Conscience and Sin - Daily Meditations for Lent
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Conscience and Sin - Daily Meditations for Lent - S. Baring-Gould
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S. Baring-Gould
Conscience and Sin
First digital edition 2017 by Anna Ruggieri
Ash Wednesday.
God has created man for a purpose, and that purpose is, that he should attain to everlasting blessedness.
God is good and loving unto all His works. He made the plants and the beasts, and set them ends toaccomplish here on earth, but the ends for which man was made are not to be attained in this life.
Through the Fall man’s mind is darkened, his connexion with God is broken, his sight of the aim to which he should tend is obscured. God has given to him Hislaw as the rule of his actions, that man, hearkening to the revealed Will of God, may be guided aright, and so accomplish that end for which he was made, and attain finally to everlasting blessedness.
Every act of man that is in conformity with the revealed law of God isgood.
Every act of man that is contrary to this revealed law of God isbad.
Every act that is in conformity with the law of God is not onlyactuallygood, but it isrelativelygood—that is to say, it tends to our individual advantage. Itis not only good in the sight of God, but it is profitable to our own selves.
So also is the converse true, that every act done against the law of God isactuallyandrelativelybad; it is bad in the sight of God, and it does injury to our own selves.
Now, in order that we may be able to judge whether our acts are in conformity with the law of God, He has set in us a faculty which has the office of applying the law of God to our own circumstances; and this faculty tells us whether our acts are in conformity with or contrary to the external law of God. Thus we have the exterior law, and the interior faculty, which we may almost term a law, and this inner law is calledConscience.
II.The revealed law of God, considered in itself and in relation to God, its Author, is holy, inviolable, and inalterable. The law of the Lord is perfect, converting (orrestoring) the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of theLord is pure, enlightening the eyes. The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring for ever; the judgments of the Lord are true, and righteous altogether.... In them is Thy servant warned: and in keeping them there is great reward.
(Ps. xix. 7-11.)
But though the revealed law of God is fixed and immutable, yet when applied to the human Conscience it takes different forms, according to the state of the Conscience.
Hence it follows that the divine lawill-applied, so far from being a sure rule, may become perverted into a sanction whereby we evade the obligations laid on us, and authorize ourselves to commit that which is wrong.
We shall therefore have to consider:—
1. The nature of Conscience.
2. The obligation of obeying Conscience.
3. The different kinds ofConscience.
4. The rules of conduct relative to each sort of Conscience.
Simple Maltese Cross
First Thursday in Lent.
1. Conscience, which is the gift of God bestowed on all men,Christian and heathen, is that practical judgmentwhich points outto us what to avoid or what to do in any particular emergency thatmay arise. Just as we may know that there are certain laws ofnature, and our ready commonsense tells us, when varyingcircumstances arise, how we are to act so that the laws of naturemay be to our advantage instead of to our overthrow, so isConscience the commonsense application of the indwellingconsciousness of the distinction between right and wrong toemergencies, as they rise up and demand of us a choice betweenonecourse or another.
2. Conscience has a threefold exercise of its judgment.
(a)Before an actiontakes place, Conscience throws light on theaction contemplated or proposed, tells us its moral value, and ifthe Conscience judges that it isgood, then it counsels and permitsthe act. If, however, the Conscience judges that it is bad, then itdissuades from, and forbids the act.
(b)During an actionConscience is active, and in spite of all theclouds of prejudice and of passion that may have risen up, it bearstestimony to the true nature of our conduct, it either encouragesus to carry it through, not to be supine about it, not to abandonit before it is completed, and so leave it imperfectlyaccomplished, but to carry it through to the end, thoroughly andcompletely. Or else, Conscience does not cease from turning usaside from the prosecution of the act which it disapproves; it actsas a drag, a check, and unless resisted will completely arrest usin the prosecution of that which it esteems to be bad.
(c)After an action, Conscience recompenses us by thesatisfaction we feel, the approval it accords to us for havingeither accomplished what it advised, or for having abandoned thatconduct which it disapproved. So S. Paul speaks of people beinga law unto themselves,
shewing the work of thelaw written in their hearts, their Conscience bearing witness, andtheir thoughts the meanwhile accusing, or else excusing, oneanother.
(Rom. ii. 14, 15.) This is the testimony ofthe Conscience,
the answer of the goodConscience
to which both S. Paul and S. Peter appeal.
3. We have seen that Conscience instructs, judges, and rewardsor punishes; but we must consider further, that Conscience does notcontrol the will of man, it merely dictates to the will what isright, and warns it as to what is wrong. It uses no constraint.Man’s will is free; Conscience clears the eyes of the mind,and shews it what conduces to welfare, and what to destruction, butit neither impels man irresistibly into the former course, norholds him back forcibly from taking the other. It shows man what ismedicine and what is poison, but it does not compel him to take oneand reject the other, for the will of man is absolutelyfree.
First Friday in Lent.
1. Conscience, in the order of religious life, is that which theCourt of Justice is in the order of public life, a court that hasbeen instituted by the legislature to keep discipline andwell-being in the State, to protect the individual in hisperson,his property, and his repute.
Thus Conscience takes the general laws of God and explains themin their bearings on our own conduct, and applies them to ourseveral cases. Also, Conscience sees to the execution of thelaw—that it shall be obeyed as well asacknowledged. Also,Conscience punishes every infraction of the law.
In other words, Conscience is theinterpreterof the law of God,it is thejudgesitting in judgment on us for our observance ornon-observance of the law, and it is theexecutionercarrying out thesentence against us. As interpreter, Conscience enlightens us as tothe requirements of God, explains to us what is obscure, andsmooths the way so that our wills, enlightened and ready to actwithout impediment, may take a direction one way or other.
An act does not becomejustorsinfultill the will has consented tothe advice of the Conscience as interpreter, or has turned againstit and deliberately gone contrary to what it has laid down. Everywilful sin is therefore a determinate revoltagainst God.
2. But Conscience is more than interpreter, judge andexecutioner; it is also ouraccuserand thewitnessagainst us.
As accuser, it pursues the guilty everywhere, into the innermostrecesses of the thoughts.
It sees clearly, it knows all thecircumstances, it declares withunhesitating voice both what is the nature of the sin, and what isthe condition of the sinner. Thus to the office of accuser itunites that ofwitness, presenting itself ever before the accused,with unshaken testimony. Ithas seen all; it has seen all as it is;and it has forgotten none of the circumstances.
Asjudge, it is enlightened with Divine illumination that piercesthrough all the mists of prejudice and clouds of passion, andnothing escapes from its vigilance.
Asjudge it is also severe, not easy and indifferent, for it hasnot its own law or humour to obey, but the divine law, which itinterprets and administers.
It is just, for it