Strategies To Avoid Communication Breakdown
Strategies To Avoid Communication Breakdown
Strategies To Avoid Communication Breakdown
in oder to avoid
Presented by Amaru Plagata and Ashley Faye Puno
•learn why avoiding
communication breakdown is
•Understand various strategies in
avoiding communication
What is
•A process of exchanging information, thoughts, ideas
and feelings.
•Communication is a process of sharing and
conveying messages or information from one person
to another within and across channels, contexts,
media, and culture(McCormack 2014).
What is communication Breakdown?
•Occurs when either the sender or receiver
misunderstood the concept of the information.
•A communication breakdown happens everytime a
communicator miscommunicates what they are
really trying to say and the listener misunderstands
and miss-interprets what gas brrn communicated.
(Graybox Alumni, 2013)
Why is it important to avoid
communication breakdown?
•Without a clear and understandable communication
will lead to misunterpretation and lack of
•Lack of clarity breeds mistrust. It creates a
disjointed workplace where people don't understand
their role and what's expected of them.(Zest, 2019)
What are the
To avoid
•Positive Thinking
•Use of appropriate language
•Give and accept feedback
•Be clear in your statements
•Listen Attentively
Identifying the
breakdown in
different kind
of culture
Intercultural communication
•intercultural communication occurs when an
individual are from different culture.
•Intercultural is a symbolic interpretive,
transactional, contextual process, in which people
form different cultures create shared meanings.
(Lustig & Koester, 2007)
•refers to the effects on communication behavior,
when different is as communication that unfolds in
symbolic intercultural spaces.(Arasaratnam,2013)
Gender Age social status Nationality
•Men and women •people from •Different social •communication
in general differ different ages or status may between or
in the way they generation may affect the way among person
express have difficulty we belonging to
themselves or communicating communicate different religions
this is refered to with one another. with others, is a common
as •a person’s age or especially in source of
communication the generation to intercultural intercultural
style in how they which he or she communication. conflict
communicate belongs •status •difference in
with others. influences th way differences are religion views
he or she also evident may also lead to
communicates across cultures. prejustice.
with others. •deeply influence