Platform Business Model.

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Digital Platform for the

Sharing of FARM Machinery in INDIA
AgriTrac App
India is a land of small farmers. Latest agriculture data shows that 67% of the agricultural land is
owned by marginal farmers with land holding lesser than 1 hectare. Approximately 85% of the
farmers belong to small and marginal category. Only 1% of farmer has land holding more than 10
hectares, called as large farmers. For such farmers, buying an agri-equipment or machinery is
neither affordable nor a viable option, and the same time with the shrinking land due to urbanization
and shortage of water resources and labour force shortage, all the solution rest on utilization of available
farming machinery in most efficient & cost effective.
The way Uber, Ola has revolutionized the urban transportation with the
help of digital platform, Same type of digital platform is the need of the hour for small and marginal
farmers , With advent of technology , affordable 4G data & multimedia mobile handset , it will be possible ,
only require is a Android/IOS based APP that will connect both party giver & taker along with other Agri
based fertilizer company & ads provider for better revenue generation for digital platform provider .
Platform, customers, sweetener ?

*Platform provider :- AgriTrac App-Digital platform like Web interface , Android/IOS APP. - application will help farmers get
affordable access to cutting-edge technology at their doorsteps. Farmers who wish to hire equipment can register using their
names, addresses and mobile numbers, and then order what they need , for this provided value , take Fees .
For example, if a farmer needs a rotovator with tractor for one acre of land, the app will show all the available equipment awithin
5, 20 and 50 km of the farmer’s set location, including their rates. The farmer can use the app or call the customer care to book the
equipment at a specific time and location.
*CUSTOMERS :- Agriculture Machinery equipment provider (Eg. tractor, Rotavator , Planters.)-With AGRITrac APP. , utilization of
assets will go up, production and productivity goes up, Income of farmers and tractor owners goes up with no additional
investment required ,
*CUSTOMERS :- Sowing/Planting/Harvesting – borrowing for Farming . - agri-equipment or machinery is neither affordable nor a
viable option. But at the same time farmer want to be ready to start work (land preparation, sowing, cultivation).
*CUSTOMERS :- Seeds/Fertilizer/organic compost etc bid directly to farmer .
*Sweetener :- Agriculture Advisory Service team. :- agricultural advisory services for various crops and boosts your crop yield ,
also provide time to time weather update & timing for corps , guideline for doing the proper scientific way of farming, crop
cultivation, sowing or harvesting of any crop or vegetables. Farmers can easily solve their farming problems related to pest or
insect attack or any problems which put them in a difficult situation.
Value added service for Each customer & platform user…

Customer Value received Value received Value provided to Value provided Customers Profile
from other from the other customers to the platform they attract
customers platform

Machinery Income & utilization of Information about Users traffic User Traffic/Fees , Agriculture payer
provider/ lender heavy farming M/C machinery Trust , reviews Advisory Service ,
requirement, trust , Seed/Fertilizer
Famers M/C Use of machinery during Information about Users traffic User Traffic/Fees , Linchpin &
borrower peak farming season in available m/c , charges, reviews , trust primary
reasonable fees on trust payer
correct time
Seeds/Organic Users Users Income User Traffic/Fees Need base payer
fertilizer /provider

Agriculture Audience (users) Feedback & publicity Specific information User Traffic /fees , Need base Sweetener
Advisory Service trust
Reduce cost, be more efficient and Machinery
bring profit by lending idle heavy provider/ Income of Machinery owner goes up.
lender (Payer)

Providing info like harvesting Provide seeds to

time, Weather details , farmer
Farming techniques , Soil
moisture or fertility details
Agriculture Advisory Service /provider
team/different Agri based app
integration on this platform
Income from selling
Monetary benefit against
technical consultation

Can help in increasing productivity by

about 30% and allow farmers to raise
second crop or multi-crop , production
Sowing/ and productivity goes up
Suit the Need of marginal Harvesting – Linchpin and primary payer both
and small farmers without borrowing for
high investment is the need Farming .
of the hour Reducing the need of high cost
manual labour ,
Value added service for Each customer & platform user…
App. Based platform tools hold great promise to promote agricultural transformation and benefit
smallholder farmers in the developing world , its also attract different type of associates famers users like
seeds/fertilizer sellers , Agri guru or new entrant who wants to do the farming by borrowing land and
without much investment on farming machine .
In his recent speech Indian PM promised to double farmers’ income in next five
years. These type of digital platform can help in increasing productivity by about 30% and allow farmers to
raise second crop or multi-crop, apart from reducing the need of high cost manual labour, with this app,
utilization of assets will go up, production and productivity goes up, Income of farmers and tractor owners
goes up with no additional investment required.

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