Wireless Application Protocol (WAP)
Wireless Application Protocol (WAP)
Wireless Application Protocol (WAP)
Protocol (WAP)
MU STA FA(3 3 ), R O HIT ( 3 9 ) , HA R R Y ( 47) , J U ST IN ( 5 1 ) ,
T ER R EN CE(56 ), R AM ( 5 7) AND NAG ES H( 5 8 ).
• Introduction
• Aim & Purpose
• WAP Layers
• Working of WAP
• Advantages of WAP
• Disadvantages of WAP
• Application of WAP
• Summary
• Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) is an application
communication protocol.
• It is based upon the concept of World Wide Web (WWW).
• WAP is used to access services and information.
• WAP is for hand-held services such as mobile phones.
• WAP enables the creating of web applications for mobile devices.
• WAP uses the mark-up language Wireless Markup Language
• Basic aim of WAP is to
provide a web-like
experience on small
portable devices - like
Aim mobile phones &
& PDA’s.
Purpose • Main purpose of WAP
is to enable easy, fast
delivery of relevant
information and
services to mobile
Wireless Application Protocol
Architecture (WAPA)
WAP Protocol Stack / Layers:
It sp e c i fi es t h e di ff er e n t c o m mu n ic a ti o n s a n d da ta t r a n s m i s s i o n l a y e r s
us ed i n th e WAP m o de l.