. This tea usually
tea, or drink it with only milk and enjoy the natural has a robust base, often Assam or hearty blends
sweetness present in the tea. Traditional breakfast like Irish Breakfast. Milk from Hokkaido is
blends like Irish Breakfast and English Breakfast are added to the tea, which is often then sweetened
often used for this type of milk tea. with honey, caramel, or brown sugar.
• Boba (Bubble Tea)
• Okinawa Milk Tea
• Boba, often also known as bubble tea or pearl
• Okinawa milk tea also originated in milk tea, is a unique milky tea flavored with
Japan. It consists of a hearty black tea tapioca pearls. While boba can be made
base blended with milk and Okinawa without milk, milk or condensed milk is often
brown sugar. This special type of brown added to the drink. This tea is typically
sugar, also known as kokuto, is made served iced. Boba comes in many different
flavors, from classic black tea versions to
by reducing pure sugarcane juice, and fruity, floral, or sweet concoctions. Boba
has a complex, nuanced flavor and a originated in Taiwan, but is now popular all
high vitamin and mineral content over the world.
• Hong Kong Milk Tea • Masala Chai
• Hong Kong milk tea is made with black tea and • MASALA CHAi also has its origins in British
evaporated milk or sweetened condensed milk. colonization. Drinking tea became popular in India
in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, when
The tea used is typically a hearty black tea like
British colonists began growing tea in India rather
Ceylon, although aged teas like Pu-erh may than purchasing it from China. Masala Chai soon
also sometimes be used. It originated in Hong developed into a popular local drink in its own right,
Kong, and may have its origins in the with traditional Indian spices added to black tea for a
introduction of the practice of drinking unique and satisfying drink. Masala Chai can be
afternoon tea with milk and sugar under made by steeping tea and spices directly in steamed
British colonial rule. When using evaporated milk, or by adding milk to a cup of traditionally
milk, sugar is often added to sweeten the tea. prepared tea. You can also make a chai latte by
frothing the milk!
• ⅓ cup water(75 g), plus more as
• ¼ cup dark muscovado sugar(55 g),
or brown sugar
• ¾ cup tapioca flour(65 g), plus
more for dusting

• 1 cup dark muscovado
sugar(220 g), or brown sugar

• 1 cup water(240 mL)

• 2 cups water(480 mL)

• 6 black tea bags


• 3 tablespoons half & halF

• 3 tablespoons sweetened condensed
• 3 cups ice(450 g)
Procedure of making a milktea

• 1. Make the black tea: In a 2. Turn the dough out onto a

medium pot over high heat, clean surface. Knead until all of
combine the water and tea the flour is incorporated and
bags. Bring to a boil, then the dough is smooth, adding
remove the pan from the heat more flour or water as needed if
and let the tea cool to room the dough is too sticky or too
temperature. dry.
Procedure of making a milktea

• 3.Divide the dough into 2 portions. 4.Bring a large pot of water to a

Roll the dough into long, thin ropes boil. Shake off any excess flour
about ¼-inch (6.35 mm) thick, cutting from the tapioca pearls, then add
in half crosswise if they get too long. to the boiling water. Stir to
Cut the ropes into ¼-inch (6.35 mm)
separate the pearls, then reduce
pieces. Roll each piece into a ball and
place in a bowl with a bit of tapioca
the heat to medium-low. Simmer
flour. Dust the balls with the flour to gently, stirring occasionally, for
prevent them from sticking to each about 20 minutes, until cooked
other. through.
Procedure of making a milktea
5.Meanwhile make the brown sugar • 6.Make the black tea in a
syrup add the muscovado sugar and medium pot over a high heat
water to a small saucepan over
combine the water and tea
medium heat.Cook until the sugar
dissolves and the syrup reduces bags.Bring to a boil,remove
slightly,5-7 Minutes.Pour the syrup the pan from the heat and let
into a large heatproof bowl the tea cool to room

7 8 9
Once the pearls have Make the milk Assemble the boba milk tea:
Add about ⅓ cup (80 ml)
cooked through, drain mixture: In a small boba pearls and brown sugar
and rinse with cold bowl or liquid syrup to the bottom of each
water. Add the pearls measuring cup, whisk glass. Top with 1½ cups (225
grams) ice, then add ½ cup
to the bowl with the together the half-and- (240 ml) black tea and 3
brown sugar syrup half and sweetened tablespoons of the milk
and let sit for 30–60 condensed milk until mixture. Stir with a wide-
opening straw, then serve.
minutes. combined.

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