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Sirmeela Jirel, Roll no:16

Sarswati karki, Roll no:17
Shreya Acharya, Roll no:18
Suhana Chaudhary, Roll
Suman rokaya, Roll no: 20
Common forms of malnutrition
1. Protein-Energy Malnutrition(PEM)
• WHO defines PEM as range of pathological conditions arising from
coincidental lack in varying proportions of proteins and calories
occuring most frequently in infants and young children.
• It is one of the most serious health problems in developing countries
like Nepal.
• PEM is common among infants and young children and commonly
associated with infections.
2. Micronutrients Deficiency Disorders
• It is a deficiency of any micro elements such as Iron, Iodine,calcium
etc in the body.
Assessment and classification of Nutritional status
1. Welcome Trust Classification
• This is based on weight for Age of the child and presence or absence
of Edema.
Range of weight for age Edema +/- Nutritional status

>80% Absent Normal

60-80% Absent Under nutrition

60-80% Present Kwashiorkor

<60% Absent Marasmus

<60% Present Marasmic-Kwashiorkor

Assessment and classification of Nutritional status
Classification Definition Grading
Mild (grade 1) 75%–90% WFA
Gomez Weight below % Moderate (grade 2) 60%–74% WFA
median WFA
Severe (grade 3) <60% WFA

Mild 80%–90% WFH

z-scores (SD) below
Waterlow median WFH Moderate 70%–80% WFH
Severe <70% WFH

z-scores (SD) below Moderate -3%</= z-score < -2

WHO (wasting)
median WFH Severe z-score < -3

z-scores (SD) below Moderate -3%</= z-score < -2

WHO (stunting)
median HFA Severe z-score < -3

MUAC divided by Mild <0.31

Kanawati occipitofrontal head Moderate <0.28
circumference Severe <0.25
Indicator of Malnutrition
1. Stunting: low height for age
• Indicate chronic malnutrition, due to prolong food deprivation, or
2. Wasting: low weight for height
• Indicate acute malnutrition
3. Underweight: low weight for age

According to deficiency of protein and energy in varying degree, PEM is

categorized into:
1. Mild PEM
2. Moderate PEM
3. Severe PEM
1. Mild protein energy malnutrition
• Common in children between 9 months to 3 years of age
• Characterized by growth failure, repeated infection and lethargy.
• Occurs when there is deficit dietary intake for short period.

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