Unit 4-AEE

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Unit -IV

Automotive Sensors
 Sensors are the components of
the system that provide the inputs
that enable the computer (ECM) to
carry out the operations that make
the system function correctly.
In the case of vehicle sensors it is
usually a voltage that is represented
by a code at the computer’s
processor. If this voltage is
incorrect the processor will
probably take it as an invalid input
and record a fault.

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 Types of Sensors used
1. Mass air flow (MAF) rate
2. Exhaust gas oxygen concentration (possibly heated)
3. Throttle plate angular position
4. Crankshaft angular position/RPM
5. Coolant temperature
6. Intake air temperature
7. Manifold absolute pressure (MAP)
8. Differential exhaust gas pressure
9. Vehicle speed
10. Transmission gear selector position

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 Mass air flow (MAF) rate sensor
 Airflow sensors are used on engines with multiport
electronic fuel injection. This is because the amount of fuel
delivered by an EFI system is controlled by a computer
(powertrain control module or PCM) which turns the fuel
injectors on and off.
 The airflow sensor keeps the computer informed about how
much air is being pulled into the engine past the throttle
plates. This input along with information from other engine
sensors allows the computer to calculate how much fuel is
 The computer then increases or decreases injector duration
(on time) to provide the correct air/fuel ratio.
 Types: 1. Vane type Air Flow Rate Sensor
2. Hot Wire type Air Flow Rate Sensor

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 Vane type air flow (MAF) rate sensor
 An engine requires the correct air–fuel
ratio to suit various conditions. With
electronic fuel injection the ECM controls
the air–fuel ratio and in order to do this it
needs a constant flow of information about
the amount of air flowing to the engine. Fig. A
 With this information, and data stored in its
memory, the ECM can then send out a
signal to the injectors, so that they provide
the correct amount of fuel.
 Air flow measurement is commonly
performed by a ‘flap’-type air flow sensor.
The air flow sensor shown in Figure A.
uses the principle of the potential divider

Fig. B
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 Figure B. shows the theoretical form of a simple
potential divider. A voltage, say 5 V, is applied across
terminals A and B. C is a slider which is in contact with
the resistor and a voltmeter is connected between A
C. The voltage VAC is related to the position of the
C in the form VAC =VAB * x/l.
 In the air flow sensor, the moving probe (wiper) of the
potential divider is linked to the pivot of the measuring
flap so that angular displacement of the measuring flap
is registered as a known voltage at the potentiometer.

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 Figure shows a simplified form of the air
flow sensor. The closed position of the
measuring flap will give a voltage of
approximately zero, and when fully open the
voltage will be 5 V.
 Intermediate positions will give
voltages between these values. In practice,
it is not quite as simple as this, because
allowance must be made for other
 A vane airflow sensor is located ahead of
the throttle and monitors the volume of air
entering the engine by means of a spring-
loaded mechanical flap. The flap is pushed
open by an amount that is proportional to
the volume of air entering the engine.

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 The flap has a wiper arm that rotates against a sealed
potentiometer (variable resistor or rheostat), allowing the
sensor's resistance and output voltage to change according to
 The greater the airflow, the further the flap is forced open.
This lowers the potentiometer's resistance and increases the
voltage return signal to the computer.
 A compensation plate acts as a shock absorber to prevent
rapid movement or vibrations of the measuring plate.
 A sealed idle mixture screw is also located on the airflow
sensor. This controls the amount of air that bypasses the flap,
and consequently the richness or leanness of the fuel

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 Vane airflow sensors as well as all the other types of airflow
sensors can't tolerate air leaks. Air leaks downstream of
the sensor can allow "unmetered" or "false" air to enter the
engine. The extra air can lean out the fuel mixture causing a
variety of driveability problems, including lean misfire,
hesitation and stumbling when accelerating, and a rough
 Dirt can also cause problems. Unfiltered air passing
through a torn or poor fitting air filter can allow dirt to build
up on the flap shaft of a vane airflow sensor causing the flap
to bind or stick. The operation of the flap can be tested by
gently pushing it open with a finger. It should open and close
smoothly with even resistance. If it binds or sticks, a shot of
carburetor cleaner may loosen it up otherwise the sensor will
have to be replaced.

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 Backfiring in the intake manifold can force the flap
backwards violently, often bending or breaking the
flap. Some sensors have a "backfire" valve built into the
flap to protect the flap in case of a backfire by venting
the explosion. But the anti-backfire valve itself can
become a source of trouble if it leaks. A leaky backfire
valve will cause the sensor to read low and the engine to
run rich.

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 Hot Wire Type MAF:
 The hot wire MAF sensor is a variation
of a classic air flow sensor that was
known as a hot wire anemometer and
was used, for example, to measure wind
velocity for weather forecasting.
 In this MAF, the hot-wire, or sensing,
element is replaced by a hot-film
structure mounted on a substrate.
 On the air inlet side is mounted a
honeycomb flow straightener that
“smooths” the air flow (causing
nominally laminar air flow over the film
element). At the lower portion of the
structure is the signal
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 The film element is electrically heated to a
constant temperature above that of the inlet air.
 The hot-film element is incorporated in a Wheatstone bridge
circuit (Figure at top).
 The power supply for the bridge circuit comes from
an amplifier.

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 The Wheatstone bridge consists of three fixed resistors R1,
R2, and R3 and a hot-film element having resistance RHW.
With no air flow the resistors R1, R2, and R3 are chosen such
that voltage va and vb are equal (i.e., the bridge is said to be
 As air flows across the hot film, heat is carried away from
the film by the moving air. The amount of heat carried away
varies in proportion to the mass flow rate of the air.
 The heat lost by the film to the air tends to cause the
resistance of the film to vary, which unbalances the bridge
circuit, thereby producing an input voltage to the amplifier.
 The output of the amplifier is connected to the bridge circuit
and provides the power for this circuit. The amplified
voltage changes the resistance in such a way as to maintain a
fixed hot-film temperature relative to the inlet temperature.

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 The amplifier output voltage vc varies with MAF and
serves as a measure of Rm. Typically the conversion of
MAF to voltage is slightly nonlinear, as indicated by the
calibration curve depicted in Figure.
 Fortunately, a modern digital engine controller can
convert the analog bridge output voltage directly to mass
air flow by simple computation.

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 Hot Wire MAF sensors have no moving parts. Unlike a vane
airflow meter that uses a spring-loaded flap, mass airflow sensors
use electrical current to measure airflow.
 The sensing element, which is either a platinum wire (hot wire)
or nickel foil grid (hot film), is heated electrically to keep it a
certain number of degrees hotter than the incoming air.
 In the case of hot film MAFs, the grid is heated to 75oC above
incoming ambient air temperature. With the hot wire sensors, the
wire is heated to 100 oC above ambient temperature.
 As air flows past the sensing element, it cools the element and
increases the current needed to keep the element hot. Because the
cooling effect varies directly with the temperature, density and
humidity of the incoming air, the amount of current needed to
keep the element hot is directly proportional to the air "mass"
entering the engine

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 Positions Sensors:
 The positions sensors are generally speed sensors of
different working principle used for detecting the
position of different parameters.
 Parameters Measured,
1. Crankshaft Position Sensor
2. Camshaft Position Sensor
3. ABS Wheel Sensors
4. Vehicle Speed Sensor
 Working Principles used,
1. Magnetic Reluctance (Variable Reluctance) type
2. Hall Effect type
3. Optical Type

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 Crankshaft Position Sensor:
 A crank position sensor is a component used in an
internal combustion engine to monitor the position or
rotational speed of the crankshaft. This information is
used by engine management systems to control ignition
system timing and other engine parameters.

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 Magnetic Reluctance (or Variable Reluctance)
type sensor
 This type of sensor is used in many vehicle
applications, such as ignition systems, engine
speed sensors for fuelling, and wheel speed
sensors for anti-lock braking etc.
 Air has a greater reluctance (resistance to
magnetism) than iron and this fact is made use of
in many sensors. The basic principle of operation
of a variable reluctance type sensor (Fig. 5.1) may
be understood from the following description.
 The principal elements of the sensor are:
 an iron rotor with lobes on it;
 a permanent magnet;
 a metallic path (the pole piece) for carrying the magnetic
 a coil, wound around the metallic path, in which a voltage
is induced.

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 The reluctor disc has a number of tabs on it and these tabs
are made to move through the air gap in the magnetic circuit.
 The movement of the reluctor tabs, through the air gap is
achieved by rotation of the reluctor shaft. The voltage
induced in the sensor coil is related to the rate of change of
magnetic flux in the magnetic circuit.
 The faster the rate of change of magnetic flux the larger will
be the voltage that is generated in the sensor coil. When the
metal tab on the reluctor rotor is outside the air gap, the
sensor voltage is zero.
 As the tab moves into the air gap the flow of magnetism
(flux) increases rapidly. This causes the sensor voltage to
increase, quite quickly, to a maximum positive value. Figure
5.2 shows the approximate behavior of the voltage output as
the reluctor is rotated.

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 Figure 5.2(a) shows the reluctor tab moving into the air gap.
As the metal tab moves further into the gap the voltage
begins to fall and, when the metal tab is exactly aligned with
the pole piece, the sensor voltage falls back to zero
(Although the magnetic flux is strongest at this point, it is
not changing and this means that the voltage is zero.)

 Figure 5.2(b) shows that

there is zero voltage when
the reluctor tab is in
alignment with the pole
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 As the metal tab continues to rotate out of the air gap
and away from the pole piece, the rate of change of the
magnetic flux is rapid, but opposite in direction to when
the tab was moving into the air gap.
 This results in the negative half of the voltage waveform
as shown in Fig. 5.2(c). When the tab has moved out of
the air gap the sensor voltage returns to zero. While the
rotor shaft continues to turn another tab will enter the air
gap and the above process will be repeated.
 If the sensor coil is connected to an oscilloscope the
pattern observed will be similar to that shown in Fig.

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 Hall Effect:
 The effect is production of a voltage
difference (the the voltage) across an electrical
Hall to an electric current the
conductor, and to an applied in field
conductor to the current. It wasmagnetic
by Edwin Hall in 1879.

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2. Hall Effect type sensor:
 Figure shows the principle of a Hall type sensor. The
Hall element is a small section of semiconductor
material such as silicon.
 When connected as shown in Fig.(a), the battery will
cause current to flow through the semiconductor Hall
element and battery circuit, but there will be no current
in the circuit which is at right angles to the battery
circuit, as shown by a zero reading on the voltmeter.

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 When a magnetic field is imposed on the Hall element,
as shown in Fig. (b), a current will flow in circuit 2.
 When the magnetic effect is prevented from reaching
the Hall element, as in Fig.(c), the current will cease to
flow in circuit 2.
 The result is that the current in circuit 2 can be switched
on and off by shielding the Hall element from the
magnetic field.

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 When the metal plate that is inserted between the magnet
and the Hall element is mounted on a rotating shaft, the
Hall current can be switched on and off at any desired
 The Hall type sensor produces an output power that is
virtually constant at all speeds.
 Hall effect sensors are used wherever other
electromagnetic sensors are used, e.g. engine speed and
crank position, ABS wheel sensors, camshaft (cylinder)
identification (for ignition and fuelling) etc.

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 The voltage from a Hall element is quite small and it is
common practice for Hall type sensors to incorporate an
amplifying and pulse-shaping circuit. The result is that
the sensor produces a digital signal, i.e. it is a
rectangular waveform as shown in Fig. 5.7.

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 Optical Sensor:
 In a sufficiently clean environment a shaft position can also
be sensed using optical techniques. Figure below illustrates
such a system. Again, as with the magnetic system, a disk is
directly coupled to the crankshaft.
 This time, the disk has holes in it that correspond to the
number of tabs on the disks of the magnetic systems.
 Mounted on each side of the disk are fiber-optic light pipes.
The hole in the disk allows transmission of light through the
light pipes from the light-emitting diode (LED) source to the
phototransistor used as a light sensor.
 Light would not be transmitted from source to sensor
when there is no hole because the solid disk blocks the

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 As shown in Figure below, the pulse of light is
detected by the phototransistor and coupled to an
amplifier to obtain a satisfactory signal level. The
output pulse level can very easily be standard transistor
logic levels of +2.4 V for the high level and +0.8 V for
the low level.
 One of the problems with optical sensors is that they
must be protected from dirt and oil; otherwise, they
will not work properly.
 They have the advantages that they can sense position
without the engine running and that the pulse amplitude
is constant with variation in speed.

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 Throttle Position Sensor:
 When an engine is idling the exhaust gas
scavenging of the cylinders is poor. This
has the effect of diluting the incoming
 The ECU must detect when the throttle is
in the idling position, so that alteration of
the air–fuel ratio can occur to ensure that
the engine continues to run smoothly.
 At full engine load and full throttle, the
mixture (air–fuel ratio) needs enriching,
so the ECU also needs a signal to show
that the throttle is fully open.

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 These duties areperformed by the
throttle position switch. Figure 5.12
shows how the action of a throttle
position sensor is based on the principle
of the potential divider.
 The sensor produces a voltage which
is related to throttle position. The
voltage signal is conducted to the
ECU where it is used, in conjunction
with other inputs, to determine the
correct fuelling for a given condition.

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 Thermistor:
 Thermistors are of two opposite fundamental types:
 With NTC thermistors, resistance decreases as temperature
rises. An NTC is commonly used as a temperature sensor, or
in series with a circuit as an inrush current limiter.
 With PTC thermistors, resistance increases as temperature
rises. PTC thermistors are commonly installed in series with
a circuit, and used to protect against overcurrent conditions,
as resettable fuses
 Thermistors differ from resistance temperature detectors
(RTDs) in that the material used in a thermistor is generally
a ceramic or polymer, while RTDs use pure metals. The
temperature response is also different; RTDs are useful over
larger temperature ranges, while thermistors typically
achieve a greater precision within a limited temperature
range, typically −90 °C to 130 °C
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 Temperature sensor
 A commonly used device used for sensing
temperature is the thermistor. A
thermistor utilizes the concept of negative
temperature coefficient.
 Most electrical conductors have a positive
temperature coefficient. This means that
the hotter the conductor gets the higher
is its electrical resistance.
 This thermistor operates differently; its
resistance gets lower as its temperature
increases and this is a characteristic of
semiconductor materials.

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 There is a well-defined relationship
between temperature and resistance.
 This means that current flow through the
thermistor can be used to give an accurate
representation of temperature.
 Figure shows the approximate
relationship between temperature and
 The coolant temperature sensor provides
the ECU with information about engine
temperature and thus allows the ECU to
make alterations to fuelling for cold starts
and warm-up enrichment.

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 Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) Sensor:
 Several MAP sensor configurations have used in
been automotive applications.
 The earliest sensors were derived from aerospace
instrumentation concepts, but these proved more expensive
than desirable for automotive applications and have been
replaced with more cost-effective designs.
 It is interesting to note that none of the MAP sensors in use
measure manifold pressure directly, but instead measure the
displacement of a diaphragm that is deflected by manifold
 The details of diaphragm displacement and the
the measurementthis displacement vary from one
of to another.

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 Strain Gauge MAP Sensor
 One relatively inexpensive MAP sensor
configuration is the silicon diaphragm
diffused strain gauge sensor shown in
 This sensor uses a silicon chip that is
approximately 3 millimeters square.
Along the outer edges, the chip is
approximately 250 micrometers (1
micrometer = 1 millionth of a meter)
thick, but the center area is only 25
micrometers thick and forms a
 The edge of the chip is sealed to a pyrex
plate under vacuum, thereby forming a
vacuum chamber between the plate and
the center area of the silicon
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 A set of sensing resistors is formed around the edge of this
chamber, as indicated in Figure. The resistors are formed by
diffusing a doping impurity into the silicon.
 External connections to these resistors are made through
wires connected to the metal bonding pads. This entire
assembly is placed in a sealed housing that is connected to
the intake manifold by a small-diameter tube.
 Manifold pressure applied to the diaphragm causes it to
 The resistance of the sensing resistors changes in proportion
to the applied manifold pressure by a phenomenon that is
known as piezoresistivity.
 Piezoresistivity occurs in certain semiconductors so that the
actual resistivity (a property of the material) changes in
proportion to the strain (fractional change in length).

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 The strain induced in each resistor is
proportional to the diaphragm
deflection, which, in turn, is
proportional to the pressure on the
outside surface of the diaphragm. This
pressure is the manifold pressure.
 An electrical signal that is proportional
to the manifold pressure is obtained
by connecting the resistors in a circuit
called a Wheatstone bridge, as shown
in the schematic of Figure a.
 The voltage regulator holds a constant
dc voltage across the bridge.

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 The resistors diffused into the diaphragm are denoted R1, R2,
R3, and R4 in Figure a.
 When there is no strain on the diaphragm, all four
resistances are equal, the bridge is balanced, and the voltage
between points A and B is zero. When manifold pressure
changes, it causes these resistances to change in such a way
that R1 and R3 increase by an amount that is proportional
to pressure; at the same time, R2 and R4 decrease by an
identical amount.
 This unbalances the bridge and a net difference voltage is
present between points A and B. The differential amplifier
generates an output voltage proportional to the difference
between the two input voltages (which is, in turn,
proportional to the pressure), as shown in Figure b.

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 Variable-Capacitance type MAP Sensor
 Figure below gives an indication of the principle of operation
of the variable capacitance type of MAP sensor.
 Capacitance C = eo A/d, where eo = permittivity in a vacuum,
A = area of the metallized plates and d = the distance between
the plates.
 The metallized plates of the capacitor are placed on each side
of an evacuated capsule.
 This capsule is placed in a chamber which is connected to
manifold pressure and, as the manifold pressure changes, the
distance d between the capacitor plates changes.
 This change in distance between the capacitor plates causes
the value of the capacitance C to change. The capacitor is
connected into an electronic circuit that converts changes in
capacitance into an electrical signal.

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 Variable-Inductance type MAP Sensor:
 The variable-inductance type of MAP sensor relies on
the principle that the inductance of a coil is altered by
varying the position of an iron cylinder placed in the
center of the coil. Figure illustrates the principle
 In this simplified
version, the iron
cylinder moves in
or out of the coil
under the influence
of the diaphragm
and spring.
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 Variations in manifold absolute pressure increase or decrease
the ‘suction’ force acting on the diaphragm and the resultant
changes in inductance are related to the manifold absolute
 The coil (inductance) forms part of an electronic circuit and
this circuit is designed so that the changes in frequency of
the square-wave output are accurate representations of
manifold absolute pressure. Figure shows the approximate
form of the variable frequency output of sensors of this type.

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 Knock Sensor:
 A knock sensor that is commonly used in engine control systems
utilizes the piezoelectric generator effect, i.e. the sensing element
produces a small electric charge when it is compressed and then
 Materials such as quartz and some ceramics like PZT (a mixture
of platinum, zirconium and titanium) are effective in
piezoelectric applications.
 In the application shown, the knock sensor is located on the
engine block adjacent to cylinder number 3 (Fig. 5.10). This is the
best position to detect vibrations arising from combustion
knock in any of the four cylinders.
 Because combustion knock is most likely to occur close to TDC
in any cylinder, the control program held in the ECM memory
enables the processor to use any knock signal generated to alter
the ignition timing by an amount that is sufficient to eliminate the

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 When knock has ceased the ECM
will advance the ignition, in steps,
back to its normal setting. The
mechanism by which vibrations
arising from knock are converted
to electricity is illustrated in Fig.
 The sensor is accurately designed
and the center bolt that pre-
tensions the piezoelectric crystal
is accurately torqued. The steel
washer that makes up the seismic
mass has very precise dimensions.

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 When combustion knock occurs, the resulting mechanical
vibrations are transmitted by the seismic mass, to the
piezoelectric crystal. The ‘squeezing up’ and relaxing of the
crystal in response to this action, produces a small
electrical signal that oscillates at the same frequency as the
knock sensor element.
 The electrical signal is
conducted away from the
crystal by wires that are
secured to suitable points
on the crystal.

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 The tuning of the sensor is critical because it must be
able to distinguish between knock from combustion and
other knocks that may arise from the engine mechanism.
This is achieved because combustion knock produces
vibrations that fall within a known range of frequencies.

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 Lambda Sensor (Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor)
 In order for the exhaust emissions catalyst to operate
correctly, the air–fuel ratio must be kept close to 15:1 (by
mass), and it is the exhaust gas oxygen (EGO) sensor that
assists the ECM to keep the air–fuel ratio within the required
 The EGO sensor constantly monitors the oxygen content of
the exhaust gas, and hence the air–fuel ratio at the engine
intake, since the percentage of oxygen in the exhaust gas is
an accurate measure of the air–fuel ratio of the mixture
entering the engine cylinders.
 Figure 5.26 shows the relation between the oxygen content
of the exhaust gas and the air–fuel ratio of the mixture
entering the combustion chambers of the engine.

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 The information (voltage) from the EGO
sensor is fed back to the ECM so that
the amount of fuel injected into the
engine may be changed to ensure that
the air– fuel ratio is kept within the
required limits.
 It is common practice to refer to the air–
fuel ratio that gives chemically correct
combustion as lambda = 1.
 If the mixture is rich, lambda is less than
1 (probably lambda = 0.97), and if the
mixture is weak, lambda is greater than
1 (probably lambda = 1.03). For this
reason, the exhaust gas oxygen sensor is
often referred to as a lambda sensor.

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 The voltaic, or zirconia (ZrO2), type oxygen sensor operates
on the basis of a difference between the oxygen partial
pressure of atmospheric air and the partial pressure of
oxygen in the exhaust gas.
 At sea level, atmospheric air contains approximately 21%
oxygen by weight, and this gives the oxygen a partial
pressure of approximately 0.2 bar.
 The oxygen content of exhaust gas varies from zero in a rich
mixture, to about 10% in a weak mixture, as shown in
 The partial pressure of the oxygen in the exhaust gas
therefore ranges from near zero to approximately 0.01 bar.

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 Figure 5.27 shows that the sensor element is essentially
a cell (battery). The plates are made from platinum and
they have a layer of ceramic zirconia between them
which acts as an electrolyte.
 The platinum plates act as catalysts for the oxygen
which makes contact with them, and they are also used
to conduct electricity away from the sensor.

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 The catalyzing action that takes place when oxygen contacts
the platinum plates causes the transport of oxygen ions
through the electrolyte and this creates the electric current
that gives rise to the e.m.f. (voltage) of the sensor.
 This sensor voltage is an accurate representation of the
oxygen content of the exhaust gas.
 In practice the sensing element is formed into a thimble
shape as shown in Fig. 5.28.
 This type of construction exposes the maximum area of
platinum to the exhaust gas on one side and to the
atmospheric air on the other side. The platinum that is
exposed to the exhaust gas is covered with a porous ceramic
 This allows the oxygen through to the platinum but protects
the platinum against harmful contaminants in the exhaust
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 The greater the difference in oxygen levels
between the atmospheric air and the exhaust
gas, the greater is the voltage produced by
the EGO sensor.
 When the air–fuel ratio changes from slightly
rich, say 14:1 lambda = 0.93 to slightly
weak, 16:1 lambda = 1.06, there is a marked
change in the oxygen partial pressure of the
exhaust gas and this leads to a step change in
the EGO sensor voltage because the ceramic
electrolyte (zirconia) is very sensitive to
oxygen levels, as shown in Fig. 5.29.
 This sudden change in sensor voltage is used
to trigger an action by the ECM, that will
alter the fuelling, to maintain lambda=1
(chemically correct air–fuel ratio).

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 The result of this action is that the EGO sensor output cycles
up and down, at a frequency that ensures that the engine
runs smoothly and the exhaust catalyst is kept functioning
 The actual frequency is determined by the program that the
designer places in the ROM of the ECM. All of this means
that a voltaic-type EGO produces a standard type of output
that can be measured by means of equipment that is readily
available to vehicle repairers
 The approximate shape of the voltage waveform from the
EGO sensor when in operation is shown in Fig. 5.30. This
waveform arises from the way that the ECM alters the
amount of fuel injected, i.e. lowering and raising the amount
of fuel injected, in an ordered way, so as to keep the air–fuel
ratio within the required limits.

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 The action of the oxygen sensor is dependent
on its temperature. The sensor needs to reach
a temperature of around 250oC before it
starts to function at its best.
 In order to assist the sensor to reach this
temperature as quickly as possible, from a
cold start, it is common practice to equip the
sensor with a resistive-type heating element as
shown in Fig. 5.31.
 This means that most oxygen sensors will be
equipped with four wires: a signal wire and an
earth for the sensor element, and a feed wire
and an earth for the heating element.
 This type of sensor is known as a heated
exhaust gas oxygen sensor (HEGO)

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 The USA OBDII and impending European legislation requires
that vehicle emissions systems are equipped with the facilities
to illuminate a warning lamp (malfunction indicator lamp or
MIL) should the catalytic converter cease to function correctly.
In order to meet this requirement it is current practice to fit a
second oxygen sensor downstream of the catalyst, as shown in
Fig. 5.34.

Automotive Electrical & Electronics

 In Fig. 5.34, A represents the upstream oxygen which is
on the engine side of the catalyst.
 It is this sensor that provides the feedback signal that the
ECM uses to control the air–fuel ratio within the
required limits.
 The second sensor at B sends a signal to the ECM that is
used to determine the efficiency of the catalyst. The
voltage amplitude of this second sensor signal is the key
to assessing the catalyst efficiency.
 As the catalyst ages, or is damaged by incorrect fuel
etc., the voltage amplitude of this second sensor
Automotive Electrical & Electronics
 Load Cell
 A load cell is a transducer that is used to create an
electrical signal whose magnitude is directly
proportional to the force being measured.
 The various types of load cells include hydraulic load
cells, pneumatic load cells and strain gauge load cells.

Automotive Electrical & Electronics

 The strain gauge measures the deformation (strain) as a
change in electrical resistance, which is a measure of the
strain and hence the applied forces.

R : Initial resistance of the strain gauge
ΔR : Resistance change caused by elongation or
K : Proportional constant (called the “gauge
ε : Strain
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 The working principle is based on the strain/resistance
relationship of electrical conductors.
 Any electrical conductor changes its resistance with
mechanical stress, e.g. through tension or compression
forces. The resistance change is partially due to the
conductor's deformation and partially due to the change
in the resistivity of the conductor material as a result of
microstructural changes.
 Operating Principle:
Welded Sensor utilizes bonded strain gages
connected in Wheatstone bridge circuit. The output is
derived from imbalance in the bridge circuit as load is
sensed by sensor.

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 Wheatstone Bridge:
 Wheatstone bridge is an electric circuit suitable for
detection of minute resistance changes, therefore used
to measure resistance changes of a strain gage
 The bridge is configured by combining four resistors
as shown in Fig.
 Initially R1=R2=R3=R4, in this condition no output
voltage is there, e=0
 When one of the Resistances is replaced by strain
Gauge attached to the object whose strain is to be
measured and load is applied, then there is small
change in the resistance of gauge, hence some output
voltage is there which can be related to strain as

 From this, strain can be easily determined using the

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 Yaw Rate Sensor:
 The drive portion looks and acts exactly like a simple
tuning fork. Because the drive tines are constructed of
crystalline quartz, it is possible to electronically “ring”
this tuning fork.
 Each fork tine has a mass and an instantaneous radial
velocity which changes sinusoidally as the tine moves
back and forth.
 As long as the fork’s base is stationary the momenta of
the two tines exactly cancel one another and there is no
energy transfer from the tines to the base. In fact, it
takes only ~6µW of power to keep the fork ringing.
Automotive Electrical & Electronics
 As soon as the tuning fork is
rotated around its axis of
symmetry, however, the Coriolis
principle exerts a profound
influence on the behavior of this
 By convention, (the “right-hand
rule”), the rotational vector, ωi,
is described by an arrow that is
aligned with the axis of rotation.
 The instantaneous radial velocity
of each of the tines will, through
the Coriolis effect, generate a
vector cross product with this
rotation vector.

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 The net effect is that each tine will generate a force
perpendicular to the instantaneous radial velocity of each of
the tines:
F = 2mωi * Vr
– m = tine
– ωi = rotation
– Vr = radial
 Note that this force is directly proportional to the rotation
rate, and since the radial velocity of the tines is sinusoidal,
the force on each tine is also sinusoidal.
 Because the radial velocities of the two tines are equal and
opposite, the Coriolis forces are equal and opposite,
producing an oscillating torque at the base of the drive tine
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 Actuators:
 Actuators are the devices, such as fuel injectors, ignition
coils, ABS modulators etc., that are operated by outputs
from the ECM.
 Actuators normally rely on one of two electrical devices for
their operation; they are either operated by a solenoid or by
an electric motor.
 Solenoid-operated actuators are normally controlled in one
of two ways. One is the duty cycle method, where the
solenoid is switched on for a percentage of the time
available, e.g. 20 or 80%.
 This means that pulses of varying width can be used to
provide the desired result. The other method of solenoid
control is known as pulse width modulation (PWM). Here
the solenoid current is switched on and off at
frequencies that change to suit operating requirements.

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 Electric motors that are used in actuators may be stepper

motors, or reversible permanent magnet d.c. motors.
 A stepper motor can be made to provide small movements of
valves by pulsing the current supply.
 Some stepper motors rotate 7.5° per step, which means that a
full rotation of the motor shaft takes 48 steps. A common
form of stepper motor uses two sets of windings.
 Current in one set of windings drives the motor shaft
forward and when this is switched off and current is applied
to the other set of windings, the motor shaft rotates in the
reverse direction.
 This means that accurate control over the position of a valve
can be achieved because the control computer determines
the valve position by counting the number of pulses applied
to the stepper motor windings.

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 Solenoid Valves:
 A fuel injector is (in essence) a solenoid-operated
valve. The valve opens or closes to permit or
block fuel flow to the engine. The valve is
attached to the movable element of the solenoid
and is switched by the solenoid activation.
 In a fuel injector with no current flowing, the
solenoid movable element is held down against Figure A
the stop, covering the aperture or nozzle.
 Fuel is thereby blocked from flowing from the
pressurized fuel chamber into the aperture. When
current flows through the solenoid coil, the
movable element is switched upward, the
aperture is exposed, and fuel (under pressure)
sprays through this aperture.

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 The fuel flow rate through the

nozzle is constant for a given
regulated fuel pressure and
nozzle geometry; therefore, the
quantity of fuel injected into
the air stream is proportional
to the time the valve is open.
 The control current that
operates the fuel injector is
Figure B
pulsed on and off to deliver
precise quantities of fuel.

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 Fuel Injector Signal

 Consider an idealized fuel injector
as shown in Figure B, in which the
injector is open when the applied
voltage is on and is closed when the
applied voltage is off.
 In this idealization, the control
voltage operating the fuel injector is
a binary pulse train (i.e., either on
or off ).
 For a pulse train signal, the ratio of
on time t to the period of the pulse T
Figure C
(on time + off time) is called the
duty cycle.

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This is shown in Figure Avsari
C. The fuel(Kd)
injector is energized
for time t to allow fuel to spray from the nozzle into the
air stream going to the intake manifold. The injector is
de-energized for the remainder of the period.
 Therefore, a low duty cycle, as seen in Figure C-a, is
used for a high air/fuel ratio (lean mixture), and a high
duty cycle (Figure C-b) is used for a low air/ fuel ratio
(rich mixture).

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 EGR Valve Actuator:

 The exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) is utilized to reduce NOx
emissions. The amount of EGR is regulated by the engine
 When the correct amount of EGR has been determined by the
controller based on measurements from the various engine control
sensors, the controller sends an electrical signal to the EGR
 Typically, this actuator is a variable-position valve that regulates
the EGR as a function of intake manifold pressure and exhaust
gas pressure. Although there are many EGR configurations, only
one representative example will be discussed to explain the basic
operation of this type of actuator.
 The example EGR actuator is shown schematically in Figure.
This actuator is a vacuum-operated diaphragm valve with a spring
that holds the valve closed if no vacuum is applied.

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 The vacuum that operates the diaphragm is supplied by the intake

manifold and is controlled by a solenoid-operated valve. This
solenoid valve is controlled by the output of the control system.
 This solenoid operates essentially the same as that explained in the
discussion on fuel injectors. Whenever the solenoid is energized
(i.e., by current supplied by the control system flowing through the
coil), the EGR valve is opened by the applied vacuum.

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 The amount of valve opening is determined by the

average pressure on the vacuum side of the diaphragm.
 This pressure is regulated by pulsing the solenoid with a
variable-duty-cycle electrical control current.
 The duty cycle of this pulsing current controls the
average pressure in the chamber that affects the
diaphragm deflection, thereby regulating the amount of

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 Petrol engine idle speed control

 Idle speed control is an important element of the control
strategy for any engine management system. The control
strategy for engine idling must take account of factors such
as engine coolant temperature, engine load, power assisted
steering, alternator load, etc.
 Many systems are fitted with an idle speed control valve that
provides a supply of air that by-passes the throttle valve,
whilst other systems may make use of the electronic throttle
 Two types of valve are used to provide a computer
controlled idle air supply. One makes use of a stepper
motor, as shown in Fig. 6.12, and the other uses a solenoid
operated valve as shown in Fig. 6.15.

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 Figure 6.12 shows a simplified arrangement of the extra air
(air by-pass) valve that is built into the throttle body of some
petrol injection systems.
 The ECU pulses the transistor bases, in the correct sequence,
so that the stepper motor moves the air valve to provide the
correct air supply, for any given condition.
 In addition, other sensor signals will enable the ECU to
provide the correct amount of fuel to ensure that the engine
continues to run smoothly. Figure 6.13 shows the stepper
motor with the air valve attached.
 The multiple pin connection is typical of the type of
connection that is used to electrically connect the stepper
motor to the ECU. The stepper motor can normally be
checked by operating it with the diagnostic tool connected to
the serial communication port of the ECM.

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 An Research,
oscilloscope Avsari
can also be used(Kd)
to check the pulses
that are sent to the motor from the ECM. Figure 6.14
gives an impression of the type of result that is to be
expected from the PMS 100 oscilloscope when used to
test a stepper motor.

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 This type of valve regulates the amount of air that by-passes the
throttle valve through the medium of a solenoid-operated valve
of the type shown in Fig. 6.15.
 In the rest position shown, the valve (4) is closed by the spring
(5) and the armature of the solenoid (2) is pushed back inside the
solenoid coil (3). When operating, the energized solenoid opens
the valve (4) and admits air to the induction system. The quantity
of air admitted is controlled by duty cycle pulses that are sent
from the ECM.

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 Electronic Control Unit (ECU)

 Figure shows the general form of a computer that consists of
the following parts:
 a central processing unit (CPU)
 input and output devices (I/O)
 memory
 a program
 a clock for timing purposes.
 Data processing is one of the main functions that computers
perform. Data, in computer terms, is the representation of facts
or ideas in a special way that allows it to be used by the
 In the case of digital computers this usually means binary data
where numbers and letters are represented by codes made up from
0s and 1s. The input and output interfaces enable the computer to
read inputs and to make the required outputs.

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Processing Avsariand(Kd)
is the manipulation movement of data
and this is controlled by the clock. Memory is required
to hold the main operating program and to hold data
temporarily while it is being worked on.

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Government College of Engineering and Research, Avsari (Kd)

 Read only memory (ROM) is where the operating program for the
computer is placed. It consists of an electronic circuit which
gives certain outputs for predetermined input values. ROMs have
large storage capacity.
 Read and write, or random access memory (RAM), is where data
is held temporarily while it is being worked on by the processing
unit. Placing data in memory is referred to as ‘writing’ and the
process of using this data is called ‘reading’.
 The clock is an electronic circuit that utilizes the piezoelectric
effect of a quartz crystal to produce accurately timed electrical
pulses that are used to control the actions of the computer.
 Clock speeds are measured in the number of electrical pulses
generated in one second. One pulse per second is 1 Hertz and
most computer clocks operate in millions of pulses per second.
One million pulses per second is 1 megahertz (1 MHz).

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 A practical automotive ECU

 Figure 2.2 shows a computer controlled transmission
system. At the heart of the system is an electronic
 This particular module is a self-contained computer
which is also known as a microcontroller.
Microcontrollers are available in many sizes, e.g. 4, 8,
16 and 32 bit, which refers to the length of the binary
code words that they work on. In this system it is an 8-
bit microcontroller.
 Figure 2.3 shows some of the internal details of the
computer and the following description gives an insight
into the way that it operates.

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 The microcomputer
 This is an 8-bit microcontroller.
In computer language a bit is a 0
or a 1. The 0 normally represents
zero, or low voltage, and the 1
normally represents a higher
voltage, probably 1.8 V.
 The microcontroller integrated
circuit (chip) has a ROM
capacity of 2048 bytes (there are
8 bits to one byte) and a RAM
that holds 64 bytes.
 The microcontroller also has an
on-chip capacity to convert four
analogue inputs into 8-bit digital

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 The power supply

 The power supply is a circuit
that takes its supply from the
vehicle battery then provides a
regulated d.c. supply of 5 V
to the microcontroller, and
this is its working voltage.
 The power supply also
includes protection against
over voltage and low voltage.
 The low voltage protection is
required if battery voltage is
low and it often takes the
form of a capacitor.

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 The clock circuit

 In this particular application the clock operates at 4 MHz.
The clock controls the actions of the computer, such as
counting sensor pulses to determine speed and timing the
output pulses to the electro-valves so that gear changes take
place smoothly and at the required time.
 The input interface
 The input interface contains the electronic circuits that
provide the electrical power for the sensors and switches that
are connected to it. Some of these inputs are in an electrical
form (analogue) that cannot be read directly into the
computer and these inputs must be converted into computer
(digital) form at the interface.

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 The output (power) interface

 The power driver consists of power transistors that are switched
electronically to operate electro-valves that operate the gear change
 Feedback
 At (6) on the diagram the inscription reads ‘ Reading electrical
state’. This means that the computer is being made aware of the
positions (on or off) of the electro-valves.
 The watchdog
 The watchdog circuit is a timer circuit that prevents the computer
from going into an endless loop that can sometimes happen if false
readings occur.
 The diagnostic interface
 The diagnostic interface is a circuit that causes a warning lamp to
be illuminated in case of a system malfunction. It can also be used
to connect to the diagnostic kit.

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