Unit 4 Ends of Human Acts and The Norms of
Unit 4 Ends of Human Acts and The Norms of
Unit 4 Ends of Human Acts and The Norms of
1. Natural Appetency
2. Sense Appetency
3. Rational Appetency
Whenever man does something, it is for the
purpose of achieving something perceived by
him as desirable regardless as to whether or not
it is truly good or evil.
Kinds of Ends
The End of the Act is the end toward which the act of its
own nature tends.
The End of the Agent is intention of the doer in doing the
The End of the Act is objective while the End of the Agent is
Proximate End
Ifit is willed for its own sake then it is an Ultimate End. On the
other hand, if it is willed as a means to an end then it is an
Intermediate End
Norms of Morality
The standards of what is right and wrong in human acts are the
Norms of Morality.
These Norms of Morality are the laws (as objective norm) and
conscience (as subjective norm).
1. Certain
2. Doubtful
3. Correct
4. False
Types of Erroneous Conscience
1. Vincible Erroneous
2. Invincible Erroneous
Resolving a Practical Doubt
A doubt can be manifested in a failure to reach either an
Absolute Certitude or Moral Certitude.
Absolute Certitude
Moral Certitude
“Forming one’s conscience”
Moral Certitude can be reached either directly or
Direct Method