Block Chain Presentation-1
Block Chain Presentation-1
Block Chain Presentation-1
Introduction to the class
Expectation setting
Introduction of the students
Course outline walk through
Explain the evaluation components
Group creation
Evaluation components
Project-1 – 30 %
End term – 30 %
Quiz – 20 %
project-2 – 20%
What is Innovation?
“Innovation is the process of creating
value by applying novel solutions to
meaningful problems.”
Types of Innovations
Product Innovation
Process Innovation
Business model Innovation
Product Innovation
A new feature to an existing product – ability to watch
programs through internet for TVs
Animprovement of the performance of the existing product,
such as an increase in the digital camera resolution of the
Mobile phones.
Process Innovation
Process is the combination of facilities, skills, and technologies
used to produce, deliver, and support a product or provide a
service. Within these broad categories, there are countless ways
process can improve.
Process innovation can include
changes in the equipment and technology used in manufacturing
(including the software used in product design and development)
improvement in the tools, techniques, and software solutions used to
help in supply chain and delivery system
changes in the tools used to sell and maintain your goods, as well as
methods used for accounting and customer service.
Business Model Innovation
The primary goal of business model innovation is to
realize new revenue sources by improving product
value and how products are delivered to customers.
Business model innovation is
The development of new, unique concepts supporting
an organization's financial viability, including its
mission, and the processes for bringing those concepts
to fruition.
Soit is a combination of product and process
Examples of business model innovation
Brick and mortar Vs. E-commerce
Traditional banking Vs Internet Banking
automobiles– selling to leasing of cars
Defence .. For eg. Russia is now selling
the products with an option to
manufacture them in the country where
it is being sold
Class exercise – 3 business model innovations
(product+process innovations) in multiple domains
Insurance –gr-1
Manufacturing – gr-2
Health care – gr-3
Defence – gr-7
Video on Innovation
What is a Blockchain
A blockchain is a peer-to-peer distributed
ledger that is cryptographically secure,
append-only, immutable, and updatable only
via consensus or agreement among peers.
Blockchain in a nutshell
Consensus Business terms embedded
All parties agree to Contract in transaction database &
network verified executed with
transaction transactions
• The entire history of an asset is available over a blockchain
• Records are indelible and cannot be tampered with once committed to the shared ledger,
thereby making all information trustworthy
• Once a transaction is completed over a blockchain, it can never be reverted
Shared ledger:
• It is an append-only distributed system shared across the business network, which makes the
system resilient by eliminating a ‘single point of failure’
Smart contracts:
• Code is built within a blockchain that computers/nodes execute based on a triggering event.
Essentially, an ‘if this then that’ statement which can be auto-executed
Types of Block chains
A blockchain network can either be public or private based on who is authorized
to participate.
The Public block chain operates in a decentralized open environment where there
are no restrictions on the number of people joining the network
Private Block chain operates within the confines defined by a controlling entity.
Participants, Transactions & Contracts
A participant is a member of a business
Customer, Supplier, Government, Regulator
Usually reside in an organization
Have specific identities and roles
A transaction is an asset transfer between two
or more participants, for example
John gives a car to Anthony (simple) $
John gives a car to Anthony, Anthony gives
money to John (more complex)
A contract is set of conditions under which
transactions occur, for example
If Anthony pays John money, then car passes
from John to Anthony (simple)
If car won't start, funds do not pass to John (as
decided by independent third party arbitrator)
How does a Block chain work
Essential prerequisites for a block chain
Multiple parties update data
Multiple participants take actions
that change the data, which
5 Reducing delay has a business
needs to be recorded.
Blockchain as a solution
If the first condition is correct and three out of the remaining are considered correct then blockchain
may be an effective solution to the problem.
Videos on block chain