Lecture No. 9 Basic Principles of CT Scan
Lecture No. 9 Basic Principles of CT Scan
Lecture No. 9 Basic Principles of CT Scan
No. 9
It developed into a versatile 3D whole body imaging modality for a wide range of
applications for example
• For radiotherapy planning - these CT scanners offer an extra wide bore, allowing the CT
scans to be made with a large field of view.
The values that are assigned to the pixels in a CT image are associated with the
average linear attenuation coefficient μ (m-1) of the tissue represented within that
X ray beam, respectively I(d) and I0, and that this can be
Tube voltage
Hounsfield units are usually visualized in an eight bit grey scale offering
only 128 grey values.
of mid-grey
The minimum bit depth that should be assigned to the Hounsfield unit is 12,
this enables creating a Hounsfield scale that runs from –1024 HU to +3071
HU, thus covering most clinically relevant tissues.
A wider Hounsfield scale with a bit depth of 14 is useful for extending the
Hounsfield unit scale upwards to +15359 HU thus making it compatible with
materials that have a high density and high linear attenuation coefficient.
• for substances and tissues, except for water and air, variations of the Hounsfield
units occur when they are derived at different tube voltages.
The reason is that as a function of photon energy different substances and tissues
exhibit a non linear relationship of their linear attenuation coefficient relative to
This effect is most notable for substances and tissues that have a relatively high
(effective) atom number such as contrast enhanced blood (iodine) and bone
Causes for such inaccuracies may be the dependence of the HU for example on
Reconstruction filter
Image artefacts.
When performing clinical studies over time, one should take into account
that even on the same scanner, with time, a certain drift of the HU may occur.