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OBJECTIVES: After studying Chapter 31, the reader will be able to: • Prepare for ASE Engine Performance (A8) certification
test content area “E” (Computerized Engine Controls Diagnosis and Repair). • Discuss how MAF sensors work. • List the
methods that can be used to test MAF sensors. • Describe the symptoms of a failed MAF sensor. • List how the operation of
the MAF sensor affects vehicle operation. • Discuss MAF sensor rationality tests.

KEY TERMS: False air 439 • Mass airflow (MAF) sensor 436 • Speed density 435 • Tap test 438 • Vane airflow (VAF)
sensor 435

AIRFLOW SENSORS movable vane connected to a laser-calibrated potentiometer.

The vane is mounted on a pivot pin and is deflected by intake
airflow proportionate to air velocity. As the vane moves, it also
Electronic fuel injection systems that do not use the “speed moves the potentiometer. This causes a change in the signal
density” system for fuel calculation measure the airflow volume voltage supplied to the computer.  SEE FIGURE 31–2. For
delivered to the engine. Older systems use a movable vane in example, if the reference voltage is 5 volts, the potentiom-
the intake stream called a vane airflow (VAF) sensor. The vane eter’s signal to the computer will vary from a 0 voltage signal
is part of the vane airflow (VAF) sensor. The vane is deflected (no airflow) to almost a 5-volt signal (maximum airflow). In
by intake airflow.  SEE FIGURE 31–1. this way, the potentiometer provides the information the
The vane airflow sensor used in Bosch L-Jetronic, Ford, computer needs to vary the injector pulse width proportion-
and most Japanese electronic port fuel-injection systems is a ate to airflow. There is a special “dampening chamber” built
into the VAF to smooth out vane pulsations which would be
COMPENSATION created by intake manifold air-pressure fluctuations caused
PLATE by the valve opening and closing. Many vane airflow sensors
include a switch to energize the electric fuel pump. This is a
CHAMBER safety feature that prevents the operation of the fuel pump if
the engine stalls.
Most newer fuel injection systems use a Mass Air Flow (MAF)
sensor to calculate the amount of air volume delivered to the
There are several types of mass airflow sensors.

MEASURING HOT FILM SENSOR The hot film sensor uses a temperature-
PLATE sensing resistor (thermistor) to measure the temperature of
FIGURE 31–1 A vane air flow (VAF) sensor. the incoming air. Through the electronics within the sensor, a




FIGURE 31–2 A typical air vane sensor with the cover

removed. The movable arm contacts a carbon resistance path FLOW TUBE METAL FOIL
as the vane opens. Many air vane sensors also have contacts
that close to supply voltage to the electric fuel pump as the air
FIGURE 31–3 This five-wire mass air flow sensor consists
vane starts to open when the engine is being cranked and air
of a metal foil sensing unit, an intake air temperature (IAT)
is being drawn into the engine.
sensor, and the electronic module.


What Is the Difference Between an Analog

and a Digital MAF Sensor?
Some MAF sensors produce a digital DC voltage
signal whose frequency changes with the amount of
airflow through the sensor. The frequency range also
varies with the make of sensor and can range from
0- to 300-Hz for older General Motors MAF sensors
to 1,000- to 9,000-Hz for most newer designs.
Some MAF sensors, such as those used by Ford
and others, produce a changing DC voltage, rather
than frequency, and range from 0- to 5-volts DC.

conductive film is kept at a temperature 70°C above the tempera- FIGURE 31–4 The sensing wire in a typical hot wire mass air
ture of the incoming air.  SEE FIGURE 31–3. flow sensor.
Because the amount and density of the air both tend to
contribute to the cooling effect as the air passes through the Most of these types of sensors are referred to as mass airflow
sensor, this type of sensor can actually produce an output based (MAF) sensors because, unlike the air vane sensor, the MAF
on the mass of the airflow. Mass equals volume times density. sensor takes into account relative humidity, altitude, and tem-
For example, cold air is denser than warm air so a small amount perature of the air. The denser the air, the greater the cooling
of cold air may have the same mass as a larger amount of warm effect on the hot film sensor and the greater the amount of fuel
air. Therefore, a mass airflow sensor is designed to measure the required for proper combustion.
mass, not the volume, of the air entering the engine.
The output of this type of sensor is usually a frequency HOT WIRE SENSOR The hot wire sensor is similar to
based on the amount of air entering the sensor. The more air the hot film type, but uses a hot wire to sense the mass air-
that enters the sensor, the more the hot film is cooled. The elec- flow instead of the hot film. Like the hot film sensor, the hot
tronics inside the sensor, therefore, increase the current flow wire sensor uses a temperature-sensing resistor (thermistor) to
through the hot film to maintain the 70°C temperature differ- measure the temperature of the air entering the sensor.  SEE
ential between the air temperature and the temperature of the FIGURE 31–4. The electronic circuitry within the sensor keeps
hot film. This change in current flow is converted to a frequency the temperature of the wire at 70°C above the temperature of
output that the computer can use as a measurement of airflow. the incoming air.

436 CHAPTER 31






FIGURE 31–5 A Karman Vortex air flow sensor uses a triangle-shaped rod to create vortexes as the air flows through the
sensor. The electronics in the sensor itself converts these vortexes to a digital square wave signal.

Both designs operate in essentially the same way. A re- through the turbulence created by incoming air passing through
sistor wire or screen installed in the path of intake airflow is the sensor. Air mass is calculated based on the time required for
heated to a constant temperature by electric current provided the sound waves to cross the turbulent air passage.
by the computer. Air flowing past the screen or wire cools it. The There are two basic designs of Karman Vortex air flow
degree of cooling varies with air velocity, temperature, density, sensors. The two types include:
and humidity. These factors combine to indicate the mass of air  Ultrasonic. This type of sensor uses ultrasonic waves
entering the engine. As the screen or wire cools, more current to detect the vortexes that are produced, and produce a
is required to maintain the specified temperature. As the screen digital (on-and-off) signal where frequency is proportional
or wire heats up, less current is required. The operating principle to the amount of air passing through the sensor.  SEE
can be summarized as follows: FIGURE 31–5.
 More intake air volume ⫽ cooler sensor, more current.  Pressure-type. Chrysler uses a pressure-type Karman
 Less intake air volume ⫽ warmer sensor, less current. Vortex sensor that uses a pressure sensor to detect the
The computer constantly monitors the change in current and vortexes. As the airflow through the sensor increases, so
translates it into a voltage signal that is used to determine do the number of pressure variations. The electronics in
injector pulse width. the sensor convert these pressure variations to a square
wave (digital DC voltage) signal, whose frequency is in
BURN-OFF CIRCUIT. Some hot wire-type MAF sensors use a proportion to the airflow through the sensor.
burn-off circuit to keep the sensing wire clean of dust and dirt.
A  high current is passed through the sensing wire for a short
time, but long enough to cause the wire to glow due to the
heat. The burn-off circuit is turned on when the ignition switch
is switched off after the engine has been operating long enough PCM USES FOR AIRFLOW
to achieve normal operating temperature.

KARMAN VORTEX SENSORS The PCM uses the information from the airflow sensor for the
following purposes:
 Airflow sensors are used mostly to determine the amount
In 1912, a Hungarian scientist named Theodore Van Karman of fuel needed and base pulse-width numbers. The
observed that vortexes were created when air passed over greater the mass of the incoming air, the longer the
a pointed surface. This type of sensor sends a sound wave injectors are pulsed on.


 Airflow sensors back up the TP sensor in the event of a loss
of signal or an inaccurate throttle position sensor signal. If
the MAF sensor fails, then the PCM will calculate the fuel
The Dirty MAF Sensor Story delivery needs of the engine based on throttle position and
The owner of a Buick Park Avenue equipped with a engine speed (RPM).
3800 V-6 engine complained that the engine would
hesitate during acceleration, showed lack of power,
and seemed to surge or miss at times. A visual inspec-
tion found everything to be like new, including a new TESTING MASS
air filter. There were no stored diagnostic trouble codes
(DTCs). A look at the scan data showed airflow to be
within the recommended 3 to 7 grams per second.
A check of the frequency output showed the problem.
VISUAL INSPECTION Start the testing of a MAF sensor by
Idle frequency  2.177 kHz (2,177 Hz) performing a thorough visual inspection. Look at all the hoses
Normal frequency at idle speed should be that direct and send air, especially between the MAF sensor and
2.37 to 2.52 kHz. Cleaning the hot wire of the MAF the throttle body. Also check the electrical connector for:
sensor restored proper operation. The sensor wire  Corrosion
was covered with what looked like fine fibers, possibly  Terminals that are bent or pushed out of the plastic
from the replacement air filter. connector
NOTE: Older GM MAF sensors operated at a  Frayed wiring
lower frequency of 32 to 150 Hz, with 32 Hz
being the average reading at idle and 150 Hz MAF SENSOR OUTPUT TEST MAF sensors calculate air
for wide-open throttle. mass by weight in a given amount of time usually in grams per
second (gm/sec). A digital multimeter, set to read DC volts on
the signal wire circuit, can be used to check the MAF sensor.
See the chart that shows the voltage output compared with the

grams per second of airflow through the sensor. Normal airflow
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTION is 3 to 7 grams per second.

What Is Meant By a “High-Authority Sensor”? Analog MAF Sensor Grams per Second/Voltage Chart
A high-authority sensor is a sensor that has a major
influence over the amount of fuel being delivered to Grams per Second Sensor Voltage
the engine. For example, at engine start-up, the engine 0 0.2
coolant temperature (ECT) sensor is a high-authority 2 0.7
sensor and the oxygen sensor (O2S) is a low-authority 4 1.0 (typical idle value)
sensor. However, as the engine reaches operating
8 1.5
temperature, the oxygen sensor becomes a high-
authority sensor and can greatly affect the amount 15 2.0
of fuel being supplied to the engine. See the chart. 30 2.5
50 3.0
High-Authority Sensors Low-Authority Sensors 80 3.5
ECT (especially when IAT (intake air temperature) 110 4.0
the engine starts and sensors modify and back
is warming up) up the ECT 150 4.5

O2S (after the engine TFT (transmission 175 4.8

reaches closed-loop fluid temperature)
TAP TEST With the engine running at idle speed, gently tap
MAP PRNDL (shift position
the MAF sensor with the fingers of an open hand. If the engine
stumbles or stalls, the MAF sensor is defective. This test is
MAF KS (knock sensor) commonly called the tap test.
TP (high authority EFT (engine fuel
during acceleration temperature)
and deceleration)
multimeter can be used to measure the frequency (Hz) output of
the sensor and compare the reading with specifications.

438 CHAPTER 31

FIGURE 31–6 Carefully check the hose between the MAF sensor and the throttle body assembly for cracks or splits that could
create extra (false) air into the engine that is not measured by the MAF sensor.


What Is False Air? The Unplug It Test

Airflow sensors and mass airflow (MAF) sensors are If a sensor is defective yet still produces a signal to the
designed to measure all the air entering the engine. computer, the computer will often accept the reading
If an air hose between the MAF sensor and throttle and make the required changes in fuel delivery and
body was loose or had a hole, extra air could enter the spark advance. If, however, the sensor is not read-
engine without being measured. This extra air is often ing correctly, the computer will process this wrong
called false air.  SEE FIGURE 31–6. Because this information and perform an action assuming that in-
extra air is unmeasured, the computer does not pro- formation being supplied is accurate. For example, if a
vide enough fuel delivery and the engine operates too mass airflow (MAF) sensor is telling the computer that
lean, especially at idle. A small hole in the air inlet hose 12 grams of air per second is going into the engine,
would represent a fairly large percentage of false air at the computer will then pulse the injector for 6.4 ms or
idle, but would represent a very small percentage of whatever figure it is programmed to provide. However,
extra air at highway speeds. if the air going into the engine is actually 14 grams per
To diagnose for false air, look at long-term second, the amount of fuel supplied by the injectors
fuel trim numbers at idle and at 3000 RPM. will not be enough to provide proper engine operation.
If the MAF sensor is unplugged, the computer knows
NOTE: If the engine runs well in reverse, yet
that the sensor is not capable of supplying airflow
runs terrible in any forward gear, carefully look
information, so it defaults to a fixed amount of fuel
at the inlet hose for air leaks that would open
based on the values of other sensors such as the TP
when the engine torque moves the engine
and MAP sensors. “If in doubt, take it out.”
slightly on its mounts.
If the engine operates better with a sensor un-
plugged, then suspect that the sensor is defective.
A sensor that is not supplying the correct informa-
The frequency output and engine speed in RPM can also tion is said to be skewed. The computer will not set
be plotted on a graph to check to see if the frequency and RPM a diagnostic trouble code for this condition because
are proportional, resulting in a straight line on the graph. the computer can often not detect that the sensor is
supplying wrong information.

CONTAMINATION entering the engine at idle, and therefore causes the fuel sys-
tem to go rich. At higher engine speeds near wide-open throttle
(WOT), the contamination can cause the sensor to underestimate
Dirt, oil, silicon, or even spiderwebs can coat the sensing wire. the amount of air entering the engine. As a result, the fuel system
Because it tends to insulate the sensing wire at low airflow rates, will go lean, causing spark knock and lack of power concerns. To
a contaminated sensor often overestimates the amount of air check for contamination, check the fuel trim numbers.


The Rich Running Toyota TROUBLE CODES
A Toyota failed an enhanced emission test for exces-
sive carbon monoxide, which is caused by a rich (too
The diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) associated with the mass
much fuel) air–fuel ratio problem. After checking all of
airflow and air vane sensors include:
the basics and not finding any fault in the fuel system,
the technician checked the archives of the International Diagnostic
Automotive Technicians Network ( and Trouble Code Description Possible Causes
discovered that a broken spring inside the air flow sen-
P0100 Mass or volume • Open or short in mass
sor was a possible cause. The sensor was checked and
airflow circuit airflow circuit
a broken vane return spring was discovered. Replacing
problems • Defective MAF sensor
the air flow sensor restored the engine to proper operat-
ing conditions and it passed the emission test. P0101 Mass airflow • Defective MAF sensor
circuit range (check for false air)
P0102 Mass airflow • Defective MAF sensor
If the fuel trim is negative (removing fuel) at idle, yet is positive circuit low • MAF sensor circuit open
(adding fuel) at higher engine speeds, a contaminated MAF sen- output or shorted-to-ground
sor is a likely cause. Other tests for a contaminated MAF sensor
• Open 12-volt supply
voltage circuit
 At WOT, the grams per second, as read on a scan tool,
P0103 Mass airflow • Defective MAF sensor
should exceed 100.
circuit high • MAF sensor circuit
 At WOT, the voltage, as read on a digital voltmeter, output shorted-to-voltage
should exceed 4 volts for an analog sensor.
 At WOT, the frequency, as read on a meter or scan tool,
should exceed 7 kHz for a digital sensor.
If the readings do not exceed these values, then the MAF sensor
is contaminated.

1. A mass airflow sensor actually measures the density and 3. A hot wire MAF sensor uses the electronics in the sensor
amount of air flowing into the engine, which results in ac- itself to heat a wire 70°C above the temperature of the air
curate engine control. entering the engine.
2. An air vane sensor measures the volume of the air, and
the intake air temperature sensor is used by the PCM to
calculate the mass of the air entering the engine.

1. How does a hot film MAF sensor work? 4. How is a MAF sensor tested?
2. What type of voltage signal is produced by a MAF? 5. What is the purpose of a MAF sensor?
3. What change in the signal will occur if engine speed is 6. What are the types of airflow sensors?

440 CHAPTER 31
1. A fuel-injection system that does not use a sensor to indicates that the PCM is defective. Which technician is
measure the amount (or mass) of air entering the engine is correct?
usually called a(n) ______________ type of system. a. Technician A only
a. Air vane-controlled b. Technician B only
b. Speed density c. Both Technicians A and B
c. Mass airflow d. Neither Technician A nor B
d. Hot wire 7. A MAF sensor on a General Motors 3800 V-6 is being
2. Which type of sensor uses a burn-off circuit? tested for contamination. Technician A says that the sen-
a. Hot wire MAF sensor sor should show over 100 grams per second on a scan
b. Hot film MAF sensor tool display when the accelerator is depressed to WOT
c. Vane-type airflow sensor on a running engine. Technician B says that the output
d. Both a and b frequency should exceed 7,000 Hz when the accelerator
3. Which sensor has a switch that controls the electric fuel pedal is depressed to WOT on a running engine. Which
pump? technician is correct?
a. VAF a. Technician A only
b. Hot wire MAF b. Technician B only
c. Hot filter MAF c. Both Technicians A and B
d. Karman Vortex sensor d. Neither Technician A nor B
4. Two technicians are discussing Karman Vortex sensors. 8. Which airflow sensor has a dampening chamber?
Technician A says that they contain a burn-off circuit to a. A vane airflow
keep them clean. Technician B says that they contain a b. A hot film MAF
movable vane. Which technician is correct? c. A hot wire MAF
a. Technician A only d. A Karman Vortex
b. Technician B only 9. Air that enters the engine without passing through the air-
c. Both Technicians A and B flow sensor is called ______________.
d. Neither Technician A nor B a. Bypass air
5. The typical MAF reading on a scan tool with the en- b. Dirty air
gine at idle speed and normal operating temperature is c. False air
______________. d. Measured air
a. 1 to 3 grams per second 10. A P0102 DTC is being discussed. Technician A says that a
b. 3 to 7 grams per second sensor circuit shorted-to-ground can be the cause. Tech-
c. 8 to 12 grams per second nician B says that an open sensor voltage supply circuit
d. 14 to 24 grams per second could be the cause. Which technician is correct?
6. Two technicians are diagnosing a poorly running engine. a. Technician A only
There are no diagnostic trouble codes. When the MAF b. Technician B only
sensor is unplugged, the engine runs better. Technician A c. Both Technicians A and B
says that this means that the MAF is supplying incorrect d. Neither Technician A nor B
airflow information to the PCM. Technician B says that this


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