Case Study

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Prestige Institute of management and

Submitted by :-
 Suyash Sharma
 Ayush Yadav
 Vishesh Shukla
 Introduction
 Rapid advancements
 Four V’s of Big Data
 Footmarks of AI in Education
 Big Data in Education
 An Interdisciplinary Approach to Educational Adoption of Big Data and AI
 Big Data And AI in Education
 Major Challenges into Education of Research
 Major Challenges into Education of Policy Making
 Major Challenges into Education of Industry
 Discussion and Conclusion
 References

The purpose of this case study is to present current status, opportunities, and
challenges of big data and AI in education.
we start with an overview of recent progress of big data and AI in education. Then
we present the major challenges and emerging trends. Finally, based on our
discussions of big data and AI in education, conclusion and future scope are
Rapid advancements

Rapid advancements in big data and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies have had
a profound impact on all areas of human society including the economy, politics,
science, and education. Thanks in large part to these developments, we are able to
continue many of our social activities under the COVID-19 pandemic. Digital tools,
platforms, applications, and the communications among people have generated vast
amounts of data (‘big data’) across disparate locations. Big data technologies aim at
harnessing the power of extensive data in real-time or otherwise 
Four V’s of Big Data.

 The characteristic attributes of big data are often referred to as the four V’s.
 Volume = amount of data.
 variety = diversity of sources and types of data .
 velocity = speed of data transmission and generation.
 veracity = the accuracy and trustworthiness of data.
Footmarks of AI in Education

Regarding education, our main area of interest here, the application of AI

technologies can be traced back to approximately 50 years ago. The first Intelligent
Tutoring System “SCHOLAR” was designed to support geography learning, and was
capable of generating interactive responses to student statements
 Research on AI in education over the past few decades has been dedicated to
advancing intelligent computing technologies such as intelligent tutoring systems,
robotic systems, and Chabot's.
Big Data in Education

With the breakthroughs in information technologies in the last decade, educational

psychologists have had greater access to big data. Concretely speaking, social media
(e.g., Facebook, Twitter), online learning environments [e.g., Massive Open Online
Courses (MOOCs)], intelligent tutoring systems (e.g., AutoTutor), learning
management systems (LMSs), sensors, and mobile devices are generating ever-
growing amounts of dynamic and complex data containing students’ personal
records, physiological data, learning logs and activities, as well as their learning
performance and outcomes.
An Interdisciplinary Approach to
Educational Adoption of Big Data and AI

In response to the new opportunities and challenges that the big data explosion and
AI revolution are bringing, academics, educators, policy-makers, and professionals
need to engage in productive collaboration. They must work together to cultivate our
learners’ necessary competencies and essential skills important for the 21st century
work, driven by the knowledge economy.
We highlight several overlapping spheres of interest at the intersection of research,
policy-making, and industry engagements.
Big Data And AI in Education
Major Challenges into Education of
Major challenges Possible solutions
• The mode of education is progressively • Adaptive educational tools and flexible
moving from a one-size-fits-all approach to learning systems will be needed to
precision education and individualized accommodate individual learners’ needs.

• AI research in education is currently focused • The research focus on deploying AI in

on intelligent computing technologies in a education needs to incorporate theories of
single domain. cognition and knowledge about individual
differences in student learning.
• The significant influence of AI and big data • Future studies should be aimed at using
technologies is a double-edged sword. educational technologies in the appropriate
context tailored to the characteristics of
individual learners.
Major Challenges into Education of
Policy Making
Major challenges Possible solutions
• In digitally-driven knowledge economies, • New methods of instruction, engagement,
traditional formal education systems are and assessment will need to be developed in
undergoing drastic changes or even a formal education to support lifelong education
paradigm shift. systems based on micro-credits or micro-

• A large number of pre-service and in-service • Effective teacher education and continuing
teachers are not ready to support and adopt education programs have to be designed and
new technologies. offered to support the adoption of these new

• There is a pressing need for privacy and • The government must seek an optimal
personal data protections against unauthorized balance between personal data collection and
disclosure, commercial exploitation, and other personal data protection in policy-making,
abuses. implementation, and enforcement.
Major Challenges into Education of
Major challenges Possible solutions
• The commercialization of intelligent • Building a reciprocal and sustained
educational tools and systems presents a set of partnership between academia and the
difficult challenges. education industry is strongly encouraged.
• Vocational and practical trainings need • Closer academia-industry collaboration with
radical changes to remain relevant and balanced human-oriented and machine-
prudent. assisted learning.
Discussion and Conclusion

Regarding the future development of big data and AI, we advocate an in-depth dialog
between the supporters of “cold” technology and “warm” humanity so that users of
technology can benefit from its capacity and not see it as a threat to their livelihood.
An equally important issue is that overreliance on technology may lead to an
underestimation of the role of humans in education. Remember the fundamental role
of schooling: the school is a great equalizer as well as a central socialization agent.
We need to better understand the role of social and affective processing (e.g.,
emotion, motivation) in addition to cognitive processing in student learning successes
(or failures). After all, human learning is a social behavior, and a number of key
regions in our brains are wired to be socially engaged

 forbes :-
 Hbr :- https://
 NCBI :-

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