Kinds of Writing Movements
Kinds of Writing Movements
Kinds of Writing Movements
is the process of using symbols (letters of the alphabet, punctuation and spaces) to
communicate thoughts and ideas in a readable form.
Finger Movement
– Is mostly employed in “vertical writing” and mainly in the formation of printed styles of
writing. Letters are formed by the actions of the thumb, index and the middle finger. This
is the movement employed by children, or generally by those with whom writing is an
unfamiliar process, it is otherwise called as the “push and Pull writing”.
a. It results to an inferior or poor quality of writing with lack of rhythm and speed.
b. Spacing is cropped up and the dashes are usually absent.
c. Finishes are done in irregular and abrupt manner or are varied between letters.
d. Pen usually starts resting on the paper and ends with short and abrupt strokes due to
limited and irregular movements of the fingers.
e. Shading is pronounced.
f. Lack of clear-cut, smooth and regular lines.
Hand Movement
It involves the action of the hand as a whole with the fingers playing but a minor role
(mainly in the formation of small letters) and the wrist is the pivotal of the lateral
Writing is produced by the movement of the hand and arm and also fingers in some cases.
The elbow is the pivotal of the lateral movement.
It involves the action of the entire arm without rest and is employed in very large writing.
Ornamental penmanship, blackboard writing, and by a few writers in making all the
capital letters are some of the writing where this movement is being employed.
Kinds of Writing