Microwave Spectros
Microwave Spectros
Microwave Spectros
• Unit I: Light scattering and Electron Microscopy Elastic and inelastic scattering,
light scattering by macromolecules, dynamic light scattering, radius of gyration and
molecular mass. Transmission and scanning microscopy, negative staining, cryo-
electron microscopy.
• Unit II: Chromatography and Mass spectrometry Electrospray MS, MALDI,
applications. Paper Chromatography, TLC, column, gas-liquid, ion-exchange, size-
exclusion and affinity chromatographies, HPLC and FPLC, applications to
• Unit: III: IR and Raman spectroscopy Rotational and vibrational spectra, oscillator,
molecular symmetry, optical density, investigations of molecular structure,
hydrogen bonding. Examples and comparison of IR and Raman spectra, resonance
Raman spectroscopy
• Unit IV: Absorption, Fluorescence and NMR Spectroscopy UV and Visible spectra,
chromophores, Circular Dichroism and Optical Rotatory Dispersion, cotton effect,
applications to proteins and nucleic acids, Frank-condon principle, classical
picture, resonance condition, Bloch condition, relaxation phenomenon, Fourier
transform technique. NMR, chemical shifts, coupling constraints, Karplus
equation, analysis of simple NMR spectra, Nuclear Overhauser Effect, proton
magnetic resonance, 13C and 31P spectra.
Sample Preparation
• Gas samples
–As is
–As a diluted analyte in a non-MW reactive gas
such as Neon
• Solids
–Laser abatement
• Liquids
–Supersonic Expansion
Applications of MW